

30% Human, 40% Dwarf [Exiled or Mountain], 15% Wyvaran, 10% Goliath, 5% Others [Arctic Elf, Changeling, Ratfolk, etc.]


The city of Haggrimsdam is represented by the city council, which draws its members from each district of the city. Humans are the best represented, as are Dwarves and Goliath. Wyvarans and other Non-Human residents tend to be left out of consideration, which often leaves them to occupy the less pleasant parts of the city.


The civic core of the city is encircled by a high stone wall. In the centuries since it's construction, the wall has never been breached.

Industry & Trade

The majority of local trade and industry is derivative of other trades from farther afield. Metal ores and timber are gathered and imported to the city to be manufactured into more valuable goods. A great deal of raw precious metals are mined from the mountains, and several varieties of rare wood are available for sale here.


The center of the city was built on top of a cavernous, yet exceptionally sturdy, ancient Dwarven settlement. When the city was founded, the Dwarf population of that settlement had abandoned it several generations before, but the reason was never spoken of. It is still unknown what manner of things may yet remain therein.

LN Large city

  • Corruption +1; Crime +2; Economy +3; Law +1; Lore +3; Society +6
  • Qualities counterculture movement, magically attuned, monastic order, on the shoulders of giants, pious (Baldr)
  • Danger +10


  • Government: Council
  • Population 12,091 (30% Human, 40% Dwarf [Exiled or Mountain], 15% Wyvaran, 10% Goliath, 5% Others [Arctic Elf, Changeling, Ratfolk])


  • Base Value 9,600 gp; Purchase Limit 60,000 gp; Spellcasting 9th
  • Minor Items 4d4; Medium Items 3d4; Major Items 2d4
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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