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A Trip Away Inn's Merchants

At A Trip Away Inn, there is a rotating cast of merchants whom can be found pitched up outside.   Depending on the day you visit, you will find a handful of the following Merchants.   Phileas Lackett - Musical Instruments
(He/Him - Gnome)
Phileas is a romantic and a craftsman. Flappable and prone to weeping, the young gnome can hardly bear to part with his creations, all of which he has named. He is a terrible salesman, and will increasingly raise the price on any stringed instrument the characters are interested in, in the hope that they will lose interest. He occasionally stocks brass or percussion instruments- against his better taste and judgment and will let them go very easily, not even bothering to haggle. Once or twice, to no one’s greater surprise than his own, he has created a magical instrument, although he has absolutely no idea how, and no conceivable way of replicating it.   Englebert Proudfood - General Goods / Fence
(He/Him - Halfling)
Englebert poses his business as a sort of general store, but it’s quickly apparent to any characters that can read the subtly placed thieves' cant around his shop that he’s willing to deal with goods that may have been stolen from their owners. Englebert looks much younger than his ninety years. For a time he lived a life of adventure, ransacking tombs and time-forgotten structures. His aversion to danger eventually led him down his current mercantile path. However, his sticky fingered tendencies have led to a business that’s not entirely on the up and up. Englebert is eager to deal with any sort of adventuring type, longing for stories that remind him of his youth and the adrenaline rush of the unknown.   Gnull - Animal Merchant
(They/Them - Half-Orc)
Gnull is intimidating at first glance. His hulking, muted green muscles ripple out of a leather jerkin that struggles to stay clasped. His well-kept hair is tied back into a raven-black topknot. The intimidating first impression falls away quickly, however, with casual observation. Gnull handles each of the animals that have found their way into his care with the gentlest loving touch. He sees himself more as a caretaker and matchmaker than a merchant, taking the placement of every creature in his care as seriously as if he were finding a home for his own child. As such, he can be particular about who he’s willing to sell one of his little beasties to. Most of the animals in Gnull’s care find themselves there due to some unfortunate circumstance that left them injured or abandoned. He carefully rehabilitates the creatures and finds them suitable caretakers. In doing so, Gnull also teaches the creatures in his care basic commands in Common, to help ease the transition to their new caretaker.   Loveck Haverstock - Potions
(He/Him - Gnome)
Loveck Haverstock is a gnome adept at brewing all manner of potions. He travels near and far, collecting ingredients to brew anything from simple healing potions to potions capable of allowing you to breathe underwater. His wanderlust keeps him from setting up shop in any location for too long, and he will often move on from a place after only a day or two. He is erratic and scatterbrained, often jumping from one point of conversation to the next, rapidly, and expecting you to keep up. He loves to hear suggestions of places to travel next, especially if there are new or rare ingredients for him to try in his potions. If he happens to be at the tavern when the circus is there, he’ll often stay and follow them as they leave, insisting that traveling with them for a time is always quite profitable. He also has a small pseudodragon pet, named Aeris, that constantly flitters from his shoulder to different perches around his merchant tent. He and Strychnine do not get along, and he will often move along quickly if she’s currently visiting the tavern.   Hasha Issi - Armour & Shields
(She/Her - Dragonborn)
Hasha is a silver Dragonborn with an affinity for metal. She is proud but not boastful, and her armour reflects that. There is a beauty to her work that shows how she imparts her full attention to each piece. Most of her plate and shields have simple yet beautiful patterned linework, and some pieces even employ a Damascus steel patterning: a swirling almost hypnotic, amalgamation of metals. She is direct and to the point when dealing with customers, offering her wares at the proposed price and mostly unwilling to bargain. Any items purchased will be prepared for the recipient with a mirrorlike shine before being handed over. The key to her heart, however, is to request a commission. Hasha can offer any of her offered armours at a master-crafted level.   Kitaela Kragblade - Weapons
(She/Her - Dwarf)
Kitaela is a jovial, personable character. Her long red braids flail wildly as she works the forge. She is pale by dwarven standards, which makes her red hair even more fiery. Her mother was a smith, and her mother’s mother was a smith, so she inevitably fell into the family business. She spent several years working for an Empire's chief bladesmith, but the pageantry she was expected to keep up as a part of that job was more than she could bear. Since then it’s been a life on the road, seeing new places and people, and making friends everywhere she goes. She is happy to spend her evenings drinking in the tavern, listening to Sirni’s tall tales, or challenging the Two-Timing Twins to a knife-throwing contest. Kitaela will take commission work, offering master-crafted versions of any weapon she has on sale.   Hasha Atkar - Ammunition
(She/Her - Dragonborn)
Hasha Atkar is the younger, hot-blooded sister of Hasha Issi, the armourer. Her silver skin is slightly lighter than her sister’s, and Issi has a whole head on her in height. After a childhood and adolescence in her sister’s shadow, Atkar has made it her mission to outsmart her sister, and now devises stronger and more devious ammunition, specifically intended to outwit her sister’s designs. She cannot bear to be in the same marketplace as Issi, and the sisters will never have a stall set up at the same time. The competition is entirely one sided, and Issi accepts it with a patience that Atkar finds utterly infuriating. Atkar can also be commissioned to construct arrows or bolts of slaying, though this process will take time.   Ma Motwicke - Magical Clothing & Jewellery
(She/Her - Halfling)
With a face that is more smile lines than features, and so tiny that she is often mistaken for a gnome, Maggy ‘Ma’ Motwicke is a local legend. An unrivalled seamstress, Ma Motwicke has provided suits, gowns, coats and cloaks for half the local nobility over the past century, but also has a soft spot for those in need. Many is the pauper’s wedding where a bride or groom, stepping out for the first time, has amazed onlookers with a magnificent ensemble- fitted to perfection- that mysteriously appeared on their doorstep overnight. Rather uncannily, Ma always delivers what people need, rather than what they want. She has the somewhat maddening habit of entirely ignoring any design requests, no matter how much they were agreed upon to begin with. The item she produces will unerringly be more remarkable and flattering than the one proposed, and no one ever leaves unhappy, even if they feel like they want to.   Willor - Scrolls & Books
(She/Her - Human)
Willor is a bookworm, with a love of the written word. She has full alopecia and wears thick round glasses that she doesn’t need, in order to appear more bookish and harmless to customers. Outwardly, she is an eclectic and eccentric seller of books and magical scrolls, and waxes lyrical on random trivia. She will often have a vast array of books about the world due to being extremely well travelled.   Brother Beleric - Blessings & Enchantments
(He/Him - Human)
Brother Beleric is the beardy and unkempt priest of a local temple, and appears to be perennially hungover. His drinking, profanity, and general lack of any kind of reverence might well be the reason why he has been posted to A Trip Away Inn far outside any major conurbation and unable to do any damage- doling out minor blessings in return for donations. His faith is rock solid, however, and he would argue that it is politics he has no time for, not piety. Being stationed outside A Trip Away has its perks, and he has a respect bordering on veneration for Nix The Mixologist's abilities behind the bar.   "The Broker" - Magical Weapons
Each time the stall is visited, the merchant will be a different individual, of any race or gender. Each time, the figure wears nondescript yet neat and well-made grey clothing, and- if asked- will only identify themselves as The Broker. They are polite but frugal in their conversation, and any obvious prying or hostility may well result in being ushered away by the pair of Hobgoblin guards who are a constant feature of the stall. If anyone in A Trip Away Inn is asked about them, they have no further knowledge about the Broker(s), other than that they pay well and behave themselves. They always set up the stall before dawn, and only leave once night falls. Flip Krongovsko is aware that a cart drops them off and picks them up, but has no interest in following them or causing trouble.   Amara Balfil - Magical Items
(She/Her - High Elf)
Amara is high-born and she lets you know it. She is immediately suspicious of any character shabbily dressed, as she is paranoid about thieves. She tries to keep her eye on everything, regardless of the fact that Tia and Mia themselves keep a keener eye on all the merchant tents. She loves collecting magical items from a number of vendors in the different cities she frequents. She suffers the occasional trip to A Trip Away Inn, finding that the tavern can provide customers with the coin necessary to deal with her. She is lavishly clothed in a brightly coloured dress, and wears gemmed rings and a gaudy necklace she is also very protective of. All her jewellery appear to be quite expensive.   J'Heer - Exotic Goods
(He/Him - Dragonborn)
J'Heer is a Blue Dragonborn who often has the noisiest Cart and Stall. Many of his crates and cages rattle with the anger of the creature inside. Though he carries a pair of daggers on his hips, he's no warrior. J'Heer's skills are very much in the art of negotiation and sales. References are often made to "my employers", but names are never used but there is a distinst sound of fear and respect in the Dragonborn's voice. His preferred trade route appears to be between A Trip Away Inn and Vlarith.

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