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The Southern City of Vlarth.   The first port of call for the nomadic Dragonborn tribes (known as Vanhu).   Proud of their Freshwater Pearl Farms.


85% Dragonborn 10% Kobold 5% Other


The city has Head Priest appointed by The High Priest of the Twin-Temples. The Head Priest is meant to work with the other Priests within their city, whilst also accepting the High Priest's guidance.


Large stone walls surround the city. Within the city are the Vlarian Guard as well as a sizeable cohort of The Divine Hand. Some also speak of "The Watcher On High", but it's unclear as to what this refers too.

Industry & Trade

  • Water
  • Fish
  • Pearls
  • Cactus Fruit

  • Books
  • Knowledge
  • Artifacts
  • Relics
  • Trained Soldiers
  • Fresh Fruits & Vegatables


  • The Docks
  • Moisture Farming
  • Forge District


  • Knowledge
  • Fish
  • Pearls
  • Cactus Fruit

Guilds and Factions

  • Vanhu Embassy
  • Farming Guild
  • Smithing Guild


As the Dragonborn settlers the Nuthra Sands looking for new, viable options to expand, they happened upon a natural harbour with an abundance of life under the water.   A small settlement was established and the local people began to fish and eventually farm Pearls too.   After a little time, The Vanhu began to cross paths with the settlement.
A mutual respect was formed, and a system of trade between the Vlarians and Vanhu. It was through these trades that the people of Vlarith learned about the edible Cactus Fruit and basic moisture farming techniques.


The Southern Wall shows clear signs of wear and tear from being blasted by the sandstorms from Nuthra Sands.   Every building's exterior is built from pale-looking stone and uses wood for the framework. The majority of building have either a square or rectangular base. The Southernmost corners of important building all point to the Nuthra Sands in the South. This is to help reduce the erosion caused by the sandstorms.   The closer to the centre of the city you get, the more dense and tall the building become.


Based within the desert, but also on the coast. The heat and dryness is balanced by the access to water.


Vlarith is blessed with a year-round summer. This blessing is also a curse as there is a distinct lack of rain to provide water for the crops or drinking. (Thankfully, the Moisture Farms and irrigation compensate for this.) Whilst the city is also kissed by breeze, it comes in the form of Sandstorms from the Nuthra Sands.

Natural Resources

  • Water
  • Fish
  • Cactus Fruit & Flowers


  • Vlarith - City Map
Inhabitant Demonym
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Articles under Vlarith