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Aegon Talis


A male Drow, resident of Mistglade and a member of the village's Small Council. He is a well respected member of the village and is often looked to in times of hardship for guidance and wisdom, as his leadership skills are a comfort to many of the residents.

Physical Description

Body Features

Aegon is a slender and average height Drow male, standing around 5"8. He has shoulder length white hair, shorn on both sides; dark red eyes and pale lavander skin.   Across his face are a trio of scars from a wolf attack which struck Mistglade many years ago.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aegon has been on the surface for approximately 105 years, and is one of the many Drow of Mistglade who originally came from the Underdark, surfacing after discovering the light of Eilistraee and the desire to see the surface world. He was born in the Underdark, in a city connected to the tunnels of Dhala Mugen, and upon his arrival at the outpost of Shevarash's clergy at the mouth of said tunnels, he was questioned by them to assertain his purpose on the surface, and then guided to Mistglade to begin reintegration into this new world and society.   He came to appreciate the work Mistglade does so much that he opted to stay permanently, and eventually became a member of their Small Council, to give something back after the years of love and restoration given to him.   When not attending council meetings, he is often found at Dhala Mugen, assisting to clergy of Shevarash in updating their maps of the Underdark.


While not attending council meetings or assisting the clergy of Shevarash at Dhala Mugen, Aegon is a keen botanist and enjoys growing medicinal herbs in his garden.

Personality Characteristics


Having witnessed first hand the guidance of Eilistraee successfully bringing him back to the light of the Seldarine and allowing him to see the surface world, Aegon desires nothing more than to see all his Drow kin given the same opportunity. He desires equality for his people, and acceptance for them among the other races who might normally scorn them.


Religious Views

When he lived in the Underdark, Aegon followed the worship of the Dark Seldarine, as was expected of a male Drow of his class. In particular he offered prayers to Keptolo in hopes of becoming what a male Drow should in their society.   He was never entirely satisfied and never felt a true connection to his dark Gods, until he began hearing whispers of a shrine to Eilistraee, upon visiting it, more out of morbid curiosity than anything else, he began to feel differently about his life in the Underdark and with her guidance, eventually left.   Since reaching the surface and settling into the life of a Seldarine Drow, Aegon has come to follow the 12 member of the Seldarine equally, and always offers a prayer of gratitude to the Goddess who helped him reach the light.
Chaotic Good
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Halfling, Sylvan, Undercommon


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