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Keptolo (kep-TOE-low)

The Eager Consort

The ideal of what a male Drow can become, Keptolo is handsome, stylish, witty, hedonistic, an outrageous flatterer, and sought after as a lover. He is also dangerous in his aspects as a subtle assassin and a whisperer of rumours. For those attributes, he is worshiped by ambitious males who hope to emulate him. Some succeed admirably and achieve great things beyond the reach of most males, but many more succumb to excesses of the flesh, dissipation, and disease, or they are ruined or murdered by a rival-who is also a true disciple of Keptolo.   In most myths, Keptolo resides in the Demonweb Pits alongside Lolth, whom he serves as consort, more than a plaything but much less than an equal. Keptolo is a bitter enemy of Zinzerena, who deceives and uses him as a tool in many of the stories about the Dark Seldarine.

Divine Domains

Nature, Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A mushroom

Tenets of Faith

Many Drow males worship the Eager Consort for his association with drinking and sex. Tales of his exploits in that latter area are quite popular, and performers are known to act them out during festivals or for private gatherings. The Eager Consort is also worshiped by many ambitious and subservient Drow males who hope to imitate him and his dedication to Lolth.   Keptolo's clerics seek to emulate their patron in all ways, and thus are among the most handsome and charming of Drow males. They typically become advisors, philosophers, and politicians - positions which require very little actual work. They are capricious, untrustworthy and very dangerous, most of them skilled poisoners and spies. They are deferential to Lolth's priestesses, and attentive to the matrons of great houses, but tend to be abusive and manipulative in other relationships.   The holy symbol of Keptolo is a stylized mushroom, which in Drow culture is associated with both strong drink, and fertility.

Physical Description

Body Features

Avatar of the God:

Keptolo usually appears as an elegant, handsome young Drow noble, dressed in fine silks of amber; red; jet and purple, with a velvet cloak fit for a hunt. His pure white hair is shoulder length, often slicked back or tied into a short tail. His skin is a rich shade of wisteria purple, and his angled eyes are a traditional deep scarlet.
Divine Classification
God of the Dark Seldarine
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Eager Consort


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