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Deep Sashelas (deep SÆSH-ul-us)

Lord of the Undersea

An Elven deity who is solely dedicated to the protect and preservation of the oceans and seas, with a deep affection for Sea Elves and other sea living entities.   He answers directly to Corellon Larethian, but works closely with the entire Seldarine.   While considering the Dark Seldarine a fierce enemy, Deep considers Eilistraee a friend, it is thought to be mutual.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

A dolphin

Tenets of Faith

Mainly worshiped by Sea Elves, as their patron deity and creator. In each settlement it is not unusual to find a temple dedicated to the Dolphin Prince, typically looking like a giant shell.   Sometimes, other races seek him out as a patron out of interest in water magic.   His clergy are collectively referred to as Delphions, and other terms for the faithful include: the Impure (novices the Bathed (Acolytes and Delphites (high priests).

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Deep Sashelas' presence is often felt across the seas, and he seeks to be on good terms with underwater races beyond the sea elves; to do so he relies upon the charisma which makes him a natural leader, and on his skills as a mediator.   He is known to guide sea-faring travellers to safety, to protect sea-living creatures from danger, and to protect the oceans and seas from all threats.

Physical Description

Body Features

Avatar of the God:

Deep's avatar form takes the shape of a handsome male Sea Elf with blue-green skin and oceanic eyes. His hair is long, slicked back and jet black in colour, often braided with sea-found trinkets such as shells and pearl-beads.  


When not using the form of his avatar, Deep has been known to also appear to his followers in the following ways:
  • A twinkle of light from afar that, if followed by worshipers, leads them to a safe place.
  • A small vent from which bubbles of air escape. He appears in this form in Sea Elf communities, to warn them of potential threats or attacks.
  • A dolphin-shaped vision made of water with a silver glow. He uses this form when communicating with Sea Elf communities.
Divine Classification
God of the Seldarine
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of the Undersea, The Dolphin Prince, Sailor's Friend, The Knowledgeable One, The Creator.


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