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Fenmarel Mestarine (FEHN-muh-rel MESS-tuh-reen)

The Lone Wolf

The Elven God of outcasts and isolationists, a teacher and protector of isolated Elves and Elven communities, his avatar is known to patrol their borders.   It is said that prior to Lolth's betrayal, Fenmarel was her adulterous partner. He was among the first to be seduced by her promise of power, but was able to break free from her and return to the Seldarine before his own betrayal spiralled into anything too serious.   Despite his current good relationship with the rest of the Seldarine, he often refuses to engage or have contact with them unless absolutely necessary, and it is said that only the beauty and gentleness of Sehanine Moonbow is able to bring him into the council halls of the Seldarine.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Two peering Elven eyes

Tenets of Faith

Those most likely to worship Fenmarel are pariahs and tribes of Wild Elves struggling to survive in a world which can be most hostile to their kind. Each independent group worships and celebrates the God in their own unique way, a representation of the chaotic nature of a profoundly paranoid deity.   Most clergy of Fenmarel prefer to call themselves shamans, not priests, though many choose different titles, or bare no title at all. They offer training in techniques often viewed as underhand by many, including poisoning; guerrilla warfare and deception.   Rather than using ostentatious temples, the followers of Fenmarel Mestarine construct hidden shrines. Each shrine varies depending on the individual or tribe who constructs them, but the builders often include a token relating to their isolation as well as plant and animal materials indicative of local threats, shelter and food sources.


He has no specific holy days, instead each individual follower venerates the Lone Wold in personal worship services of their own devising.

Physical Description

Body Features

Avatar of the God:

In his avatar form, Fenmarel takes the appearance of a male Elf with long straw coloured hair, often pulled up into a messy bun to keep it out of his way, he is frequently seen dressed in a huntsman's attire, predominantly furs, hides and leaves.   His skin, which when standing in the open sunlight is a warm bronze, tends to shift colour to match his surroundings much like a cloak of Elvenkind when he is attempting to blend in. His eyes are a dark brown, but gently shift between a mossy green and ocean blue depending on his mood and surroundings.
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Lone Wolf


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