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Ghaunadaur (GON-ah-dowr)

This entity is most often referred to as That Which Lurks, because uttering its real name risks attracting its attention. Its actual form, if it even has one, is unknown; it's most often represented as an ooze-like creature with many tentacles or a purple pupil surrounded by black instead of white. The liquid nature of Ghaunadaur is symbolic of its unpredictable nature, which is what makes attracting its attention so risky. It occasionally rewards its followers with supernatural powers or wealth, but it's equally likely to curse its faithful with hideous torments and afflictions.   A subterranean hunter who whispers Ghaunadaur's name might stumble into a forgotten treasure trove, while a devoted priestess who offers long prayers and valuable sacrifices is consumed by a gelatinous cube. The entity's random behaviour can be an attraction to Drow who lack status and are desperate to achieve it. A small sacrifice and a prayer to That Which Lurks might simply go unnoticed by Ghaunadaur, or it might punish the petitioner, but there is also a chance of receiving a great reward.   Worship of That Which Lurks is widespread in the Underdark. Not just Drow pay respect to it. Even creatures that are considered to be mindless, such as oozes and jellies, sometimes behave in ways that seem consistent with reverence for That Which Lurks.   Those who are faithful to Lolth often oppose Ghaunadaur's cultists, driving them into hiding or forcing them into open conflict. Some priestesses and scholars believe that this enmity exists because Ghaunadaur betrayed Lolth shortly after she betrayed Corellon Larethian. In these legends, Ghaunadaur tried to curry favour with Corellon and recapture his earlier formless nature by turning on Lolth. Ghaunadaur's double act of betrayal brought retribution from both gods, and he was cast down into the world as a skinless, boneless mass. Other stories portray Ghaunadaur as an incredibly ancient and ineffable deity, one of the so-called Great Old Ones. Both claims might have merit, because the truth about the time of the birth of gods can never be known for certain.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

A purple eye with black sclera

Tenets of Faith

The Church of Ghaunadaur consists of scattered cult-like factions throughout the Underdark, each dominated by a single individual. Clerics dedicated to this entity are required to serve only the Elder Eye completely and do whatever pleases it the most.   The main duty of Ghaunadaur Clerics is to ensure, in any way necessary, that altars to That Which Lurks are supplied with a steady influx of sacrifices. Clerics successful in these sacrifices are often rewarded with magic power and items. It is particularly believed that Ghaunadaur favours creatures which willingly offer themselves to be sacrificed, whether they are charmed or coerced into it, or not. Clerics successful in bringing such sacrifices are often rewarded with the highest favour and ranks among the Church.   Ghaunadaur seemingly cares little about the bonds which tie the clergy together, as per his doctrine, clerics that murder one another to attain a higher status... Don't displease the Ancient Eye.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

All creatures have their place, and all are fit to wield power. Those who hunt weed out the weak and strengthen the stock of all. Those who rebel or who walk apart find new ways and try new things and do most to advance their races. Creatures of power best house the energy of life, which Ghaunadaur reveres and represents. Make sacrifices to the Eye, persuade others to sacrifice themselves to Ghaunadaur or in service of the Eye, further knowledge and fear of Ghaunadaur, and in the end give yourself to Ghaunadaur in unresisting self-sacrifice. Convert all beings to the worship of Ghaunadaur. Slay all clergy of other faiths, plundering their temples and holdings for wealth to better your own lot and to further the worship of Ghaunadaur.

Physical Description

Body Features

Avatar of the God:

Ghaunadaur frequently manifests to aid priests or worshipers as a reddish-purple giant slug, but at will can alter its form into an amorphous free-flowing shape like a jelly, rear up into a giant roper with up to 10 long purple tentacles, or appear as a sticky green substance which oozes from the ground.  


That Which Lurks has also been seen in the following forms:
  • A roiling purple cloud four-to-six feet across, with a great gold eye which opens at the centre to bathe a favoured creature in a fiery orange light.
  • Gelatinous cubes; giant ropers; gibbering mouthers; oozes; mephits; slimes
Divine Classification
God of the Dark Seldarine
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
That Which Lurks, The Elder Eye, The Lord of Slime, The Ancient One


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