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The majority of Horizon is submerged in the watery depths around the Maomer Archipelago, for the Sea Elves who dwell within this settlement are amphibious.   However, on the surface is a series of interlinking jetties and wooden structures containing a vast array of trading hubs, stores, bars, inns and restaurants. This are is referred to as the "Surface Quarter" and houses a few entrepreneurial Sea Elves from the Crystal Heart, as well as some races from the local mainland.   Upon the jetties of the Surface Quarter fishing is permitted, however only on jetties which are specifically marked with particularly colour coded railings. The Waveguard, Horizon's guard force, enforce this ruling to protect the local area and protect the sea life and populace below the surface.   Allowing for easy transport, there are Shallow Striders, large insect-like beasts which are able to dance across the surface of the water while permitting medium sized creatures to ride upon their backs. They are faster and a more environmentally friendly alternative to boats for use moving around the archipelago. The locals are rarely seen using them as the vast majority of the population is made up of Sea Elves and other amphibious beings.   As with any major settlement of the The Empire of the Rune Keepers there is a Temple District within the Crystal Heart, which houses the leadership of the city: the Seldarine Clergy of Horizon.


The vast majority of the population is made up purely of Sea Elf inhabitants, they are mostly congregated in the Crystal Heart beneath the water surface; the smaller demographics contain a splash of foreign species from the mainland and surface lands.


As depicted throughout the entire Empire, the will of the Seldarine is vastly important to the people of the Rune Keepers, and as such, the twelve High Priests and Priestesses of the Seldarine located in Horizon hold a great deal of political and governmental power.    If a new Magister position becomes available in Tor Malmo or Tor Uviel, the High Clergy of Horizon join with the other High Priests and Priestesses of the Seldarine to elect a new Magister into power.



The Waveguard are the elite guard force of Horizon, they patrol both the surface section and the submerged section, for the last two hundred and sixty years the guard has been under the command of Wave Commander Nerina Voyl.  
  • The guard sector which patrol the submerged section of the city use dolphin mounts and tridents, and look incredibly formidable when travelling the area in pods of 6 members.
  • The guards who patrol the Surface Quarter walk the jetties with tridents and crossbows, ready to enforce the laws of fishing and trade at a moment's notice.

Industry & Trade

The vast majority of industry revolves around fishing and the making of unique jewellery from oceanic gems and pearls found.   Fishing is extremely carefully regulated however, and those found poaching or setting up in the wrong locations often find themselves on the wrong side of the Wave Guard, and harsh punishments are handed out.


The Surface Quarter:

While the vast majority of the true population resides below the surface, there is a network of criss-crossed wooden jetties that make up what is referred to as the "Surface Quarter". These jetties connect across the Maomer Archipelago and make a random assortment of paths which slowly link to the mainland.   The Surface Quarter is essentially the trade district, established solely to cater to the needs of non-water breathing visitors and tourists, there are numerous of stores; bars; inns and restaurants run by either enterprising Sea Elves from below, or foreign individuals from the main land.   The jetties are ideal locations for fishing activities, however they are marked with colour coding to denote what they represent:  
  • Blue railings denote open waters that anyone can fish in, so long as they do so responsibly.
  • Green railings identify high-yield fishing areas, usually reserved for mercantile fishermen and women - a significant tax must be paid in order to be allowed to use them.
  • Red railings are located in areas which are directly above residential areas, and these jetties are therefore not permitted to be used for any fishing activity.
  The Waveguard will come down hard on any individuals who are found to be overfishing; fishing in the wrong locations or who are purposefully ignoring the laws of the region.    

The Crystal Heart:

Below the surface of the water, enormous stalks of glimmering gold and green seaweed stretch in a downward spiral for maybe a mile, disappearing within the darkened recesses of the oceanic setting. The would be leaves of these seaweed fronds are in fact bubbles of pressurised water, illuminated from within by arcane orbs of glimmering bright light which makes them look like the lure of the angler fish to untrained eyes, and within these bubbles are numerous storage buildings, the barracks for the Waveguard and the stables for their dolphin mounts. The sight of these stacks of light beads are renown for their hypnotic beauty as they look like luminescent pearls trailing deeper into the depths below.   Few visitors who lack in amphibious gifts venture far beyond the first few beads of light, whether due to respect for the Sea Elves space, or because they simply lack the means to go deeper. Alas, in their primitive states, these visitors miss out on the true nexus heart of Horizon, the core of its being, the genuine pearl of its shell.   The fronds of seaweed trail deep down into the dark abyss of the ocean, stretching on for a mile, maybe a little more, and anchor to the most beautiful hub of large crystalline hemispheres of pressurised water. Much larger than those featuring on the stalks above, this colony of illuminated baubles, house the entire population of Horizon's water dwelling citizens. Close to 100,000 Sea Elves live, work and enjoy themselves within the gorgeous spoke network of interconnected and interlinked force field like spaces.   Known to its population as the "Crystal Heart", this nexus of abodes, training grounds, temples and stores is considered the true Horizon. The Sea Elves are able to swim around each bubble with ease, their amphibian gifts making it an easy feat, and on the occasion where they might need to traverse to another orb, they make use of the available mounts: giant oceanic manta rays. Each one with a span between 20-30 feet, capable of carrying up to 10 medium creatures at a time without causing any issues with movement speed.  

The Temple District:

Within the Crystal Heart is the Temple District, which houses the twelve temples of the Seldarine. Each one dedicated to one of the twelve Gods; each temple is run by a High Priest or High Priestess of that specific God with a number of other clergy beneath them. Together they oversee the dedicated worship and protection of the Seldarine's faith.

Points of interest

The Surface Quarter's many stores and inns and food shops are a highlight of the town which is accessibly to the vast majority of the non-amphibious folk. The fishing jetties are a huge draw for tourists and traders.   If visitors are capable of water breathing, the Crystal Heart is an enormous place of beauty, tranquillity and magnificent architecture. It is the true beating heart of the settlement and is well worth exploring if visitors are capable.


The buildings of the Surface Quarter are beautiful, simplistic oval or round constructs made from timber frames connected with intricately woven lashings; thatched rooftops are of the highest quality of interwoven leafage; hay; straw; twigs and coconut fronds. The flooring is most often a stunning blend of sea-like themes, often soft white sands; pale soils; decorative coral and shells with a top layer of smooth pebbles and stones. Often the flooring is then covered with handmade woven mats.   The homesteads of the Crystal Heart are constructed from water resistant pale clay and brick, with a very simplistic design but beautiful decoration; many buildings only have two to three rooms with an open porch and pediment, they have stunningly detailed mosaic floors. Many of the smaller homes have a central wide passage which runs the entire length of the house and open at one side onto a small courtyard. But larger domiciles have fully developed peristyle courtyards at the centre, with rooms arranged around it. Some of the more high status homesteads have upper floors and grand staircases.   The Temple District is generally consistent with the materials of the rest of the Crystal Heart, water resistant pale clay and brick with luxurious mosaic flooring and grand pillars and buttresses decorated with statues and reliefs of the Seldarine members. There are, of course, twelve temples in the District dedicated to the twelve gods of the Seldarine.
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