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Nerina Voyl

Wave Commander

Nerina Voyl is a Sea Elf born and raised in Horizon, in the Crystal Heart beneath the waves.

Physical Description

Body Features

Nerina is a tall Sea Elf, standing at around 6" in height. She is slender but strong, weighing no more than 180lbs.   She has beautiful deep blue skin which turns to a shade of purple towards the tips of her fingers; toes and ears; and bares a number of scale like patches in iridescent hues of sea green across her skin, mostly around the joints.   Her long emerald green hair is kept tied back in a viking-esque style, with a number of braids adorned with metallic trinkets and her remaining silver eye glint like pearls found in clams, while the other is covered by an eyepatch.   As with all Sea Elves, she bares the traditional gills, webbed hands and webbed feet and rarely wears any kind of shoes or boots as they are merely restrictive.

Identifying Characteristics

  • Webbed hands and feet
  • Eyepatch concealing missing eye

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rebellious in her youth, but always loving and adoring her home, Nerina eventually enrolled in the Wave Guard after one too many run ins after pranks gone wrong.   Being in the Wave Guard changed her for the better, gave her a feeling of purpose and something to work towards. She became more responsible, more reliable and climbed the ranks of the Guard, finding a found family among her fellow protectors.   When a Kraken attacked the Crystal Heart, Nerina was among the Guard present to defend their home, and though the beast took one of her eyes she gained something from the encounter. The first whispers of divinity reaching out to her. When she had been broken and bleeding and hope had seemed lost, the murmering of the Dolphin Prince had soothed her fears and been a balm to the pain.   Upon recovering, Nerina followed this new found connection she felt and began praying more regularly at the Temple of Deep Sashelas, and sure enough, she found herself learning the ways of the Clerics.   Many years later, and after a great deal of maturing and time spent defending the place she called home, Nerina was elected as the new Wave Commander when her predescessor stepped down. She accepted the position and has served at the behest of the city ever since.


Family Ties

Nerina has been married to her wife for over three hundred years, they live happily together with their two adopted children in the Crystal Heart. Her wife, Cordelya is a fellow Sea Elf and works as a Priestess in the Temple of Corellon Larethian.

Religious Views

She is a follower of the Seldarine, and a Cleric of Deep Sashelas.
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Current Residence
The Crystal Heart


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