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House Emberveil

House Emberveil is a relatively young noble house, formed less than 150 years ago. They have built a reputation for their mastery over illusion magic, particularly specializing in concealing objects, locations, and even people. Many see them as experts in espionage, subtlety, and manipulation, and their services are often sought by those seeking secrecy and discretion. Though their methods are shrouded in mystery, their influence has been steadily rising in the political scene of The Dragonlands.


House Emberveil prizes intelligence, secrecy, and subtlety above all else. Members of the house are trained from a young age in the arts of deception, subterfuge, and magic. They are a close-knit group, mistrusting outsiders and valuing family bonds, but their internal politics can be equally ruthless. Illusion magic, cryptic rituals, and hidden knowledge play a major role in their daily lives.

Public Agenda

House Emberveil presents itself as a noble house focused on magical research and the development of illusionary wards to protect Rokthorl.


  • Extensive knowledge of illusion magic and enchantments.
  • A network of spies and informants embedded throughout Rokthorl and beyond.
  • Ownership of several rare magical artefacts that enhance their illusion magic.
  • Strong influence over trade involving magical scrolls and enchanted items.
  • History

    House Emberveil's rise to power is deeply rooted in their ability to serve as the unseen hand in Dragonborn politics. The house was founded during a time of civil unrest when powerful families sought control over Rokthorl. The Emberveils, originally a family of skilled mages and advisors, used their talents in illusion magic to conceal troop movements and undermine rival houses without ever being detected. Their cunning during these conflicts earned them favour with more prominent noble houses, who eventually elevated them to nobility as a reward for their service.

    Foreign Relations

    House Emberveil has tenuous but strategic ties to Clan Shadowtalon, with both houses recognizing each other's strengths in stealth and subterfuge. They maintain a subtle rivalry with House Blackclaw due to their shared expertise in shadow magic, though neither house openly admits to it. Their discreet approach has also made them invaluable to some more prominent noble houses, who rely on them for intelligence gathering and covert operations.

    Where Smoke Rises, Shadows Dance.

    Court, Noble
  • The Veilspire, a secluded tower hidden deep in Rokthorl’s outskirts. Known only to trusted allies and family members, the Veilspire is where the Emberveil conduct their magical experiments and craft their enchanted items.
  • The Warded Halls, a secret underground network where the house stores confidential information, conducts meetings, and trains its members in illusion magic and espionage.
  • Location
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