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Lord Cassian Yamaris


Known to formerly have been associated to the Spring Court in centuries long past, serving at the behest of King Oberon and the Seelie Court during the Cataclysm as a Roquen and warrior of renown.   Now adays he identifies himself to any and all as a Wild Fey, no longer a member of the Spring Court though he maintains many of the positive relationships fostered during his time there. He roams the Feywild, and sometimes the Material Plane, with his infamous Carnival, bringing joy and pleasantry to any and all who seek it.

Physical Description

Body Features

As a tall, lithe Elven figure he cuts an impressive pose among other Fey, often seen garbed in an impressive and formal tailcoat and tophat, sporting colours representing all the Seasonal Courts of the Feywild.   His features are similar to those of an Eladrin but exaggerated even further beyond, long ears and angular sharp facial features are only partially visible beneath the half mask concealing the right side of his face, though what can be seen is clearly chiselled and precise.   Long locks of well kept silver hair tumble around his shoulders and highlight similarly hued eyes, cunning but kind.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord, Roquen
Seelie Court


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