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Seelie Court

The Seelie Court is one of the two Divine Courts of the Feywild, consisting of Archfey so powerful they are considered by some to be Gods. As such, the Seelie Court is considered a Pantheon, sometimes refered to as the Sylvan Pantheon.   The undesputed leader of the Seelie Court is Queen Titania, and she persistently and tirelessly ensures that the Pantheon work together to rule the Fey races of which they are patrons, and ensure the continued protection of the Sylvan Realm.   The Court as a whole is allied with the Seldarine and Yondalla's Children, and are on good terms with the Gnomish deities and those Gods whom oversee the protection of nature, wild places, and hunting, so long as those deities are not evil.   There is some lingering discontent towards the Goblin and Orcish Pantheons, despite they changes and improvements, old tensions remain. The Seelie Court is not keen on the Dwarven Pantheon, though they do not consider them enemies. Though, this upset and discontent pales in comparison to their most bitter and hated enemy, the Queen of Air and Darkness and her Unseelie Court.   It is worth knowing, that though members of the Seelie Court hold divine levels of power and are considered by many to be Gods and Goddesses in their own right, they rarely refer to themselves as such unless attempting to explain the intricacies of their Court to mortals. The Archfey prefer, more than anything, to be known as Archfey. And not all Archfey hold divine levels of power, only those who have ascended into the Seelie Court hold that level of strength to stand on par with the Gods of the Material and other Planes.


The Seelie Court is split into two groups, the Inner Circle and the Outer Circle.  

Inner Circle:

The Inner Circle is comprised of a close group, of dieties who share beliefs; goals and attributed. Although typically chaotic, each is loyal to Queen Titania, and do as she requests and commands. Members of the Inner Circle tend to be playful, chaotic and very Fey in nature, though they are also cautious due to the percieved fragility of their avatars.   Disputes between members of the Inner Circle are uncommon and always quickly resolved.  

Outer Circle:

The Outer Circle is composed of deities who do not pay primary homage to Titania, or those who have duties that require them to spend frequent time away from the Court.


The Sylvan Pantheon:

  Religion in the Feywild is an interesting and unconventional thing as those with Divine levels of power tend to walk around among their people in the form of the Archfey.   Certainly there are those who worship and revere the Archfey, especially those who are members of the Seelie or Unseelie Courts as they are the true divinity of the Plane.   While it is far more frequently to find Warlocks in service to an Archfey, there are Clerics and Paladins who adhere to particular members of the Sylvan Pantheon.   In many ways it is best to consider the Archfey of the Pantheon to be Domains made physical, as if they were manifestations of what their Domains represent.   A Goddess of the Tempest may have mastery of the elements and naturally exude them to appear fiery, fluid or freezing.   A God of War may have mastery of every weapon type and the ability to create new weapons at a mere thought, they may naturally appear more bloodthirsty or more melancholy.   Nevertheless, Clerics and Paladins in worship to the Sylvan Pantheon can dedicate themselves to the same Oaths and Domains as they would worshiping any other Pantheon, though it is possible they may hear from and see their deity more frequently, as that innate mischief never goes away when the Fey are involved.
Religious, Pantheon
Leader Title
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