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Tharek Stonefury

Head of Clan Stonefury

A grey-scaled, stone-faced leader known for his unyielding discipline. Tharek is seen as a harsh, but fair ruler, who expects excellence from his clan members. His iron grip on leadership keeps the clan focused and successful.

Physical Description

Body Features

Tharek is a tall, broad-shouldered Dragonborn, his grey scales thick and rugged like the stone his clan so closely identifies with. His body is heavily muscled, honed from years of physical training and combat.

Facial Features

Tharek's face is marked by a stern, chiselled jawline, with a pair of glowing, intense yellow eyes that reflect his calculating nature. His snout is scarred from a battle early in his life, a reminder of his victories in combat.

Identifying Characteristics

A deep scar runs down the right side of his neck, the result of a near-fatal strike during the Siege of Kalgar's Ridge. He wears this scar with pride as a symbol of his resilience.

Physical quirks

Tharek moves with a methodical, deliberate pace, each motion controlled and purposeful. He has a habit of crossing his arms when he is deep in thought or listening intently, a posture that has become a trademark of his leadership style.

Apparel & Accessories

Tharek is often seen wearing a set of heavy, stone-coloured plate armour that has been passed down through generations of the Stonefury line. His armour is engraved with the symbols of his ancestors and is designed to withstand even the fiercest attacks.

Specialized Equipment

He wields a warhammer called Earthshatter, a family heirloom that is said to contain the essence of the mountains themselves.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tharek Stonefury was born into a long line of warriors and masons, raised with the expectation of leadership within Clan Stonefury. From a young age, he exhibited a strong sense of duty and discipline, excelling in both combat and the art of stonecraft. His early years were spent training under his father, learning the intricacies of military strategy, clan leadership, and the responsibilities of managing the Stonefury quarries. Tharek rose to prominence during the Siege of Kalgar's Ridge, where he led a small battalion in the defence of a critical trade route, solidifying his reputation as a formidable strategist. Upon his father's death, he assumed leadership of the clan, continuing the legacy of fortification and discipline that defined his ancestors.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Successfully defended the Northern trade routes during the Siege of Kalgar's Ridge.
  • Oversaw the expansion of the clan's influence through the development of new stone quarries, which increased their economic power.
  • Initiated a program to reinforce the walls of Alonharl, further solidifying the city's defences, and received commendations from The Dragonlands' ruling council for his efforts.
  • Failures & Embarrassments

    Tharek's greatest failure occurred during a peace negotiation with Clan Drakerune, where his uncompromising nature caused talks to break down. This led to a period of heightened tension between the two clans, damaging Stonefury’s reputation for diplomacy. Additionally, a minor construction accident at one of the clan's quarries, which resulted in the injury of several workers, was seen as a rare oversight in Tharek’s otherwise meticulous leadership.

    Intellectual Characteristics

    Tharek is highly intelligent, with a focus on pragmatism and strategy. He possesses a sharp mind for logistics and military tactics, often thinking several steps ahead of his opponents. His education has focused heavily on the engineering of fortifications, siege tactics, and the efficient management of resources. He is not particularly creative but excels at solving complex problems through careful planning.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Tharek's moral compass is shaped by a deep belief in duty, honour, and strength. He believes that the strength of The Dragonlands is built upon the hard work and sacrifice of its people, and thus, he values perseverance and discipline above all. He adheres to a strict personal code of honour, viewing the protection of Alonharl as his sacred duty. Tharek holds little patience for weakness or indecision and believes that only through relentless effort can one achieve greatness.


    Tharek has a deep aversion to cowardice and treachery. He considers betraying one’s clan or abandoning a mission in the face of adversity as unforgivable acts.

    Personality Characteristics


    Tharek is driven by a desire to protect Alonharl and uphold the honour of Clan Stonefury. He aims to strengthen the city's defences, ensure the prosperity of the quarries, and solidify his clan’s standing as one of the most powerful in The Dragonlands. His loyalty to his people and his duty as a leader are his guiding motivations.

    Vices & Personality flaws

    Tharek’s greatest flaw is his rigidity and inflexibility. He struggles with compromise, often choosing to follow his own path regardless of the consequences. His uncompromising nature makes him difficult to work with in political situations, and he has been known to dismiss diplomacy in favour of brute force or tactical advantage. Additionally, his obsession with control can sometimes alienate those who might otherwise be his allies.
    Current Location
    Current Residence
    The Granite Halls
    Aligned Organization
    Known Languages
  • Draconic
  • Common
  • Yipyak