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Clan Drakerune

One of the great Clans of The Dragonlands, Clan Drakerune have a long history and deep connection to the Arcane Arts and the persuit of knowledge.


Clan Drakerune is deeply connected to the arcane arts and scholarly pursuits. They believe in the fusion of magic and tradition, encouraging their members to pursue not only magical studies but also diplomacy, history, and cultural knowledge. The clan has a reputation for producing some of the most adept Dragonborn scholars, wizards, and arcane researchers in the Dragonlands.   Drakerune's culture revolves around education, and young clan members are trained from an early age in the art of magic, strategy, and statecraft. Their libraries are filled with ancient scrolls and arcane tomes. It is said that every Drakerune Dragonborn is required to master at least one school of magic before they can represent the clan publicly.   They also maintain a strong sense of loyalty to their own kind, seeing knowledge and magic as the key to the future of the Dragonlands. Clan Drakerune sees themselves as custodians of knowledge and as such, they are often cautious in how they share their secrets.

Public Agenda

Clan Drakerune has a strong focus on maintaining Vlarith’s role as the cultural and intellectual hub of the Dragonlands. They frequently advocate for the preservation and expansion of arcane studies within the city and the greater Dragonlands, often pushing for more magical academies, libraries, and centres of learning.   Publicly, they are committed to fostering alliances between different noble houses, particularly those that value the arcane and scholarly pursuits. They see themselves as the bridge between magic and politics, often positioning themselves as advisors to more militant or trade-oriented clans.


The Library of Vlarith: Clan Drakerune oversees one of the most extensive collections of arcane knowledge in the Dragonlands. The library holds ancient texts on magic, history, and philosophy, many of which are not accessible to outsiders without the clan's permission. Drakerune Scholars and Mages: They boast a wide network of powerful mages, alchemists, and scholars who not only serve within Vlarith but are also often called upon by other cities for their expertise. Trade in Magical Goods: Clan Drakerune is also known for its control over magical artifacts, potions, and scrolls. They have close ties with merchants in Vlarith who deal in arcane supplies and materials, making them key players in the trade of magic-related goods.


Clan Drakerune’s rise to prominence can be traced back to the First War of the Sands, where their founder, Zarik Drakerune, provided crucial arcane knowledge that helped turn the tide of battle in favour of the Dragonlands. Zarik’s mastery of magical warfare and his cunning use of illusions and elemental spells during the conflict earned him and his descendants a place of honour in the Dragonborn nobility.   Over time, the clan positioned themselves as intellectual leaders within Vlarith. They played a pivotal role in the establishment of the Arcane Council, a body that advises the rulers of the Dragonlands on matters of magical security and the regulation of magic across the land. During the Cultural Renaissance of Vlarith, they helped transform the city into a centre of learning and culture, bringing scholars, mages, and artists from across Eternium to study and trade ideas.   In more recent times, Kaelith Drakerune, the current head of the clan, has focused on consolidating the clan's influence, seeking to strengthen ties with The Beastbane Society, as well as other noble houses that value the balance of intellect and martial skill.

Knowledge Carves Power

Geopolitical, Clan
Family Leader
The Arcane Sanctum: Located in the heart of Vlarith, the Arcane Sanctum is a towering structure that serves as the clan's headquarters and primary research centre. It houses powerful magical wards and secrets that have been passed down through the generations. The Sanctum is also a meeting place for scholars and mages who come to discuss high-level arcane theory.   The Silverlight Academy: Established by Clan Drakerune, this academy is dedicated to the training of young Dragonborn in the arcane arts. Aspiring mages from across the Dragonlands come here to learn under the tutelage of experienced Drakerune sorcerers and wizards. It is renowned for producing some of the most skilled spellcasters in the region.   The Obsidian Spire: A remote tower located near the forest north-west of Vlarith, the Obsidian Spire is a place of quiet study and meditation for high-ranking members of the clan. It is also used to conduct dangerous magical experiments far from the city, away from prying eyes and possible collateral damage.