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Valdra (V-all-dra)


Mainly Elves, Humans, Half-Elves, Halflings, Teifling, Dragonborn, Dwarfs  

General Information:

Valdra is a hot and humid land that is also referred to as Hell’s Portal. The Capital of Valdra is City Ember and is run by the High Matriarch Flame. She oversees both the council and open house of the government system. She ultimately has supreme power over all of Valdra; However, her position is dictated by the citizens of Valdra, and therefore is not a permanent status. Valdra itself is composed of many humanoid races and has changed its view drastically from the era the players would recognize.
On the outskirts of City Ember, Esabridge is a popular port and college town, that many of Valdra’s knights' study at. Zririe Roit, Onigow, and Dens Obada are all relatively large farming and fishing villages. Dens Obada is also a popular monument of the founding of Valdra, where the first High Matriarch Flame’s Castle still stands today. On an Island to the north, Sares Urybu is a tribe of wood elves that are devout followers of Lashrael and Felarathael the twin solars of the sun. In 10764 the city of Katin was established in the middle of the Valdra empire. It's the most recent city and is comprised of many retired military and monster hunters.
To the East, the landmass Your title here" target="_blank">previously known as Ha Laur Llur, the area is now referred to as the "Ebon Territory". Of Ha Laur Llur's three main cities, Wauburn and Sandcity Ceigh remain standing and run in a similar fashion to how they always had. However, the main city Idosa fell to the Valdra forces and the city was burned as a warning.


Valdra is a mix of savanna and grassland tundra. Its rich soil is optimal for farming, however, there is only one main river (the Sirrion Outlet) with a few branches offs. There are some forested areas on the Valdra Islands, but those places are mostly desolate. The Ebon Territory is more like rolling grassy plains and is rich farming land.

Natural Resources


Fire Opal


in Relation to the Apothecary:
Coral Bells (Red)- Summer Exclusive
Boysenberries- Autumn Exclusive
Pumpkins- Autumn Exclusive
Dragonwood branch- Autumn & Winter Exclusive
Red Chamomile- Winter Exclusive
Lantern Berries
Ginko Leaf 
Roses (Red, Pink, Yellow, Orange, White, Golden)
Fire Fliar


The Foundation of Valdra till 10610 was comprised almost entirely of elves. The council and house representative positions were established in 11468 and prior to this, the Flame Matriarch held all power and decisions. In addition, her re-election was only once every 100 years. During this period there were heavy taxes and laws for races living in the Captial who were not of elven descent. Racism was at an all-time high when civilians of outlying cities started rioting and forming militias.
by Esporiia
Alternative Name(s)
Hell’s Portal & The Land of Fire
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

Articles under Valdra

Cover image: by dinabelenko


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