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List of the Dead Gods

I, Evangos, once Servant of the great Typharia, now collecting under her heir Zabriel, hereby declare the List of the gods which died in the Aether-Wars. The following data was collected in the years, following the Gods End. With the End of Hope we remember the great creators.  
  • Aol, the Architect of Etharis

    The gods never had the honor to meet their benefactor, which bestowed their lifeforce onto them. Concluding that the following gods only possess a fraction of his power, it is not imaginable what he was capable of. Information and distorted dreams of the folk that people call Dreamers, it is probable that he died by protecting Etharis, using his power to send us as a projectile through the astral sea.
  • Fey, Daughter of Aol

    Aol did never allow himself to fear the approaching Aether Kindred and locked his emotions away in a ball of planar clay. From this egg Fey was born, an incalculable child acting on extreme emotions and impulses. As the child played with the fragile construct of planes and endangered it through this, Aol ripped her apart and placing her as the Shadowfell and Feywild to hold the material plane in place. Then, from her blood, Fey creatures and Shadow Fey were born.
  • Galt, god of Order and Construction

    As One of the four Bürachean gods, which survived the Aether-War, he pitifully died, corrupted by King Leopolds Madness, fighting his own brothers and sister. he was mainly worshipped in the Rauland.
  • Maligant, god of War and Conquest

    As One of the four Bürachean gods, which survived the Aether-War, he pitifully died, corrupted by King Leopolds Madness, fighting his own brothers and sister.he was mainly worshipped in the Unterland.
  • Ulmyr, god of Magic and Chaos

    As One of the four Bürachean gods, which survived the Aether-War, he pitifully died, corrupted by King Leopolds Madness, fighting his own brothers and sister. he was mainly worshipped in the Nordenland.
  • Aurelia, goddess of Healing and Protection

    As One of the four Bürachean gods, which survived the Aether-War, she was the only one realising their mistakes and corruption of the Mad King Leopold. In response of seeing her brothers fight with a terrifying might, she sacrificed herself to protect Etharis. she was mainly worshipped in the Abendland.
  • Typharia, goddess of Knowledge

    The great Typharia did her best, collecting knowledge of all which exists, existed and of which will exist. Only through her Collection of Information the gods, the Archangels and whichever being may take their place afterwards, will know how to fight the Aether Kindred. She died, protecting her Knowledge from Gjukrdorn, a blazing all-consuming mass of green fire shortly after the fourteenth battle of the Aether-War.
  • Vetara, goddess of Love

    Vetara brought the folk of Etharis compassion and kindness, enabling the development of city, states and kingdoms. she died side by side with her husband Myria in the twelfth battle of the Aether-War.
  • Bicara, god of Supreme Justice

    Forgotten by Mortals he once brought equal Justice onto the people, as they were punished rightfully for every sin and every degree of sin, which they committed. Bicara died fighting Grimrgau, the Green Wolf as he assaulted Etharis.
  • Myria, god of Joy

    Myria gave the folk of Etharis a reason to live. A sense and a sensation in life ,which prevented the immediate will of dying in a hostile environment like Etharis. We would need him in times like the ones we have nowadays, as I would never describe the sins which Sitri supports as fulfilling joy. He died side by side with his wife Vetara in the twelfth battle of the Aether-War
  • Jezra, god of Commerce

    Always a man of numbers and mathematics, but never one of battle, Jezra who contributed to the world with values and worth of actions, died in the second battle of the Aether-War against a group of Eldritch Horrors.
  • Aasim, god of Gifts

    A gentle man, never quite understood by his godly brothers and sisters, died even before the Aether-War. His power never meant much to him if he could not share it with others. As he gave away his powers to his most loyal followers, he lost his Immortality and he died peacefully on Etharis. He may have died in a way which many gods would've wished for, but he also left his mark as his powers do not seem to vanish from the descandents of his gifted ones.
  • Hircine, god of the Hunt

    Always a rival to everyone, always a challenger to the worthy and always a bad looser. Hircine brought speed and fierceness to the battlefield and Etharis as a whole. Ironically he died side by side, allied with the same Centaurs he cursed, as Eldritch Hordes broke through to Etharis in the eighteenth and last battle of the Aether-War.
  • Ardulson, god of Metallic Dragons

    Ardulson, the first finder of Aol's Spark, shared his power with his sister Tiamat. they created the dragons as rulers of Etharis, ready to overpower all gods who may follow after them. In the first five battles of the Aether-War Ardulson lead the gods as a general but found his end in the maw of Vraigoroth.
  • Tiamat, goddess of Chromatic Dragons

    Tiamat was the sister and wife of Ardulson, as he oppressed the creations on the Material plane, she worked on the Netherworld. The fiendish creations infused a pleasure in her, corrupting her greedy dragons. She was banished from Celestia, found her place in the Netherworld and then was bound there through the might of an Eldritch being called M’rorcameleth. As she herself merged with the plane of the Netherworld she was declared dead and her power still resides in this hellscape.
  • Kurtulmak, god of Kobolds

    Kurtulmak, a scout, a coward and the first death in the Aether-War. The small god always wanted to follow the footsteps of his parents and created Kobolds, just to create. this little plague spread all over Etharis and he never contributed to much to the war. He died, fleeing, as Zulkirtanb, the Thousand-Archer pierced through him with a arrow of necrotic energy.
  • Selvatus, god of Woodlands and Giantfolk

    Selvatus always was a creator of resources for those celestials around him. Only because of him, others could grow and experience the magic of nature. Selvatus died in the fourteenth battle of the Aether-War, as he entangled and encased Ruizkjisdalk, the Cruel Scream and his servants, forming a drifting sphere of natural matter sliding through the Astral Sea.
  • Dhados, god of Poison and Medicine

    As a son of Aurelia, he brought the Knowledge of natural medicine to the people of Etharis, but also the Knowledge of a slow death. he revolutionized the art of war and ambush, of permanent damage, and through such he helped tremendously to fight in the Aether-War. He died in the sixteenth battle as an all-seeing being consumed the hidden god.
  • Utpeedan, god of Orcs and Violence

    Utpeedan always was greedy, yes he was mighty and strong, but the never had the brain and grace, which was proper for a god. the gods let him tyrannize an entire Era and at least i think everyone was happy as he died in the sixth battle of the Aether-War. He did not contribute much to the war as the meathead was searching for his wife.
  • Chetana, goddess of Logic and Progress

    Chetana on the contrary was a gentle soul and she would've had a better and more fitting life if she would've chosen Typharia as her wife. It was no secret that, with time, the gods most distant from feelings but not immune to them, had a special connection. Chetana brought change to a world and to ideas which the gods were strictly against in times beforehand. Even tho she communed with the other gods from far away, merely presenting Illusions, I can be honored that I witnessed her presentations to fight the Aether Kindred. It is assumed, that she died, as the other gods did never received other messages after the fifteenth battle of the Aether-War
  • Ehrados, god of Snakes and Worms

    Ehrados was a young god, a small one, interested in the small things of Etharis which crawled around. He did have his ambitions tho and created the Yuan-Ti to withstand against the cruel Utpeedan. Being a rival to such a greater god, brought him prestige and he died as a good warrior in the thirteenth battle of the Aether-War. While it is generally said that Eldritch troops killed Utpeedan, it is rumored that Ehrados has stabbed the Orc-god with several needles into his skin, which burrowed into Utpeedan as parasitic worms which weakened or even killed him.
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting


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