Ironclad Steamship

The dwarves of the Basalt Mountains with the coöperation of the Eximian Concilium developed an Ironclad steamship that combines the usage of Crystal Petals and that of Elemental Power.
At first this machine was applauded however when it became apparent that it was powered by using the Elements it caused a political uproar.  The machine offers more protection and is able to submerge. However it is the binding of Elements that give air and power to the whole ship. Using the ways of the Elemental Dominion of Ly'Ze'Dir against them. This kind of research and development is sorely frowned upon by the clergy. Going back to the old days where the Elements and wizards ruled the world is a fear amongst many. The Clergy and Priests of the churches are preaching against technology like this. Fearing the The Elemental Barrier Shift and hardening of The Veil and The Wheel. Shifting the world back before the time of the Gods is feared.   The Basalt Mountains lies at the front of the conflict against The Elemental Barrier Shift and conflict with the Elemental Dominion. The feel like these new ships are great awnser against the magicks of the Dominion. Having technology to work against them and subvert their patrols.    The Drothean Kingdom has outlawed the use of Ironclads (and Skyships for that matter). The religious fervor of Drothea has already created conflict with the neighbouring country of Emeras. In reality the navy of Drothea hinder any Basalt Mountain ships and hostile towards them. No open conflict or confrontation has happened but it seems a matter of time.    Even in the rest of the world people are hesitant about this development. However in nations like Emeras and Eximia are discussing the use of these ships (and the technology behind it).
Dwarven Ships
Creation Date
year 712 in secret by the Basalt Mountain Dwarfs
Current location


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