
While much speculation on the origins of the brutal, hated feyth circulate endlessly on Vruanhai, the simple truth is that these malevolent beings are none other than ancient vherga, banished ages past for crimes committed during their guardianship of the planet they now harry.   Feythis, however, being malleable in all regards, shares its effects with its residents. Quasi-sapient, and naturally inclined towards violence and cruelty, this vile plane warped the nature of the vherga who filled its lands over the years. Once proud, regal creatures, they turned into twisted beasts, whose thoughts and deeds turned readily towards violence the longer they remained confined in the realm. For millennia, they fought and killed only each other, vying for control and superiority over all others.   One day the most powerful vherga gained a measure of control over Feythis itself, at least in the area it chose to reside, and was able to force its will into the environment, changing the landscape as their whims dictated. This vherga was Avfresidio.   Upon learning of such a feat, many other vherga tried to do the same, but only a few succeeded.   -   After the war that resulted in the downfall of the vherga species and their transformation into the Shadreagh, those of Feythis watched with rapt interest. As the Shadreagh advanced and grew in power, and asserted dominion over the lands, so too did the feyth in their own realm. And, as the feyth learned more of themselves and their realm, they were able to affect change on their own bodies. No longer forced to retain their original vhergan forms, they were able to shapeshift into nearly any organic arrangement they desired, sensical or non.   However, they soon learned that the laws of the universe outside of Feythis would not tolerate certain forms, and in fact largely preferred certain bodyplans. For this reason, they often take on forms of no more than six limbs, but commonly relegate themselves to four limbs and a head. Most frequently, to conceal their foul nature, they take on the guise of shadreagh themselves.   The more they watched Vruanhai, the more they began to covet what their descendants were building. Jealousy and envy mounted. Then one day, in a bid to claim all that the shadreagh had built, the feyth launched their assault on the planet.   As history tells, they were repelled, and forced to give up their fight, their numbers vastly decreased and their powers drained.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Much to the chagrin of the Vai, Feyth are perfectly capable of reproducing.

They reproduce by typical biological means, though courtship is highly variable from place to place. Often, breeding is agreed upon as part of a deal, usually to garner power, and there is no romance involved. In truth, actual romance or even love among Feyth is exceedingly rare, and often mocked among their kind.

Growth Rate & Stages

Despite being gifted with eternal life, Feyth reach maturity quickly, mostly due to the harsh environment and culture necessetating it for survival.

Infancy is from the age of 0-2, toddlerhood from 2-5, childhood from 5-12, adolescence from 13-25, with almost complete maturity occuring around 30 years of age. Afterwards, there is still some brain development that finishes completely by the age of 35.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Although an omnivorous species, the shifting lands of Feythis have produced many Feyth who have unusual diets. Some have adapted to be able to consume metals, rock, and even ash, and many more are able to consume completely rotten carrion without ill effect. Some, still, prefer their meals still alive and moving when consumed. Typically, these are small creatures, and often bugs or other prey that can fit easily in one's hand.

As far as what a Feyth's body needs to survive, they all require significant amounts of protein, and a variety of minerals. Those who have evolved to consume metals and rock have a higher need for more of the same, and lower need of protein, but they still must find meat on occasion or other means of supplementing their diet.

By and large, Feyth tend to hoard and ration their food, as whenever rulership of a domain fluctuates, so do the food resources. It's not all that uncommon to hear of Feyth practically starving for portions of their lives, and some do in fact die of starvation.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Feyth, being corrupted from vhérga, typically have mostly physical sensory receptors, but most have also developed psychic senses beyond what most mortals ever could. Able to detect fluctuations in air quality and makeup, smell the age of bloodstains, tell how long ago someone passed through an area, and more, they make for exceedingly efficient, skillful, and dangerous hunters.

For these reasons, they are also exceptionally hard to hunt and ambush in return, be they by other Feyth or by Vai seeking to remove them from Vruanhai.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Although naming conventions have warped over the long spans of time, they still retain some semblance of their old vhérgan habits. For this reason, many names still share root words and definitions with those found in the Shadreagh languages.
However, they're also wont to make up entirely new names, and have derived many names from their own evolving cultures, as well as those from other Vai species, such as the Zelfir or Veran.

Major Organizations

The Roaring Expanse, ruled over by Avfresidio.   The Glittering Wastes, ruled over by Yirit.   Fretiri, ruled over by Porola.   Argovais, ruled over by Zeiatorik.   The Breaking Labyrinth, ruled over by Sleihavaris.   Ofojarik, ruled over by Ikamosalirin.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: Etherium Logo by Sehanbrel