

Great beasts resembling both mammal and reptile, and possessing wings and tail fins made of hardened energy, the vhérga were a once proud and mighty race who nearly commanded Vruanhai. Made by the Ysai to protect it, they did their job well, but in time, the power they were granted corrupted their desires, and they sought to become greater still.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivorous, with some omnivorous tendencies.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Elongated, reptilian style face, with forward-facing, colorful eyes. Sharp teeth line their mouths.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Can be found in both space and on the planet.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sharp physical sight, keen hearing, strong sense of smell and taste, aura sight, soul sight.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Efvrega, Ysaiyo


Vhérga were mighty, massive beasts covered in smooth, sturdy hide, and armed with vicious claws and teeth and powerful wings that could cow the clouds. Being the largest living creatures, as well as being gifted with sapience, and thus the intelligence to use the flow of energy in the planet, they dominated the world.   They ruled over all other species as guardians or leaders. But power corrupts, and over time they grew so arrogant that they sought to rule the heavens, too. Some of the lesser races saw the folly of this and protested, but the great vhérga laughed off these concerns, and threatened to crush any who would oppose their goals of domination.   So to Anevalu they went, these mighty beasts strong enough to travel through the very fabric of dimensions, and face down those who gave them shape and life.   The Ysai, outraged by their audacity, fought back tenaciously, joined by a handful of vhérga who disagreed with their brethren. It was a horrible, vicious and bloody war, but it did not last long, for the Ysai created the people, the world, the galaxy, and much of that fold in the great fabric of space and time. A single rebellious race was not enough to conquer the unfathomable power of these beings, and the vhérga were soon defeated, but not without cost. They had managed to kill some of the lesser Ysai, throwing the distribution of power off-balance, which had far-reaching effects across the galaxy.   Planets and moons and other celestial bodies were thrown out of orbit, suns changed temperature, the veils of the dimension weakened, and on smaller scales, plants withered, weather went awry, and anarchy ensued amongst religious peoples of all kinds.   As punishment, the Ysai stripped the remaining vhérga of their magnificent forms and much of their power, forced them into smaller, weaker bodies, and cast them back to the planet. When the other species learned of this, and saw their new mortal forms shaped like men instead of beasts, the once-mighty race lost their reign over the world as well, and thus marked the closing of the era.   As for the Ysai who died, new ones needed to be created in their place. However, an Ysai cannot create another Ysai as one can create a mortal. One must be created with the will and material of the universe itself, or one must be chosen to receive the powers of the old.   When an Ysai dies, its power condenses into a raw crystal, so that it might be reborn. An Ysai cannot take this power, because they are limited to what the universe has gifted them. A mortal, however, can absorb this power, because unlike Ysai who are filled to the brim with power, mortals still have room for growth, and the remaining vhérga who fought alongside the Ysai were mortal, and had the capacity to hold such great force.   So rituals were done and the mighty beasts became mightier still and more magnificent, each given a sphere of influence and specific powers, as well as the jobs of their predecessors. In doing so, the balance of power was restored, and the new and old Ysai went to work setting the galaxy back in order.   As for the fallen vhérga, they could no longer call themselves vhérga, for they were now soft, and no longer had their powerful claws, teeth, and wings. The other races, whom they had always treated as lesser, called them "shadreagh" - earth-children - as a mockery of their foolish attempt. While many were resentful of this title and reacted aggressively when any dared use it in their presence, others were humbled enough by it to accept and even embrace it. It was now true, after all; They were all just as mortal as the other races, and no longer favored by the Ysai. Furthermore, they had lost the ability of flight, rendering them permanently grounded. Earth-children. It really was an appropriate name, and in time they all learned to accept it.   So the vhérga, once rulers of the world, became the Shadreagh, whom the world now ruled.
Genetic Descendants
Conservation Status
Near extinct
Average Height
Average Weight
2300 lbs - 4800 lbs
Average Length
Average Physique
Fairly slender, very lean and muscular.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Variety of color, with a great selection of markings.

Cover image: Etherium Logo by Sehanbrel