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The nation of Accland was founded with a handshake between Prior Flavian and King Ander in what is now known as Ander's Square in the Capital City, which King Ander named after Prior Flavian. It has been ruled by Ander and his descendants for its entire duration. Accland is a relatively prosperous nation, and the Church of Down enjoys considerable influence. Magic was rejected in Accland from 300 - 400 CE, but was legalized again after Archrector Terta V's celebrated encyclical Those Gifts We Are Given in 399 CE.

Demography and Population

Accland was founded as a Human Kingdom, indended to be a home for the formerly nomadic Accish people. In 2 CE, Ander, Chief of Accs, led his people to the Plains of Gorem, where they were met by Prior Flavian, leading the hundreds of refugees from Down & Elk and Southern Mares to the safety of Lakeland. As part of the agreement to protect the refugees, while also bestowing legitimacy to the claim for an Accish State, Chief Ander agreed to recognize all refugees, Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Halflings, as citizens of the Accish nation as long as they swore their fealty. The famed Handshake between Prior Flavian and King Ander created Accland as a mixed nation.   Accland today while predominantly human is also home to dwarves, elves, and halflings. Descendants of the refugees assimilated to the Accish culture and are considered Accish.


Holden College in the town of Holden is the premier educational institution within Accland's borders, and it receives funding from the Monarchy, creating tension between the Crown and the Church of Down, who are opposed to the operation of the secular institution which competes directly with Down College.

Prosperity For Many

Founding Date
2 CE
Geopolitical, Country
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Official State Religion
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories

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