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Playable Races

Apotheosis uses the most recently published version of races/subraces (i.e., MPMM aasimar, not DMG or VGM aasimar; MPMM shadar-kai, not MTF shadar-kai). There are 45 official WOTC races and 5 Planeshift races playable in Evara. Do not assume new races will be added as WOTC releases new content.   If you need more customization, you may:
  • Use the TCE custom lineage rules to create an Endling, provided that the Endling race is not specifically labeled as non-existent, extinct, or not playable. You cannot use a TCE custom lineage to play a Fairy or Warforged, for example. You will need to work with the DMs to create any appropriate race lore and situate them in the world. Please only create races you intend to use.
  • Ask the DMs about using older official WOTC published versions of races (i.e., MTF eladrin instead of MPMM eladrin.
  • Ask the DMs about UA, 3rd party, or homebrew races (or subraces), provided that those UA/3P/homebrew races are not specifically labeled as non-existent, extinct, or not playable. Please only create/submit races you intend to use.

Everyone is eligible for the customizations described on page 6 of TCE (racial ability score increases, languages, and proficiencies). So if you chose a race that was not updated in MPMM, you can still adjust your build to better suit your design goals.

Unless otherwise noted in the race information below, Apotheosis follows canon WOTC appearance guidelines for races.

Races in the World

There are no evil races, only evil environments - and even then, "evil" is culturally relative.   Races that are classically disenfranchised in dnd, such as Orcs and Drow, do not have unanimous negative interpretations in this setting. Half-orcs are not the offspring of enslaved people. Not all kobolds are craven bullies. Humanoid races turn to evil by choice or culture, not because they are "inherently bad".   The characterization of a sentient group as "the other" is rooted in power, fear, and competing ideals. Consider this example: Humanoid Group A considers eating the dead evil; Humanoid Group B considers eating the dead an act of respect by not letting the physical form decay. These two groups might dislike each other for cultural reasons, but each group might be racially diverse. Conceptions about power, fear, and ideals do not typically run along racial lines.   It is possible to find members of every species in every country in the world, though certain populations are overall bigger/more common. There is no "These people live in this place and behave like so, by nature. These other people don’t get along with them, simply because they are civilized and these other ones are uncivilized." Everyone living in a society is "civilized" with different rules of civilization shaped by history, the gods, and the physical environment.  

Normal & "Unusual" Races

There are two types of races in this setting: normal and unusual. Normal races are widely accepted. Unusual races are…unusual. At their most benign, unusual races might raise eyebrows and turn heads - at worst, unusual races are blatantly rejected and reviled or actively celebrated and revered. Most unusual races are only considered unusual by particular groups (For example, Shifters are mostly disliked by people who worship Thara). Some races considered unusual in certain places aren’t so unusual in others (dhampirs are more normal in Carthadas). If an unusual race isn’t specifically marked as “reviled/feared” in its entry, then people of that race are not reviled or feared.   For races labeled as unusual and particularly ones that are labeled as feared/reviled: you will probably feel compelled to place your character on the “right side” - i.e., someone who accepts everyone for who they are regardless of their species and who actively fights to advance the cause of unusual races. The common opinions on unusual races are a product of a social milieu and your character isn't exempt from the world they live in. If you want your character to adopt non-standard opinions about unusual races, you are going to need to write a very specific and very strong backstory justification. This cannot be added retroactively (i.e., after you end up with a party member of an unusual race and you want a reason to avoid conflict).

Half-Whatevers: When Humans Go Wild

Half-elves and half-orcs must have human heritage. Half-humans pass their human phenotypes to their kids.  
More detail:
Genetics is an incredibly complex topic and no one on the Apotheosis mod team is a specialist, so we are going to keep this really simple.   There are two Evaran species with the ability to reproduce with any other species (that have compatible anatomy): humans and dragons. Please note the “compatible anatomy” caveat. Lion anatomy is not compatible with human anatomy - you cannot commit beastiality and get a sphynx.   Dragons “breed true” when they reproduce with other dragons (i.e., the child of two dragons is a dragon). This is also true for humans. What happens when a human or a dragon tries to reproduce with a compatible creature that is not of the same race?   When a dragon reproduces with a member of another species, the result is always a dragonkin, such as a dragonborn, dragonnel, abishai, etc. The offspring of dragonkin breed true. For example, the child of two dragonborns is a dragonborn. The child of a dragonborn and a gnome will be either a dragonborn or a gnome, not a gnome with scales and horns.   When a human reproduces with a member of another species, new races or variant humans can emerge. For example, half-elves and half-orcs are their own unique races, but they have human ancestry. Variant humans might carry genetic material from other races - too weak to be considered a half-X but strong enough to influence their abilities.   In this setting, Half-orcs and Half-elves must have human heritage. For example, it would not be possible for an elf parent and an orc parent to have a half-orc child. The child of an elf and an orc will either be an elf or an orc, and the child would look like a relatively typical member of their species - perhaps an elf with a stockier build or an elf with the ability to grow a magnificent beard. The child would not be a thick green elf with tusks. As another example, it would not be possible for a half-elf to have a tabaxi parent and an elf parent; the child of an elf and a tabaxi will either be an elf or a tabaxi.   Furthermore, when half-humans reproduce with other races, the “human” phenotype is what is passed down. For example, the child of a half-elf and a dwarf will not inherit pointed ears from their half-elf parent. They would have rounded ears because of the human (and dwarf) ancestry in their half-elf parent.   What happens when humans and dragons reproduce? Well, my child, that’s how you get draconic sorcerers.    

Races that don’t exist in this setting

  • Aetherborn
  • Autognome
  • Dragonmarked variant races
  • Fairy
  • Glitchling
  • Kender
  • Kor
  • Planeshift Merfolk - sea elves, tritons, and locathath are collectively known as “merfolk” in this setting
  • Vedalken
  • Warforged




Hill, Mountain, Duergar

Little men (or women) known for their glorious beards and epic mining and fighting skills. Range between 4-5 feet. Live until about 350. They are often stoutly built and have physical and mental strength much greater than their size.  


Astral, Drow, Eladrin, High, Sea, Shadar-Kai, Pallid, Wood

Elves are a tall and slender race, known for their extremely long lifespans and relationship to the fey. Distinctive features are their pointed ears, slanted, almond-shaped eyes, and preternatural grace. Elves are incapable of growing facial hair. Their eye color and skin tone range can be from any color of the visual spectrum. Specific appearance, dress, and culture depend on the subspecies of elf and cultural identity.
  Not all subraces of elves are equally common. For example, Astral elves are rare because planar travel is hard. Wood elves and high elves are common because there are forests and towns everywhere.
  Elves that in other settings have associations with a particular god or phenomenon are reflavored to match the setting. For example: Shadar-Kai are touched by Nalani; Pallid elves, by Erela. Eladrin are elves who were changed by exposure to intensely magical places, such as Aman-Tal or The Godswood.



Forest, Rock, Svirfneblin

Rude creatures that are even shorter than dwarves. Distantly related to humanoid ancestors that first emerged in the taiga of Rhosia, these creatures are prone to caprice and whimsy. They are known to have eccentric interests. For example, a gnome might consider their life’s pursuit to tell a joke to a member of every species, to collect whistles from every era, or to make rings to fit any hand. Gnomes come in a range of skin tones from brown to white, but even pink, blue, and green are possible. Their heads tend to be large for their bodies, and their facial features may seem disproportionate to a human eye. These small but effusive creatures mingle with others and don’t feel beholden to their own races or enclaves.  


Ghostwise, Lightfoot, Lotusden, Stout

Halflings are a quirky bunch with an odd sense of humor and a great deal of wanderlust. Halflings work readily with others, and they are loyal to their friends, whether halfling or otherwise. They can display remarkable ferocity when their friends, families, or communities are threatened. Halflings average a whopping 3ft in height and their skin tones tend to be a range of cinnamon, with their hair usually some shade of brown. Their ears are rounded. Due to their preference for walking barefoot, their feet are roughly calloused and covered in dark hair.  


SCAG half-elf variants, vanilla

Walking in two worlds but truly belonging to neither, half-elves combine what some say are the best qualities of their elf and human parents: human curiosity, inventiveness, and ambition tempered by the refined senses, love of nature, and artistic tastes of the elves.   A half-elf must have significant human (which can be passed through aasimar, human, half-elf, half-orc, kalashtar, or tiefling) and significant elven (which can be passed through aasimar, elf, half-elf, or tiefling) heritage. Other races breed true and children are one or the other race.  


Half-orcs marry the primal fury of orcs with the adaptability of humans. Some half-orcs rise to become proud chiefs of orc tribes. Some venture into the world to try their fortunes elsewhere. Many of these become adventurers, achieving greatness for their mighty deeds. Half-orcs exhibit a blend of orcish and human characteristics, and their appearances can vary widely. Grey, green, or brown skin tone and prominent teeth are the most common shared elements among these folk.   A half-orc must have significant human (which can be passed through aasimar, human, half-elf, half-orc, kalashtar, or tiefling) and significant orcish (which can be passed through aasimar, half-orc, orc, or tiefling) heritage. Other races breed true and their children are one or the other race.  


vanilla, variant

Adar may not have made humans, but they are certainly his favorite. Humans are the most adaptable of species and have the enviable ability to mingle with any other culture and race. They always seem to survive through even the most disastrous of situations.   In addition to being able to culturally and socially mingle with any other race, humans are blessed by Adar with the unique ability to procreate with any other race. They “breed true”, i.e., children of humans are human, but variant humans emerge because they carry genetic material from other races - too weak to be considered a half-X but strong enough to exert an influence on their behavior. Apart from the races with obvious human heritage (half-elves, half-orcs), a number of non-human races can trace their evolution to genetic intermingling with humans or human ancestors (such as changelings, dhampirs, dragonborn, goliaths, sirens, half-ophidians, kalashtar, shifters, and witches).  



Chromatic, Gem, Metallic

Dragonborns are known for fierce loyalty to others, even while they strive for independence and self-sufficiency. To any dragonborn, their devotion and respect to the clan is above all else, even the gods. Each dragonborn’s conduct reflects on the honor of their clan - whether that is a city, a guild, or an adventuring party - and bringing dishonor to the clan can result in expulsion and exile. A continual drive for self-improvement reflects the self-sufficiency of the race as a whole. Dragonborn value skill and excellence in all endeavors. They hate to fail, and they push themselves to extreme efforts before they give up on something.   Dragonborn are relatively common in the world and most people don’t think twice about them. However, the ancestors of dragonborn - the dragons - existed on Evara before Adar and Lagahashra descended from the Divine Dimension. Heritage that transcends the gods makes a minority of people uncomfortable and moves a separate minority of people to reverence.  



Animal People

Appearance-wise, Animal People come in two variants: catgirl (few animal parts that very naturally blend with their humanoid features) and furry/scaly/feathery (anthropomorphic animal with few humanoid traits). The catgirl type are the more common type of Animal People (Moon Rabbits (harengon) have ONLY catgirl appearances due to the influence of Nalani).  

Types of Animal People

Avians (Aarakocra, Owlin, Siren)

Sequestered in high mountains atop tall trees, the aarakocra evoke awe and wonder. They superficially resemble Sirens in appearance, but tend to be found more inland (i.e., designs based on land-birds, not sea-birds). They tend to be survivalists, emphasizing the importance of fully using nature’s bounty and beauty.


Owlin come in many shapes and sizes, from petite and fluffy to wide-winged and majestic. Owlin have arms and legs like other humanoids, as well as wings that extend from their back and shoulders. Like owls, owlin are graced with feathers that make no sound when they move or fly. Owlins have a predilection towards being late risers, but are not strictly nocturnal (unless they live in a specifically nocturnal society, like Ekreles).


Sirens are common in Arya Voxus and other rocky coasts and remote islands, and even on floating piles of kelp. Sirens are mercurial creatures who can turn in an instant from lonely to repulsed, from desirous to hateful, from welcoming to irritated, from loving to murderous—and then back again. Sirens are humanoid creatures with birdlike features. Their long, slender arms extend into powerful wings that easily carry their light frames into the air. Their fingers bear sharp claws but are nimble enough to wield weapons and perform fine manipulation. Crests of feathery plumage start between their eyes and cover the backs of their heads.

Sauropsida (Kobold, Lizardfolk, Tortle, Yuan-ti, Naga)
Half-ophidian (Naga, Yuan-ti)

Half-Ophidians were originally descended from human ancestors who interbred with lizardfolk. Time and evolution created a pattern of divergent people who mix characteristics of humans and snakes. Blessed with resistance to magical and poisonous effects through their unorthodox genealogy, each of these Half-Ophidians manifests their serpentine heritage in a variety of ways: a forked tongue, snake eyes, a snakelike nose, or some other snake-like characteristic.


Some of the smallest draconic creatures in the multiverse, kobolds display their draconic ancestry in the glint of their scales and in their roars. Kobold scales tend to be rust colored, although the occasional kobold sports a scale color more akin to that of a chromatic or a metallic dragon. A kobold’s cry resonates with draconic power. Legends tell of the first kobolds emerging from the Dark Dimension near the lairs of the earliest dragons. In some parts of Evara, kobolds serve chromatic or metallic dragons—even worshiping them as divine beings. In other places, kobolds know too well how dangerous those dragons can be and help others defend against draconic destruction.


Lizardfolk possess an alien and inscrutable mindset, their desires and thoughts driven by a different set of basic principles than those of warm-blooded creatures. Their jungle homes might lie hundreds of miles from the nearest human settlement, but the gap between their way of thinking and that of the smooth-skins is far greater.

Lizardfolk in this setting can choose between a swim speed and a climb speed. All mechanical aspects of the climb speed are identical to that of the swim speed.


Tortles have a saying: “We wear our homes on our backs.” These turtle folk most often journey up and down coasts, along waterways, and across the sea. Tortles all have a sense of being mystically connected to the natural world. Carrying their shelter on their backs gives tortles a special feeling of security wherever they go, for even if they visit a far, unknown country, they have a place to lay their heads. Tortles exhibit the same range of coloration and patterns found among turtles, and many tortles enjoy adorning their shells in distinctive ways.   In this setting, they have tortoise-length lifespans for fuck's sake

Mammalians (Giff, Hadozee, Harengon, Khenra, Loxodon, Leonin, Tabaxi)

Giff, known also as the Water Heralds, are a race of hippo-like humanoids. They make their homes throughout Evara but are most at home near oceans, rivers, and rainforests. As beings of impressive size and unforgettable appearance, giff are noticed wherever they go. Giff put their great size to use in all sorts of ways, from lifting heavy loads and tying tight knots to opening stuck doors and seeing over crowds. They can walk on land or swim with equal ease. In the absence of other cultural norms, Giff tend to be aggressively territorial. They fiercely protect the people, plants, animals, and waters of their “territory”.


Hadozee are an evolutionarily recent development. Their progenitors were gnomes, whose ancestors in turn were edain. Hunted by larger natural predators, they took to the trees and evolved wing-like flaps that enabled them to glide from branch to branch. In addition, hadozee feet are as dexterous as their hands and even possess opposable thumbs. Like flying squirrels, hadozees have specialized arm membranes that enable them to glide when stretched taut. They are known to decorate and dye their wing membranes according to their culture.


The khenra are tall and lean, with graceful bodies and canine features. Despite their sharp teeth, they consider biting to be an uncouth and unworthy combat tactic. Nearly every khenra is born a fraternal or identical twin, and a pair of khenra twins forms an extremely close emotional bond unknown to most other species. The rare khenra who are born without twins are believed to have absorbed their sibling in the womb.

Khenra may take elements of their appearance from non-jackal canids, but may not resemble wolves.


The leonin once guarded the Golden City of Aman-Tal; some of the descendants of this sect protect the ruins. Prides of these nomadic, lion-like humanoids rarely interact with other peoples, having all they need in their shimmering homeland and knowing the treachery of strangers. Still, some leonin wonder what lies beyond their mission and seek to test themselves in a wider world.

Leonin resemble lions in build and pattern. They do not have the ‘domestic cat’ patterns of Tabaxi, nor do they resemble other ‘big cat’ species (i.e., such as tigers, jaguars, cheetahs, leopards).


Loxodons are often an oasis of calm. They hum or chant in sonorous tones and move slowly or sit in perfect stillness. As they say, "There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in a storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man."

  Moon Rabbits (Harengon) - Not permitted during 2nd Opening

A species favored by Nalani. Moon rabbits are anthropomorphic rabbits with mostly human traits, often taking on characteristics of whatever rabbit breed they’re connected to. They share the keen senses and powerful legs of leporine creatures and are full of energy, like a wound-up spring. Moon Rabbits are blessed with a little luck from the Goddess, and they often find themselves a few fortunate feet away from dangers during adventures. They have the peculiar trait of their eyes turning red at night on a full moon.


Tabaxi are a varied people in both attitude and appearance. In some lands, tabaxi live like the cats they resemble, naturally curious and at home in playful environments. In other places, tabaxi live as other folk do, not exhibiting feline behavior. Tabaxi’s appearance is as varied as their attitudes. Though most tabaxi have features or patterning in their fur like domestic cats, others might style their fur to their preferences—or might even be hairless.   Leonin and Tabaxi (and the extinct furred mantis race) share a common anthropoid feline ancestor.



Godswood (Dankwood), Vanilla

Typically subterranean folk, goblins can be found in every corner of Evara, often beside their hobgoblin kin. Early goblins served the god Lagahashra, their creator. Goblins thrived in their mortal domain thanks to a special boon from him—a supernatural knack for finding the weak spots in foes larger than themselves and for getting out of trouble. A split among Goblins removed some (the Godswood) goblins from Lagahasha’s direct control. Even those goblins carry this boon with them, even if they don’t remember that they got it from The Last God. Now, many goblins pursue their own destinies.  


Hobgoblins trace their origins to the ancient Godswood where they first appeared with their goblin kin. They were driven from the Godswood by battle between Ogden and Kiel, who marshaled them as soldiers, and did not permit them to return. The holy woods left their mark; wherever they are in Evara, they continue to channel an aspect of the forest’s bounty. Hobgoblins in times past formed mighty empires and with powerful legions, with ranks of devoted soldiers famed for their unity. Hobgoblins are generally taller than their goblin cousins but not quite as big as bugbears. They have curved, pointed ears and red skin.  


The kalashtar are a compound race created from the union of humanity and incorporeal servants of Nalani called quori. Kalashtar are often seen as wise, spiritual people with great compassion for others. But there is an unmistakable alien quality to the kalashtar, as they are haunted by the conflicts of their otherworldly spirits.  

Nymph (Genasi, Firbolg, Plasmoid)

Aerad (Air Genasi, Firbolg, Plasmoid), Gaiad (Earth Genasi, Firbolg, Plasmoid), Pyrad (Fire Genasi, Firbolg, Plasmoid), Naiad (Water Genasi, Firbolg, Plasmoid)

Nymphs are humanoid conduits of nature who can tap into the power of one of the elements. They have four subspecies depending on their primary element – air, earth, fire, and water – but ‘nymph’ is the generic term that refers to all of them. Although they can be born to nymph parents, Evara itself also births nymphs (i.e., they emerge from elemental nodes). Because the world is made from the bodies of the Behemoths and nymphs can be born from the world itself, nymphs are seen as the children of the Behemoths rather than the gods. This gives them more in common with The First God, Adar, and The Last God, Lagahashra, than any other humanoid race. Because of their connection to the Behemoths of old, Nymphs elicit a range of reactions from non-Nymphs - reverence to repulsion.

Nymphs may use the game statistics of a genasi, firbolg, or plasmoid. Their appearances should be informed by their race mechanics and should not be confusable for non-elemental races (i.e., a Pyrad nymph that uses genasi statistics might be a humanoid with fire in place of eyes and hair; a Pyrad nymph that uses plasmoid statistics might look like pure lava in a roughly humanoid shape).



A physically hulking, powerful species, Orcs are known for their athleticism and aggression. The typical adult orc ranges from 5’ to 7’ tall, has a protruding lower jaw, tusks, and a strong browridge. Their skin is leathery and tough, with coloration ranging from green to greyish black or even a reddish brown. Orcs typically live in small colonies because they can’t gather for long without warring with one another. Orcs who live with other races find it prudent to put some physical distance between themselves and others.



Tritons have extended their stewardship over the seafloor to the ocean’s surface. As the favored race of Rydia, they strive to embody the principles that they can learn from their watery homes. Water is patient: it can do anything if given enough time. Water is fluid: it can weave around obstacles and find ways that others cannot. Water can fit in wherever it flows. When water is calm, it gives life and nourishes those around it. However, water can be violent. Tritons have webbed hands and feet, and coloration and fin patterns that mimic fish of all kinds.  



A race that traces itself back to humans with doppelganger heritage, changelings are capable of shifting their forms with a thought. Their natural forms are distinctly non-human, though humanoid. In their true form, changelings appear faded, their features almost devoid of detail. It is rare to see a changeling in that form, for a typical changeling alters their shape the way others might change clothes. A casual shape—one created on the spur of the moment, with no depth or history—is called a mask. A mask can be used to express a mood or to serve a specific purpose and then might never be used again. However, many changelings develop identities that have more depth, crafting whole personas complete with histories and beliefs. A changeling adventurer might have personas for many situations, including negotiation, investigation, and combat. Personas can be shared by multiple changelings; a community might be home to three healer changelings, with whoever is on duty adopting the persona of Andrea, the gentle physician. Personas can even be passed down through a family, allowing a younger changeling to take advantage of contacts established by the persona’s previous users.   They use the MPMM statistics, with the following changes:
  • Creature type is humanoid, not fey
  • Unsettling Visage. When a creature you can see makes an attack roll against you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the roll. You must use this feature before knowing whether the attack hits or misses. Using this trait reveals your shapeshifting nature to any creature within 30 feet that can see you. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. Once you have expended all uses, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Dhampir - Not permitted during 2nd Opening

Poised between the worlds of the living and the dead, dhampirs retain their grip on life yet are endlessly tested by vicious hungers. Their ties to the undead grant dhampirs a taste of a vampire’s deathless prowess in the form of increased speed, darkvision, and a life-draining bite. Dhampirs may be the offspring of a vampire and another humanoid - an unholy union of life and death - but all manner of macabre bargains, necromantic influences, and encounters with mysterious immortals might have transformed them.


Dhampir game statistics may be reflavored to full vampires.


Dhampirs who are children of vampires and another race must have a human, half-elf, half-orc, or kalashtar parent.


Hybrid (Simic Hybrid)

Clearly distinguishable from Animalfolk, Hybrids are animal/humanoid mixes of 3+ distinct creatures (i.e., kobold + mole + giraffe; elf + praying mantis + clownfish + wolf). Hybrids live a strange existence. They are almost universally created as fully formed adults by the hand of Alere himself. Alere imprints his mindset and goals, instilling in hybrids a fierce drive to advance his cause. They do so by being meaner, tougher, and smarter than other species. Their lifespans vary greatly, depending on the base material used to create the hybrid (i.e., a human + fly + moth would probably have a very short lifespan compared to an elf + elephant + tortoise. And that elf + elephant + tortoise would still probably have a shorter lifespan than a pureblood elf.). Hybrids are ridiculed/feared/despised for their association with Alere, and for the destruction they invariably bring with them. They are most tolerated in the Withered Expanse and in Ciashra; in other places, individual hybrids may find specific (but not general) acceptance from non-hybrids.   Hybrids - created on the whim of a cruel god and given purpose that they might not want - have just as much reason to rebel against Alere as anyone else. A hybrid who bites the hand of their creator does so understanding that the rest of the world may never offer them peace or acceptance.   The overwhelming majority of hybrids are sterile. The only ones that can bear children have a significant proportion of human genetic material.
  • Creature type is monstrosity, not humanoid


Feathered folk who resemble ravens, kenku are blessed with keen observation and supernaturally accurate memories. Some of them paint their genesis as a curse, being a flightless bird people doomed to mimic other people’s creations. Other kenku recite cryptic but beautiful poems about their advent being a blessed event in which they were sent into the world to observe and catalog its many wonders. They tend to be considered outcasts (a self-imposed position since they are natural observers). Although kenku freely choose their religion based on individual preference, many feel themselves drawn to the service of Erela.  


Minotaurs are barrel-chested humanoids with heads resembling those of bulls. Blessed with a supernaturally strong sense of direction, minotaurs make great navigators. Veleda created minotaurs to patrol the magical mazes and protect the libraries and knowledge from being mishandled. She is also known to send them out into the world to retrieve knowledge - using their sense of direction to always find their way back to her. Minotaur horns range in size from about 1 foot long to easily three times that length. Minotaurs often carve their horns to sharpen their edges, etch symbols of power into them, or sheathe them in bronze to prevent them from shattering during battle.  

Witch (Hexblood) - Not permitted during 2nd Opening

Witches are members of other established species that have dedicated themselves to alluvial or covenant magic. Witches typically resemble other species but with unusual features for that species. For example, a witch with human ancestry might have purple skin and gold eyes. They’re not necessarily evil and/or ugly, but those are stereotypes for a reason.  

Normal/Rare - Not permitted during 2nd Opening


Popularly thought to be loved by Adar, since they are so changeable, these curious creatures are related to goblinoids.  

Unusual/Rare - Not permitted during 2nd Opening


Whether descended from a celestial being (this is usually the case) or infused with heavenly power, aasimar are mortals who carry a spark of the Divine Dimension within their souls. They can fan that spark to bring light, ease wounds, and unleash the fury of the gods. Aasimar can arise among any population of mortals. They resemble their parents, but they have longer lifespans and features that hint at their celestial heritage. These often begin subtle and become more obvious when the aasimar gains the ability to reveal their full celestial nature.

Because of their divine nature, aasimar are never able to live lives of peace. They may inspire cult-like followings. They may be called upon to perform miracles or intercede with the god who created them. Holy warriors might dedicate their lives to protecting an aasimar. They might be hated as abominations that encourage idoltry and draw worship away from the true gods. They also might be reviled by followers of an opposing or jealous god.

Aasimar may be the direct (but distant) descendants of gods, descendants of a god’s avatar, blessed by a god, or blessed by the servant of a god.



Originated in the Godswood, same as their goblin and hobgoblin cousins, but their evolution was warped by Lagahashra. Now they live in Ciardha and have little in common with their distant goblinoid relations. Bugbears rely on stealth and strength to attack, preferring to operate at night. When they're not in battle, bugbears conserve their energy, pursing trainingand recovery.  

Child of Alere (Centaur, Satyr)

Children of Alere are bizarre, but intelligent creatures who serve their master’s purpose. They are feared because of their progenitor and Children of Alere who reveal their true nature face an uncertain fate.

Children of Alere often masquerade as Animal People, and thrive on the energy of discord. While their music, charisma, and merriment are appealing, the positive appearance of Children of Alere masks an agenda of insurgency, radicalization, and anarchy. Alere’s blessings give them an innate ability to perform, to delight, and to resist magical intrusion. They seek to bring a bit of their creator’s chaos and mischief to other nations. In appearance, they are subtly different from Animal People: their features may seem unbalanced, mismatched, or disfigured, as though assembled by an incautious builder.

Much like Hybrids, Children of Alere were created on the whim of a cruel god and a given purpose that they might not want. They might dream of a life where their decisions are their own and their descendants are free. Unlike hybrids, a defector faces backlash from their peers as well as from the rest of the world. A Child of Alere who rebels against their creator is called “Godforsaken” by other Children. They are blacklisted and hunted by other Children and may face rejection from people who mistrust whether the turncoat is genuine or a double-agent.

Unlike Hybrids, Children of Alere can reproduce naturally. Alere also constructs Children himself, but in vastly smaller numbers than he makes Hybrids.

They use the MPMM statistics, with the following change:
  • Creature type is monstrosity, not fey


TCE Custom Lineage

The term “endling” refers not to a species, but to individuals who are the only one of their kind in the world. Endlings can have many possible origins: perhaps their species was the victim of an intentional genocide; perhaps a disaster or illness wiped them out; perhaps the endling was touched by a god or demon and became something distinct from the rest of their race. Maybe the endling spontaneously sprang into being in the eye of the ethereal plane. Whatever their origins, they are almost always destined to be the only one of their kind for however long they live.

The Endling race may not be used to approximate races that are either extinct or otherwise not permitted in the Evara setting.



Once members of a people who escaped servitude to mind flayers, githyanki split from their cousins, githzerai, and fled to the Astral Plane. In that timeless, silvery realm, githyanki honed their psionic powers and built a great city called Tu’narath in the body of a dead god. They have since started outposts outside the Astral Plane, called creches, where time passes and their children can reach adulthood. Githyanki adventurers in Evara have knowledge of how to cross the planes.   A lanky people with skin tones of yellows, greens, and browns, githyanki complement their physical prowess with psionic might, instilled in them by mind flayers and cultivated over eons in the Astral Plane. Now all githyanki can use their psychic bond with that plane to access splinters of knowledge left behind by beings who travel, live, and die among the silver astral clouds. Githyanki who reside in the Astral Plane can live indefinitely.  


Githzerai migrated to the Ethereal Plane after the ancient schism that split their ancestors from their cousins, githyanki. Through their potent psionic power, githzerai carved a home for themselves amid the chaos and strange reflection of the material realm. As the ages passed, githzerai explorers ranged out to other planes. Githzerai adventurers in Evara have knowledge of how to cross planes.   Githzerai are generally slender, with speckled skin in shades of yellow, green, or brown. Eons of cultivating their mental powers have imbued githzerai with the ability to shape psionic energy to protect themselves and probe minds.  


The first goliaths lived on the highest mountain peaks—far above the treeline, where the air is thin and frigid winds howl. Distantly related to giants and edain (the ancestors of humans), goliaths are infused with the supernatural essence of their ancestors’ mountainous homes. Goliaths stand between 7 and 8 feet tall and have a wide array of skin tones resembling different types of stone. The markings that emerge naturally on their skins as they reach adulthood appear like tattoos.   The naturally occurring, tattoo-like markings on their skin are considered blessings of Lagahashra, and because of this ‘blessing’, goliaths are stigmatized and actively reviled by most of the world.  


Death isn’t always the end. The reborn exemplify this, being individuals who have died yet, somehow, still live. Some reborn exhibit the scars of fatal ends, their ashen flesh or bloodless veins making it clear that they’ve been touched by death. Other reborn are marvels of magic or science, being stitched together from disparate beings or bearing mysterious minds in manufactured bodies. Whatever their origins, reborn know a new life and seek experiences and answers all their own.


Reborn are usually feared and misunderstood (because death and undeath are frightening), but not always. They are not openly rejected either. Depending on their origins, Alere or Erela might be involved in their creation, but there are multiple routes to being Reborn.



Shifters are sometimes called weretouched, as they are descendants of people who contracted full or partial lycanthropy. Humanoids with a bestial aspect, shifters can’t fully change shape, but they can temporarily enhance their animalistic features by entering a state they call shifting. Lycanthropes were a creation of Alere; crusades led against them by zealots of Thara nearly wiped out both the shifters and their lycanthrope ancestors. Because of the persecution they face (largely at the hands of Tharan extremists), they tend to be loners and isolationists, inhabiting remote or dangerous places that others wouldn’t try to inhabit.

Shifters are similar to humans in height and build but are typically more lithe and flexible. Their facial features have a bestial cast, often with large eyes and pointed ears; most shifters also have prominent canine teeth. They grow fur-like or feather-like hair on nearly every part of their bodies. Although a shifter’s appearance might remind an onlooker of Animal People, they remain clearly identifiable as shifters even when at their most feral.

Shifters in Evara share an appearance and shifting state with animals that have a full-blooded lycanthrope equivalent (possible animals: bat, bear, boar, jackal, jaguar, rat, raven, tiger, wolf). Because these animal types are largely non-overlapping with Animal People, they are distinct in appearance from Animal People.



Thri-kreen are bipedal insectoids who emerged in Evara from another plane. On Evara, they typically inhabit deserts, prairies, and grasslands and can be most commonly found in Eridania and Ciashra. Thri-Kreen consider all other living creatures as potential nourishment, but thri-kreen are not violent by nature (i.e., they will not attack on sight). They firmly believe in hierarchy and privacy, and most Thri-Kreen groups find the idea of upward and downward mobility confusing. Temperamentally, Thri-Kreen experience a full emotional spectrum, but their insectoid nature means that they express their emotions in ways that are alien to non-Thri-Kreen. A clack of the mandibles might seem threatening to other humanoids, but really is an expression of joy; a twitch of the antennae may seem like nothing to other humanoids, but may be the emotional equivalent of a frown. Thri-Kreen may feel called to an adventuring lifestyle by a thirst for knowledge, seeking a specific treasure, or other urges. Wherever they go, they are sure to be regarded with suspicion (but not outright hostility) because their ancestry can be traced back neither to the gods nor the behemoths.



Asmodeus, Baalzebul, Dispater, Fierna, Glasya, Levistus, Mammon, Mephistopheles, Zariel, SCAG Tiefling Variants

It is not fashionable to be a hellspawn. Tieflings are likely to be judged because of their heritage - either in celebration of their connection to the Dark Dimension or in rejection of it. To be greeted with stares and whispers, to see mistrust and fear or zeal and awe in every eye: this is the lot of the tiefling.

They most commonly emerge from human lineages, but can emerge from any race due to an unholy coupling, the presence of profane magic in their past (or current presence of profane magic), a curse, or other concerning means. They do not "breed true" (i.e., the offspring of 2 tieflings is not necessarily also guaranteed to be a tiefling).


Not Playable

  • Gods
  • Grung (found in swamps, bogs, jungles, and rainforests. They are classified as Animal People and come in the catgirl and scaly variants)
  • Locathah (found in the seas, as well as deep rivers and lakes. Locathah are more fish than humanoid in appearance than tritons and sea elves. They are classified as Animal People and come in the catgirl and scaly variants)
  • Monsters (i.e., any creature with a monster statblock and no playable variant, such as a dragon, unicorn, or beholder)
  • “Mythical” hybrids (same as hybrids only with creatures such as dragons, unicorns, or other magical animals instead)
  • “Mythical” half-breeds (same as half-human, but with creatures such as unicorns, sphinxes, etc. Don't Fuck a sphinx and expect a kid, guys.)
  • Vampire (you can reflavor the dhampir race as a full vampire, but we do not play with the Planeshift Ixalan or Planeshift Zendikar vampire races)


  • Behemoths (Previous generation of Gods; creators of the world; family/parents of Adar and Lagahashra)
  • Dinosaurs
  • Edain (extremely violent human ancestors)
  • Furred Mantises (shared a common ancestor with Tabaxi & Leonin)
  • White stags (like centaurs, but deer instead of horse. Would have been classified as Animal People)


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