Aurr - Tribe of the Lynx

The tribe of the Lynx hunts in the western part of Nehalenor, between the Cascade and the Green rivers. They mainly consider the Willow Woods to be the land of their tribe.

The hunters of the Aurr tribe are agile and stealthy.

According to their tradition, at the time of creation, the first Aurr hunters followed the trail of a lynx to reach their tribe's hunting grounds. In the game-rich area of the river valley, they can live in peace and abundance by the will of Narmiraen, while preserving the balance of nature.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternatív Megnevezések
The Tribe of the Lynx
Földrajzi származás
Ruling Organization
Kapcsolódó Etnikumok

Cover image: Utea by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)
Character flag image: by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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