Followers of the Mother of the Crimson Moon

Long before the times of Evera, an ancient deity named Drag'Than ruled over his world, Ignettis. He was the creator of the demons and all the beautiful things there. His subjects worshipped him with blood and devotion. Drag'Than had three godly children: Fenix, Jomril, and Myrios. Fenix was the mother of the fire spirits and elementals. Jomril admired his father's creations and wanted to surpass them with his skill. Myrios wandered between worlds and time, eventually lost somewhere. She met the Dragon Goddes on her journey, who promised to escort her home.
Because helped his daughter, Drag'Than presented the Dargon Goddess with a divine way to create a new world for the resting place of Gyndrian. With six deities, they made Evera, and Ignettis become an outer, elemental plane beside the Core.
Jomril left with the Dragon Goddess to fulfill his wish. Ignettis slowly started changing, as Firedragons settled on the new land. First, the coexistence was easier, but the peace didn't last long. The Dragons don't follow Drag'Than and shape their claimed land to their desire. The ancient deity was so fed up with them, that left his old creation and went with Myrios to the Abyss, to create a new world without "noisy lizards".
Before he left, he granted some power to his high priestess, Catraya Nemornore.
Catraya became immortal but continued her devotion. Between the wars of the Demon Warlords, Firedragons, and the new races, who appeared in the realm, Drag'Than's religion began to decline. The high priestess asked advice from the last remaining ancient goddess on what to do. Fenix told her to stoke the fire, she needed to become a new member of the pantheon.
Catraya waited for a long time, as she claimed herself a servant of her god and not a deity. But after Dreaded Sagradus began to threaten the Eternal Flame's lands, and her daughter, Morgana, she became more fierce. She allied with Glysaris against the other warlords and accepted her into her pantheon (with Fenix).
On the Elemental plane of Fire, she presents herself as a high priestess and prophet of Drag'Than, and a powerful Demon Warlord. In the meantime, she sent converts to the Core, to spread the religion of the Crimson Mother, who protects and cares for all.
The Crimson Mother's teachings are close to Drag'Than's ancient dogmas. The difference is that Catraya consciously protects the weak because the numbers can make a difference against strength.
Her Segai followers were oppressed for so long under Vangrakath's wraith, she won many followers by calling them equals with the stronger relatives.
Her priesthood is the Demon and Bena elven priestesses from the Eternal Flame. They trained in monasteries just outside the demonic cities of the Plane.

Articles under Followers of the Mother of the Crimson Moon

Cover image: Encyclopedia by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)
Character flag image: Mother of the Crimson Moon by Lia Feils (Adobe Express)


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