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Beaugrave Grove

Deep inside Beaugrave Woods is a Druid Grove. A dryad guardian can open the way to the grove inside, but she is wary of any who approach, even allies, and caution must always be taken to appease her fickle nature. Once inside the grove, you enter into a small clearing of eternal spring with gentle rains falling throughout the day. There is a ring of tall standing stones within the Druid Grove, a Place of Power that druids recognize and use to keep the land healthy and renewed. A stream runs through the grove and forms a pool under one of the ancient trees. Its waters are sweet and cool and used for drinking, rituals, and scrying. Natural shelters of stone and wood have been erected to protect stocks of food and to house the farming tools and seeds required to sustain this place. 12 druids dwell here keeping gardens, flowerbeds, bees, and herb and fungus patches to sustain the grove.


Beaugrave Grove is an isolated meadow clearing deep within Beaugrave Woods in the Tinkergarde Kingdom.  A stream runs through the grove and forms a pool under one of the ancient trees. Its waters are sweet and cool.  The meadow grasses are soft and lush.


The Grove is an area protected by Druidic magic.  A gentle rain falls throughout the day.  The druids maintain several gardens, flowerbeds, bees, and herb and fungus patches.  Injured animals and wildlife often reach the Grove where the druids can take care of them until they are ready to return to the Beaugrave Woods.

Ecosystem Cycles

The Druid Grove remains locked in the season of Spring.  Flora and fauna are always growing and in a cycle of rebirth within the Grove.  This is a place of restoration, rebirth, and regrowth.  A place where new beginnings are not only vital but important.

Localized Phenomena

Every day a soft rain falls in the Beaugrave Grove.  Gentle breezes blow through the leaves of the ancient trees, so that the leaves sound like the waves of the ocean.  The smell of wet grass permeates the area. 


The climate of Beaugrave Grove tends to be balmy with cooling breezes and occassional gentle rain showers throughout each day.  The weather in Beaugrave Grove is stable and constant all through the year.  It can be a stark contrast for someone traveling through Beaugrave Woods in the middle of winter after hiking in deep snow to suddenly arrive in Beaugrave Grove.

Fauna & Flora

The trees inside the Beaugrave Grove entrance are tall canopy trees of oak, maple and beech.  Mushrooms also grow under the canopy of trees.  Small shrubs like elderberries and blackberries transition the space from forest to the meadow.  There are also ferns and honeysuckle throughout this transitional space.  The open meadow clearing is filled with a variety of grasses, wildflowers including daisies, black-eyed susans, and milkweed and herbs like yarrow, goldenrod, and echinacea.   Deer can be seen darting between the trees and eating the berries.  Squirrels, chipmunks, and rabbits scurry throughout the wooded area and the open meadow.  Woodpeckers, warblers, and thrushes can be heard in the trees.  Sparrows and meadowlarks fly through the meadow chasing the insects that live there.  Butterflies, bees, and crickets can be seen throughout the Grove.  

Natural Resources

There is a large variety of medicinal herbs and plants that the Druids can sustainably harvest such as yarrow, echinacea, and St. John's Wort.  Wild berries, nuts, and mushrooms provide food without disrupting the ecosystem.  Nettle is used for making natural fibers and textiles.  Fallen branches are gathered for crafting tools, instruments, and shelters. 


1005 DA - A group of refugees, led by a visionary leader, discovers the forest grove and establishes a hidden Kaer underground nearby, unaware of the dryad's presence.   1075 DA - A group of outcast elves seeks sanctuary in the forest grove, forging an alliance with the settlement and enriching its cultural diversity.   1209 DA - A scouting expedition from the underground settlement ventures into the forest grove, encountering the protective presence of the dryad for the first time.   1214 DA - The settlement establishes a fragile alliance with the dryad, allowing limited access to the grove in exchange for protection and conservation efforts.   1218 DA - The settlement faces internal strife as factions vie for control over access to the forest grove and its resources, testing the fragile alliance with the dryad.   1222 DA - A wise elder from the settlement forms a council with the dryad to manage the sustainable use of resources in the forest grove, ensuring its long-term preservation.   1234 DA - The settlement faces a plague of invasive creatures threatening the forest grove, prompting a united effort between villagers, druids, and the dryad to combat the menace.   1247 DA - A severe drought challenges the settlement's reliance on the forest grove's resources, prompting innovations in water conservation and sustainable farming.   1259 DA - A devastating wildfire threatens to engulf the forest grove, prompting a heroic effort by villagers, druids, and the dryad to protect its precious flora and fauna.   1334 DA - A severe blight threatens the forest grove's ecosystem, testing the settlement's resilience and prompting innovative solutions from healers and conservationists.   1505 DA - A series of severe earthquakes shakes the underground settlement, prompting discussions about relocating to the surface despite the risks.   1507 DA - The settlement begins a gradual migration to the surface, aided by the guidance of the dryad and her knowledge of the forest grove's secrets.   1512 DA - The first "Druids" successfully establish a surface settlement inside the forest grove.  Most of the people who had lived in the Kaer wander off and do not return.  The dryad only allows those who truly care about nature and taking care of the grove to remain and remember the grove.   1515 DA - The Druids faces a harsh winter, forcing them to rely on the resources of the forest grove and strengthening the bond with the dryad.   1516 DA - A grand ceremony honoring the dryad's protection of the forest grove strengthens the Druids' spiritual bond with nature and reaffirms their commitment to sustainable living.   1517 DA - A mysterious illness affects the wildlife of the forest grove, prompting healers and druids to collaborate on finding a cure and deepening trust with the dryad.   1523 DA - A group of mystics visits the settlement seeking spiritual enlightenment in the forest grove, deepening the understanding of its mystical properties.   1552 DA - A council of druids convenes in the forest grove to discuss urgent threats to its mystical balance, pledging to work together to safeguard its enchanted realm.
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