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Billowburg, the capital of Tinkergarde Kingdom, is a vibrant and bustling port city renowned for its advanced technology, festive atmosphere, and unparalleled nightlife. The city is a unique blend of cutting-edge innovation and old-world charm, where gnomish ingenuity is on full display. Billowburg is a vibrant coastal city known for its blend of halfling coziness, human grandeur, and gnomish steampunk innovation. Nestled on fertile plains with a temperate maritime climate, the city features lush gardens and advanced machinery. The Grand Theatre of Illusions and the Moonlit Carnival provide dynamic entertainment, while the Civic Plaza and Guild Enclave highlight administrative and professional excellence.


15% Gnomes (3,000)
40% Halflings (8,000)
40% Human (8,000)
5% Other (1,000)


The government of Tinkergarde Kingdom is ruled by a strict leading council of gnomes, each an expert in their respective field. This council maintains tight control over the city, ensuring it runs smoothly by balancing technological advancement with leisure and celebration. They are known for their zero-tolerance policy, with imprisonment being the norm for even minor offenses. The town guard, who perform their duties exceptionally well, likely driven by fear of retribution, help enforce this stringent order. Despite the strict governance, the council also oversees the numerous festivals and events that keep the city’s spirit alive, making Tinkergarde a place of both disciplined order and vibrant celebration.


Billowburg's defenses include fortified city walls with advanced gnome-engineered mechanisms and a skilled town guard. The city is protected by magical wards and traps, enhanced by the intricate Clockwork Towers that provide surveillance and rapid response. Strategic placement of defensive structures and well-trained personnel ensure robust protection against threats.   The city of Billowburg boasts a well-organized army, supported by advanced gnome-engineered war machines and tactical innovations. The army includes elite infantry, skilled engineers, and specialized units trained for both siege defense and rapid deployment.

Industry & Trade


Billowburg imports raw materials like metals and rare minerals, exotic goods such as spices and fabrics, and specialized equipment for advanced machinery. These imports support the city's technological development, vibrant market scene, and engineering needs, ensuring a steady flow of essential resources and luxury items.  


Billowburg exports innovative gnome-engineered devices, high-quality artisan crafts, and processed goods including textiles and metalworks. These exports reflect the city’s advanced technological capabilities, skilled craftsmanship, and thriving trade, making it a key player in regional and international markets.


Billowburg excels in manufacturing sophisticated mechanical devices, detailed artisan goods, and essential industrial products. The city’s advanced engineering and craftsmanship drive the creation of intricate machinery, high-quality crafts, and durable equipment, showcasing its technological prowess and dedication to practical solutions.


Entertainment Districts:

  The Festival Ward: Known for its constant celebrations, this district is a kaleidoscope of colors and sounds. Street performers, musicians, and dancers entertain the crowds, while numerous taverns and inns offer a place to relax and enjoy the festivities.   The Luminary Gardens: a whimsical haven that perfectly captures the essence of gnome and halfling culture. This serene district is a sprawling park filled with lush greenery, vibrant flowers, and carefully manicured hedges. Miniature windmills and ornate garden gnomes dot the landscape, while halfling-sized benches and tables invite visitors to relax and enjoy picnics. The gardens feature intricate clockwork fountains, tinkling merrily as they spray water in elegant arcs, and tiny, charming cottages that house resident caretakers, often seen tending to the vibrant flora. Throughout the Luminary Gardens, you can find delightful hidden nooks designed for intimate gatherings or solitary contemplation, each imbued with the playful and inventive spirit of the gnomes and the warm, community-focused ethos of the halflings. This district is a popular spot for romantic walks, family outings, and peaceful reflection, offering a serene escape from the bustling city life while celebrating the unique cultural heritage of its residents.   The Glittering Promenade: A long avenue lined with bars, clubs, and entertainment venues. Each establishment offers a unique experience, from lively dance floors to quiet lounges with stunning views of the harbor.   The Moonlit Carnival: a nightly celebration in Billowburg, renowned for its enchanting atmosphere and lively entertainment. This vibrant festival features a variety of attractions, including whimsical rides, colorful games, and an array of street food vendors offering delicious treats. The carnival is illuminated by an array of dazzling lights and mechanical wonders, with gnome-crafted contraptions adding a touch of magic to the festivities. Visitors can enjoy performances by talented local musicians, acrobats, and illusionists who bring a sense of wonder to the event. The Moonlit Carnival provides a captivating experience for all who attend, reflecting the city’s playful spirit and love for celebration.   The Grand Theatre of Illusions: A renowned venue for performances of all kinds, including plays, magic shows, and musical concerts. The theater’s cutting-edge technology enhances every performance, creating an unforgettable experience.   Shadow Alley: a discreet entertainment district, renowned for its illicit pleasures. Hidden clubs, high-stakes gambling halls, exotic performances, and an underground market cater to those seeking excitement beyond the mainstream. With its dimly lit venues and secretive atmosphere, it offers a thrilling escape from the city's norms.  

Trade Districts:

  The Clockwork Quarter: Home to the city’s most brilliant inventors and engineers, this district is filled with workshops, laboratories, and academies. The air is often filled with the hum of machinery and the occasional burst of steam.   The Harbor District: The heart of trade and commerce, this area is bustling with merchants, sailors, and traders from all over the world. The port is filled with airships and seafaring vessels, loading and unloading goods.   The Merchant's Bazaar: A vibrant trade district, bustling with colorful stalls and shops. It features a Grand Market Hall, Artisan Alley, Culinary Corner, and large trade emporiums. This lively area offers everything from exotic goods and handmade crafts to diverse culinary delights, making it a hub of commerce and culture.   The Celestial Quarter: a serene Billowburg district featuring temples and shrines for divine worship. The Temple of Emera shines with light and truth, the Sanctuary of Thaddeus, The Healer offers healing, the Shrine of Yatra celebrates trade and travel, the Chapel of Thanatos honors the deceased, and a modest Altar of Barus represents greed and wealth.  

Governmental Districts:

  The Civic Plaza: Billowburg's administrative heart, home to City Hall, Grand Council Chambers, and key government offices. The district's grand architecture and meticulously maintained gardens highlight the city's dedication to governance and public service. It stands as a focal point for civic affairs and the gnomish commitment to orderly administration.   The Guild Enclave: Billowburg's dynamic hub for professional and craft guilds. It features grand halls for inventors, artisans, and merchants, bustling with activity. Workshops, meeting rooms, and display areas highlight the city’s spirit of innovation and collaboration, making it a vibrant center for creativity and professional excellence.  

Residential Districts:

  Glimmering Heights: Billowburg’s affluent district, home to the city's wealthy gnomes. Opulent mansions, lush gardens, and exclusive clubs define this area. Luxury shops and elite amenities cater to the upper class, reflecting their significant influence and prosperity in the city.   Clockwork Estates: A prosperous district, is populated by affluent gnome engineers and inventors. Grand homes equipped with advanced technology and impressive workshops characterize this area. The district showcases innovation and high status, reflecting its residents' success in engineering and invention.   Artisan Row: An upper-middle-class neighborhood where skilled gnome craftsmen and halfling artisans reside. The area boasts beautifully designed homes, vibrant galleries, and lively workshops. It is known for its artistic achievements and cultural contributions, highlighting its residents' creativity and skill.   Merchant’s Haven: An upper-middle-class district home to successful human merchants and prosperous gnomes. The area features charming residences above bustling shops and trade centers. Its vibrant market life and successful trade reflect the economic success of its merchant residents.   Scholars’ Quarters: Middle-class gnome and human academics and researchers. The district includes well-kept homes, libraries, and study centers, creating a quiet environment for intellectual pursuits. It’s a hub of learning and scholarly activity, reflecting the value placed on education.   Craftsmen’s District: A middle-class neighborhood for halfling and human artisans, including blacksmiths and builders. The area features practical homes with adjacent workshops. It’s a busy district where residents craft goods and contribute to the city’s industrious spirit.   Commonfolk’s Corner: A lower-middle-class district, is home to working-class humans and halflings. The modest but well-maintained homes are complemented by local markets and community centers. It’s a vibrant area where residents work hard and support each other.   Harborview: A working-class district, serves human and halfling sailors and dockworkers. The practical homes and proximity to the docks reflect its maritime focus. The area is lively and industrious, supporting the city’s shipping and trade activities.   Ironwood District: A working-class area for skilled laborers and metalworkers. Functional homes and nearby foundries characterize this industrious district. The atmosphere is robust, reflecting the hard work and dedication of its residents in heavy industry.   The Greenway: A low-income district predominantly for halflings and other races. Simple, practical homes and community support services define the area. It’s a close-knit community where residents rely on each other and essential services to thrive.

Guilds and Factions

The Clockwork Guild

The Clockwork Guild is renowned for its innovation in mechanical engineering and automation. Members include skilled gnome engineers and inventors who create intricate machinery and advanced gadgets. The guild is a hub for cutting-edge technology and plays a key role in Billowburg’s technological advancements.

The Artisan Collective

The Artisan Collective unites talented craftsmen and artists, including halflings and gnomes, dedicated to high-quality craftsmanship. Members produce ornate jewelry, fine sculptures, and practical items, showcasing their skills in various media. The collective enhances Billowburg’s cultural richness and artistic reputation.

The Merchant's League 

The Merchant's League consists of influential human and gnome traders focused on commerce and trade. Members manage trade routes, oversee market activities, and establish economic partnerships. The league plays a crucial role in Billowburg’s vibrant market scene and economic prosperity.The

Iron Foundry 

The Iron Foundry specializes in metalworking and heavy industry. Skilled halfling and human blacksmiths and metalworkers operate here, producing essential components and durable equipment. The guild is central to Billowburg’s industrial output, providing crucial materials for both local use and export. 

The Scholars' Consortium 

The Scholars' Consortium is a prestigious group of academics and researchers dedicated to advancing knowledge and technology. Members, including gnomes and humans, conduct research, publish studies, and contribute to technological innovations. The consortium is pivotal in fostering intellectual growth and innovation in Billowburg.

Gears of Harmony

The Gears of Harmony, a specialized healthcare division in Tinkergarde, integrates advanced technology and traditional healing. They provide medical care, combat mental health issues, and enhance preventive measures. Their role is crucial in maintaining public health, aligning with the kingdom’s policies, and managing healthcare innovations across Tinkergarde.

Points of interest

Entertainment Districts:

  The Festival Ward:
  • The Carousel of Wonders: A whimsical carousel with intricate designs and mechanical creatures, adding a touch of enchantment to the street celebrations.
  • The Revelry Pavilion: A grand outdoor stage hosting regular performances and festivals, featuring colorful decorations and a festive atmosphere.
The Luminary Gardens:
  • The Clockwork Fountain: An ornate fountain featuring intricate clockwork mechanisms, spraying water in elegant arcs and serving as a focal point of the gardens.
  • The Miniature Windmills: Delightful, working windmills scattered throughout the gardens, adding a whimsical touch and a sense of gnome-inspired wonder.
The Glittering Promenade:
  • The Harbor View Terrace: A stylish outdoor bar and eatery with stunning views of the harbor, perfect for a sunset drink or a romantic evening.
  • The Neon Dance Club: A lively venue featuring vibrant lights, pulsating music, and energetic dance floors, known for its electrifying nightlife.
The Moonlit Carnival:
  • The Clockwork Ferris Wheel: A large, beautifully illuminated Ferris wheel offering breathtaking views of the city and carnival grounds.
  • The Illusionist’s Tent: A captivating venue for magic shows and illusionist performances, adding an air of wonder and excitement to the carnival.
The Grand Theatre of Illusions: A renowned venue for performances of all kinds, including plays, magic shows, and musical concerts. The theater’s cutting-edge technology enhances every performance, creating an unforgettable experience.   Shadow Alley:
  • The Velvet Veil Club: An exclusive nightclub offering high-stakes gambling and exotic entertainment in a luxurious, secretive setting.
  • The Phantom’s Market: A hidden marketplace where rare and often illicit goods are traded, catering to those seeking unique or forbidden items.

Trade Districts:

  The Clockwork Quarter:
  • The Gearwright’s Hall: A grand workshop and showroom for intricate clockwork creations, from automata to precision instruments, showcasing the district’s mechanical expertise.
  • The Inventors’ Academy: A prestigious institution dedicated to the study and advancement of mechanical and engineering arts, featuring classrooms, laboratories, and research centers.
The Harbor District:
  • The Grand Dockyard: The central hub for maritime activities, where large seafaring vessels and airships are loaded and unloaded, and repairs are conducted.
  • The Port Authority Building: The administrative center overseeing trade, shipping, and port operations, featuring a bustling office and a control tower with views over the harbor.
  • The Harborview Observation Tower: A towering structure providing panoramic views of the harbor and the city, popular for both tourists and locals alike.
The Merchant's Bazaar:
  • The Grand Market Hall: A large, vibrant building housing a diverse range of stalls and shops, from exotic goods to local crafts, at the heart of the bazaar.
  • Artisan Alley: A picturesque street lined with colorful stalls and boutique shops selling handcrafted items, artwork, and unique trinkets.
  • The Culinary Corner: A bustling area filled with street food vendors and small eateries, offering a wide variety of culinary delights and international flavors.
  • The Trade Emporium: A grand building featuring large-scale trade goods, from textiles to precious metals, serving as a major hub for commerce.
  The Celestial Quarter:
  • The Temple of Emera: A grand temple dedicated to the Emera, Goddess of Light and Truth, renowned for its radiant architecture and serene atmosphere.
  • The Sanctuary of Thaddeus: A peaceful retreat offering healing services and spiritual comfort from Thaddeus, The Healer, known for its calming environment and compassionate caretakers.
  • The Shrine of Yatra: A vibrant shrine celebrating Yatra, Goddess of Trade, Travel, and Storms, adorned with dynamic artwork and offerings reflecting its divine themes.
  • The Chapel of Thanatos: A reflective chapel dedicated to honoring the deceased, featuring somber yet beautiful design and spaces for contemplation.
  • The Altar of Barus: A modest yet elegant altar representing the god of Greed & Profit, subtly incorporated into the district’s spiritual landscape.

Governmental Districts:

  The Civic Plaza:
  • City Hall: The majestic seat of Billowburg’s municipal government, featuring grand architecture, ornate chambers, and a central clock tower that symbolizes the city’s dedication to order and public service.
  • Grand Council Chambers: The primary meeting place for the city’s ruling council, showcasing impressive design and advanced gnome-crafted mechanisms that assist in governance and decision-making.
  • The Archives of Billowburg: A vast repository of the city’s historical documents and records, providing insight into Billowburg’s administrative evolution and significant events, with interactive displays and preservation technology.
    The Guild Enclave:
  • The Guild Exhibition Center: A dynamic venue for guild-sponsored exhibitions and fairs, showcasing the latest advancements, crafts, and technologies, and serving as a hub for professional networking and public engagement.
  • Artisans’ Guildhouse: A vibrant facility for artisans, with expansive workshops, creative studios, and galleries displaying intricate crafts and artistic achievements from local and visiting craftsmen.

Residential Districts:

  Glimmering Heights:
  • The Gilded Club: An exclusive social club offering elite amenities, fine dining, and entertainment. It’s a prestigious venue where the city’s affluent residents gather to socialize and network.
Clockwork Estates:
  • The Gilded Gear Tavern: A sleek, modern tavern with a steampunk aesthetic, The Gilded Gear Tavern features polished brass fixtures, intricate clockwork decorations, and a state-of-the-art drink dispensing system. The menu includes high-end spirits and gourmet fare, while the atmosphere is enriched by occasional mechanical performances and demonstrations of the latest gnome inventions.
Artisan Row:
  • The Artisan’s Retreat: A charming inn designed with a blend of gnome ingenuity and halfling warmth. The decor features handcrafted furniture, vibrant murals, and open galleries showcasing local art. Guests can enjoy artisan-crafted meals and drinks, while the inn regularly hosts art exhibitions and craft workshops for visitors to engage with the local culture.
Merchant’s Haven:
  • The Merchant’s Haven Inn: An upscale lodging with elegant, well-appointed rooms above a bustling marketplace. Its elegant dining area serves a variety of international cuisines, and the inn features a lively lounge where merchants and travelers can discuss trade. The inn's prime location provides easy access to the vibrant market life of the district.
Scholars’ Quarters:
  • The Scholar’s Forum: A quiet area designed for academic discussions and intellectual gatherings, offering spaces for lectures, seminars, and collaborative research projects.
Craftsmen’s District:
  • The Hammer & Hearth Tavern: A cozy and rugged establishment popular among the Craftsmen's District's artisans and laborers. Its decor includes exposed wooden beams, sturdy stone walls, and a large, central hearth that provides warmth and a communal gathering space. The tavern offers hearty, home-cooked meals and a variety of local brews, with a menu designed to satisfy the appetites of hard-working craftsmen. The walls are adorned with tools, sketches, and hand-forged items from local artisans, creating an atmosphere that celebrates the district’s industrious spirit. The tavern also features a small workshop area where patrons can engage in informal skill-sharing and impromptu demonstrations.
Commonfolk’s Corner:
  • The Local Market: A bustling area featuring stalls and shops run by local vendors, offering affordable goods and fresh produce. It’s a vibrant hub for daily commerce and community interaction.
  • The Dockside Tavern: A popular hangout spot for sailors and dockworkers, offering hearty meals and lively entertainment. It’s a central gathering place in the district.
  • The Wharf Workers’ Hall: A practical building serving as a union hall and support center for the district’s maritime workers, providing resources and a meeting space for the local workforce.
Ironwood District:
  • The Laborer’s Lodge: A communal space for workers to rest and socialize after long shifts, offering basic amenities and fostering a sense of community among the district’s skilled laborers.
The Greenway:
  • The Community Garden: A shared green space where residents grow vegetables and flowers, promoting community bonding and self-sufficiency. It’s a vibrant and practical feature of the district.


Billowburg melds halfling coziness with human grandeur, accentuated by gnomish steampunk flair. Cozy, rounded halfling homes and grand human structures are adorned with intricate metalwork and clockwork mechanisms. Public spaces blend practical design with whimsical gears and fountains, creating a harmonious, visually striking cityscape that celebrates all three cultures.


Billowburg is a coastal city situated on fertile plains, bordered by lush farmlands and expansive forests. Its location offers easy access to marine resources, rich agricultural land, and freshwater sources. The city benefits from a temperate maritime climate, enhancing its natural beauty and supporting diverse economic activities.


Billowburg enjoys a temperate maritime climate with mild winters and cool, comfortable summers. The city benefits from gentle sea breezes and moderate rainfall throughout the year, which nourishes its lush gardens and vibrant flora. High humidity supports lush greenery, creating an inviting and picturesque environment for its residents.

Natural Resources

Billowburg’s coastal location on the plains provides access to a variety of natural resources:
  • Marine Resources: Abundant fish, shellfish, and seaweed from the ocean. The nearby waters offer valuable resources for fishing, seafood trade, and salt extraction.
  • Agricultural Land: Fertile plains ideal for growing grains, vegetables, and fruits. The region supports extensive farming and gardening, contributing to the city’s food supply.
  • Freshwater Sources: Rivers or streams flowing from the plains provide fresh water for drinking, irrigation, and industry.
  • Timber: Surrounding forests or woodlands offer timber for construction, crafting, and fuel.
  • Minerals: Nearby mineral deposits, including ores and gemstones
  These resources support Billowburg's thriving economy, from seafood and agriculture to construction and manufacturing.

Founding Date
268 DA
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Related Traditions
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