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Gears of Harmony

The Gears of Harmony is dedicated to improving healthcare in Tinkergarde Kingdom by integrating advanced gnomish technology with traditional herbal medicine remedies and clerical healing. The organization aims to ensure that all citizens, regardless of race, have access to high-quality healthcare. They partner with the Engineering Guild in Billowburg to develop new innovations in medicine through Gnomish devices, as well as the Herbalism and Alchemy Guilds to advance medical knowledge and practices. The Gears of Harmony was founded in 1203 DA during the Age of Horrors, but it truly began to flourish and make a significant impact on healthcare only after the Age of Horrors ended, as it adapted to the new challenges and opportunities of the post-crisis world. They are a specialized division within the Tinkergarde Kingdom, akin to Royal Healers or a similar organization, and their operations reflect the kingdom's policies of prioritizing technological innovation and strict regulation of elemental magic in healthcare practices.   They operate large, steam-powered carriages equipped with various gnomish devices that are mobile medical units. These units are equipped with diagnostic contraptions, auto-stitchers, and steam-powered defibrillators. These devices are known for their unpredictability. They might break down easily, occasionally explode, or require frequent repairs, adding an element of excitement (and occasional frustration) to medical care. Each mobile unit includes a small shrine to a healing deity, allowing clerics and priests to channel divine healing powers. These stations are crucial for treating serious injuries and ailments that gnomish tech alone cannot handle.   The Gears of Harmony also coordinate educational campaigns to educate the public about mental health, stress management, and emotional well-being, crucial for preventing the Astral Horrors from feeding on the populations' negative emotions. These campaigns also promote preventive measures, such as regular health screenings, healthy eating, and exercise routines.   The founder of the Gears of Harmony is Elara Windrider, a human female, who advocated for technological intergration into healthcare. She was known for her leadership and dedication to improving healthcare access. Tharivol Lightleaf, a male half-elf, is the Head of Healthcare Services. He is a healer with expertise in both traditional and the Gnomish medical practices. He is passionate about training new healers and providing comprehensive healthcare, especially since the increase in diseases, plagues, and sicknesses that have become prevalent since the Age of Horrors. Korath Fireforge, a male gnome, is the Head of Research of Gnomish Medical Equipment. He has a love for gears and has found a practical way to use his passion by improving healthcare in Tinkergarde. Zara Shadowdancer is a female gnome who leads the educational campaigns. She has extensive knowledge of Gnomish medical treatments and more traditional herbal medicines.   Some of the goals of the Gears of Harmony are to expand their mobile units to cover all of Tinkergarde so that even the most remote regions have access to better healthcare, develop new Gnomish innovations that improve healthcare which is currently limited to Clerical healing and herbal remedies, increase public awareness of mental health to reduce the ability of Astral Horrors to feed on the populations' negative emotions, and to train a new generation in the improved healthcare practices by incorporating Gnomish technology.


Leaders in the Organization

  • Grand Healer: Oversees the organization.
  • Master Technologist: Manages technological devices.
  • High Priest/Priestess: Coordinates divine healing.
  • Grand Facilitator: Handles community relations and educational programs.
  • Head of Healthcare Services: Manages current medical research and services
  • Head of Research of Gnomish Medical Equipment: Manages research and development of Gnomish medical devices

Mid-level Ranks in the Organization

  • Head Physician: Leads medical services.
  • Master Engineer: Supervises device maintenance

Low Ranks in Organization

  • Priests/Priestesses: Perform divine healing when needed
  • Physicians: Performs medical services
  • Engineers: Maintain Gnomish devices
  • Care Guides: Handle educational workshops


The culture of the Gears of Harmony is centered around blending advanced gnomish technology with traditional healing practices and divine magic. It emphasizes innovation, efficiency, and comprehensive care, valuing both technological advancements and spiritual healing. The organization promotes community health education, preventive care, and a collaborative approach to addressing medical needs, reflecting a commitment to both progress and tradition.

Public Agenda

The Gears of Harmony’s public agenda focuses on integrating advanced technology with traditional and divine healing to enhance healthcare for all. They emphasize preventive care, mental health education, and community outreach. Tinkergarde’s political influence is evident in their strict regulation of elemental magic, prioritization of technological solutions, and the organization’s alignment with the kingdom’s policies and values.


The Gears of Harmony has four mobile medical units and they work out of the Tinkergarde Council Hall, but their operations are closely monitored by the kingdom’s authorities to ensure alignment with the kingdom’s strict policies on magic and technology, influencing their deployment and resource allocation. They have no other physical assets and rely heavily on the Council Hall for administrative support and storage, which limits their ability to expand or operate independently. 


  • 1183 - Plague of Shadows strikes Billowburg, causing Elara Windrider to push for the creation of the Gears of Harmony with the Tinkergarde Council.
  • 1241 - The Plague of Shadows strikes Billowburg again. The Gears of Harmony, recently founded, rushes in to help the citizens affected. But they are not successful in their attempts, and their initial failure forces them to reconsider their methods and alliances, driving them to innovate and adapt their strategies to better combat future outbreaks and strengthen their role within the kingdom.
  • 1299 - A group of Astral Horrors, composed of minor and major Astral Horrors and led by a Great Astral Horror, attacked Billowburg. The Gears of Harmony were helpful in this situation by rapidly deploying their mobile medical units to treat the wounded, using their technological devices to counteract the Horrors' effects, and collaborating with magical practitioners to provide crucial support in containing the threat and aiding the city's defense.
  • 1327 - Another group of Astral Horrors attacked Billowburg. This time it was a group of Minor Astral Horrors led by a Major Astral Horor.  The Gears of Harmony were again helpful in supporting the people of Billowburg during this tense time by deploying their mobile units to provide immediate medical care, utilizing advanced technology and new divine protections to detect and neutralize the Horrors' influence, and offering both physical and emotional support to the beleaguered residents.
  • 1475 - The Gears of Harmony combat the Plague of Shadows again and are successful in their attempts to help the affected population, but their victory comes at a cost. The intense effort strains their resources and tests their technological and magical limits, leading to significant changes in their methods and a push for more robust support from the Tinkergarde Council to prepare for future crises. 
  • 1539 - The Plague of Shadows occurs again, for the first time since Tinkergarde's unsealing. The Gears of Harmony combat the Plague of Shadows successfully, but the struggle reveals significant flaws in their approach, leading to a loss of faith among both the Tinkergarde Council and the city's residents, who question the effectiveness and reliability of the organization’s methods.
  • 1566 - The Gears of Harmony developed and deployed of a new class of healing golems, which dramatically improved their capacity to respond to both medical emergencies and magical threats. This innovation not only bolstered their effectiveness in combating crises but also restored confidence among the citizens and the Tinkergarde Council in their capabilities.

Healing Through Innovation

Founding Date
Governmental, Department
Alternative Names
Gnome Docs, Steam Medics
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles

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