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Scale Mail Armor

Dwarven-crafted scale mail armor is a masterpiece of engineering and durability.  It is prized for its protective qualities and robust construction. Comprising a coat and leggings, this armor is fashioned from toughened leather, meticulously covered with overlapping metal scales. Each scale, precisely cut and riveted, provides exceptional flexibility while ensuring comprehensive protection against slashing and piercing attacks.   The scales are arranged in a manner that allows for optimal movement, with extra reinforcement at critical areas like the shoulders and thighs. The metal, typically steel or iron, is treated to resist rust and wear, maintaining its integrity even in harsh conditions. The leather base is thick yet supple, ensuring comfort during prolonged wear. Dwarven artisans pay particular attention to the fit and finish, ensuring that each piece of armor is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.   Valued at 30 gold pieces, this scale mail is a testament to dwarven craftsmanship, offering reliable defense and durability without the need for magical enhancement.   Dwarven scale mail armor epitomizes military prowess, showcasing unparalleled craftsmanship and durability. Worn by elite units in Wyvernview Kingdom's military like The Stoneward Sentinels, it symbolizes strength and resilience. Each suit, forged meticulously, reflects the dwarves' commitment to excellence and their formidable presence in battle, inspiring awe and respect among allies and foes alike.

Manufacturing process

Preparation of Materials

  1. Tanning and cutting leather
  2. Cutting, shaping, and treating metal scales

Construction of Armor

  1. Attaching metal scales through riveting or sewing onto the leather base
  2. Adding reinforcements to critical areas
  3. Ensuring proper fit and that the armor allows for adequate movement

Finishing Touches

  1. Cleaning and polishing
  2. Inspecting and testing
  3. Adjustments

Item type
Scale Mail Armor is rare.  It takes an armorer five to eight weeks to produce one scale mail armor.  This means that an armorer can produce about six pieces per year.  Scale Mail Armor is in high demand with the dwarven military, as well as adventurers and the like seeking quality protective gear.  Availability is limited, which makes it a coveted item for those who seek superior protection and can afford its cost.

45 lbs
Base Price
30 gp
Raw materials & Components
Creating Scale Mail Armor is a labor intensive process.  It requires leather that is tanned and cut for the coat and leggings.  As well as metal, iron or steel, that can be cut for the scales.  Additional leather is required for reinforcing critical areas like the shoulders and thighs. 

The process of crafting scale mail armor requires a variety of metal working and leather working tools.  In addition, measuring, marking, shaping, forming, and finishing tools are required.  Some of the metal working tools would include anvil, forge, hammer, tongs, chisels, punches, files, and rasps.  Knives, shears, awl, needle and thread, riveting tools, leather punch and edge bevelers would be some of the tools required to achieve the leather working portions. 


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