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The Stoneward Sentinels

An elite military unit, the Stoneward Sentinels guard the ancient mines and forges of the Wyvernview Kingdom, which lie deep within Dhun Kalduhr. They are renowned for their discipline, bravery, and unparalleled skill in defensive combat, the Sentinels are the first and last line of defense against any threat to the kingdom’s precious resources and intricate underground infrastructure. The primary duty of the Sentinels is to protect the kingdom's extensive network of mines from external threats such as invading armies, marauding creatures, Astral Horrors, and sabotage by rival factions. Wyvernview’s forges produce some of the finest weapons and armor in the world. The Sentinels ensure these critical facilities remain secure, safeguarding both the forges and the master smiths who work there. The dwarven kingdom's tunnels are vast and labyrinthine. Sentinels regularly patrol these passageways to detect and neutralize any threats before they reach the heart of the kingdom.   The Stoneward Sentinels are revered throughout Wyvernview and beyond. Their unwavering dedication to duty, their skill in battle, and their role as the protectors of the kingdom's lifeblood—the mines and forges—have earned them a legendary status. They are not only warriors but also symbols of dwarven resilience and pride.



The Stoneward Sentinels are composed of approximately 500 highly trained and elite dwarven warriors. This number ensures that they can maintain a strong presence across the vast network of mines, forges, and tunnels of Wyvernview while remaining an efficient and manageable force. 


Sentinels in the past were equipped with reinforced, rune-inscribed armor that provided maximum protection while allowing for mobility in the confined spaces of the tunnels. Nowadays, the Sentinels still use reinforced, dwarven made Scale Mail Armor, but the magical effects are no longer applied since the ban on Arcane magic. Their primary weapons are large warhammers and tower shields, ideal for close-quarters combat and defensive formations. For ranged engagements, Sentinels use powerful heavy crossbows designed to pierce the toughest armor. Some Sentinels carry family heirloom enchanted items and weapons forged by the kingdom’s master smiths from the Age of High Magic, providing them with an edge against magical threats.


The Stoneward Sentinels are led by High Commander Thorin Stoneheart who oversees all of the Sentinels.  Under the High Commander are five Lieutenants, each overseeing a division of four Sergeants and their squads.  Each of the Sergeants lead a smaller squad of 25 Sentinels.     Lieutenant Durn Stonehammer commands the Division of Forge Defenders.  The Sergeants under Lieutenant Durn Stonehammer are Sergeant Thrain Ironfist, Sergeant Kili Fireforge, Sergeant Balin Anvilshield, and Sergeant Orik Emberheart.  This Division is dedicated to the security of the forges and the smiths who work there.   Lieutenant Brogar Deepdelve commands the Division of Mine Guards.  The Sergeants under Lieutenant Brogar Deepdelve are Sergeant Thrain Earthshaker, Sergeant Einar Stonefist, Sergeant Grimhorn Rockbreaker, and Sergeant Hilda Ironvein.  The Division of Mine Guards specialize in the protection of mining operations and resource extraction points.   There are two Lieutenants who share command of the Divison of Tunnel Patrollers.  The First Lieutenant is Lieutenant Thrain Blackstone and the Sergeants under his command are Sergeant Dvalin Stonecloak, Sergeant Garin Darkforge, Sergeant Oren Stoutshield, and Sergeant Bruni Earthwarden.  The Second Lieutenant is Lieutenant Bori Underhill and the Sergeants under his command are Sergeant Keldan Ironstride, Sergeant Varda Grimhall, Sergeant Rurik Stonebranch, and Sergeant Sigrid Deepfury.   The last Lieutenant commands the Division of Reserves.  Lieutenant Grogan Ironhand oversees Sergeant Haldor Forgekeeper, Sergeant Dagna Shieldbearer, Sergeant Rolf Firebrand, and Sergeant Bruni Hammerfall.  This Division includes medics, logistical support, and specialists who can be deployed as needed.


In battle, Sentinels often employ the phalanx formation, a tight, interlocking shield wall that is nearly impervious to frontal attacks.  This tactic is especially useful in the narrow tunnels and passageways of the underground network of mines and forges within Wyvernview.  They are also vital in holding strategic positions such as the forges, bridges, gates, or narrow mountain paths.  The formation can hold these vital points with minimal numbers, maximizing defensive capabilities and preventing enemy advancement.  During sieges, the shield wall can be used to defend breaches in walls or gates, and the disciplined formation can hold off attackers while archers and other defenders provide support from above.   The Stoneward Sentinels also utilize strategies in the tunnels to setup ambushes, traps, and chokepoints to utilize their knowledge of the terrain to give them advantage in battle.  Finally, The Sentinels are experts in defending against sieges, using a combination of fortifications, traps, and heavy weaponry to repel attackers.


Only the most skilled and disciplined warriors are selected to join the Stoneward Sentinels. The selection process includes tests of strength, endurance, and loyalty to the kingdom.  Recruits undergo intense training in both traditional dwarven combat techniques and specialized defensive tactics. This includes heavy weaponry, shield formations, tunnel fighting, and siege defense.  Regular drills and war games ensure that the Sentinels remain in peak condition and are prepared for any eventuality.


Logistical Support

The Reserve Division oversees logistics, medical care, communication, and supplementary food production by managing supplies, providing medical assistance, maintaining communications, and organizing foraging efforts.   The Tunnel Patrol Division oversees scouting and reconnaissance.  They gather intelligence on enemy movements and terrain, report findings, and assist in strategic planning.


Some of the other divisions of Wyvernview Kingdom can assist the Sentinels such as the Royal Engineers Corps, the Royal Medical Corps, the Clerical Order of the Sacred Stone, the Royal Scouts, the Guild of Miners and Metallurgists, the Royal Quartermaster's Office, the Artisan Guilds, and the Royal Intelligence Network.    The integration of these external divisions is managed by the High Commander of the Stoneward Sentinels in collaboration with the kingdom’s military and civil authorities. Regular coordination meetings and joint training exercises ensure that all support elements work seamlessly together, providing the Sentinels with the resources and assistance they need to remain effective defenders of the Kingdom of Wyvernview.


Salary - 204,000 gp

  The Sentinels, including officers and support staff, require regular salaries which annually costs approximately 204,000 gp. The High Commander (Wealthy Social Status) makes 24,000 sp/year (2,400 gp). The Lieutenants (Wealthy) make 14,400 sp/year each (1,440 gp). While the Sergeants (Comfortable) make 7,200 sp/year each (720 gp). The Regular Sentinels (Modest) make 3,600 sp/year each (360 gp).  

Pension & Benefits - 270,000 gp

  A pension is paid to retired Sentinels or benefits for injured or deceased soldiers’ families. The pension annually costs approximately 270,000 gp for those 1,000 people who currently qualify.  

Equipment - Armor & Weapons - 13,600 gp

  The cost of a Regular Sentinels gear is 30 gp for the Scale Mail Armor, 10 gp for the Warhammer, 10 gp for the Tower Shield, and 30 gp for the Heavy Crossbow.  So the intitial outfitting for a new soldier with brand new gear (not repaired or handed down) would be 80 gp.  For the whole unit, it would be 40,000.  Annual maintainence and repairs for the Sentinels gear would be approximately 8,000 gp.  4,800 gp is budgeted for replacements and upgrades annually.   

Additional Costs - 20,720 gp

  Under additional costs are medical supplies and equipment, dwarven rations, military uniforms and boots, and training costs.  A unit of the Sentinels is outfitted with 4 nets, 4 potions of healings, backpacks, bedrolls, caltrops, engineering gear, medical supplies and equipment.  Therefore, annually this comes to approximately 4,720 gp.  When on patrolled they have dwarven rations and water to carry as well, which costs a unit 3 gp and 5 sp for 7 days.  Total patrol food costs for the Stoneward Sentinels is estimated at 14,000 gp annually.  Uniforms and boots would be 1,250 gp annually.  Training costs is estimated at 750 gp annually for specialize instructors and costs associated with running training drills.  

Total Cost of Upkeep Annually is 508,320 gp

  The cost of the Sentinels is funded by the Wyvernview Kingdom and paid through collected taxes primarily. 


The Stoneward Sentinels are a prestigious and critical military formation within the dwarven kingdom of Wyvernview.  The recruitment pool of the Stoneward Sentinels is diverse, drawing from various segments of dwarven society, each bringing unique skills and strengths. Through a rigorous recruitment process and a strong focus on training, support, and cultural integration, the Sentinels maintain a highly skilled and loyal fighting force dedicated to the defense of Wyvernview.   Prime candidates would be from the Warrior Clans, Mining Clans, and Craftsman Clans.  These three clans would have great potential at succeeding in the Stoneward Sentinels.  The Warrior Clans have a long history of military service, take pride in their martial heritage, and view serving in the Sentinels as an honor.  The Mining Clans bring knowledge of the tunnels and mining practices, which are vital to the directives of the Sentinels.  The Craftsman Clans provide a vital element for the support and Reserves Division due to their ability to repair armor and weapons, fortifications, and medical support.  However, the Sentinels demand Veteran military experience since they are a highly trained and specialized force.    Recruits undergo an intensive screening and selection process.  There are physical fitness tests, combat trials, and psychological assessments to make sure they have what it takes to handle the rigorous demands of the Sentinels, tactical awareness, and mental resilience and discipline.


Key Moments in the History of the Sentinels

  The Stoneward Sentinels have been a vital force in the defense of the Wyvernview Kingdom. Some of the most well known battles include the Siege of Irongate, the Battle of Deepforge, and the Cleansing of Shadowhall.   The Siege of Irongate occured in 332 DA. Irongate was sieged by the nearby Gnome Kingdom, the Tinkergarde Kingdom. The Sentinels maintained an unbreakable defense of the Irongate Forges, ensuring the continued production of vital war materials.   During the Battle of Deepforge Mines, in the year of 538 DA, the Sentinels successfully defended the Deepforge Mines from an orcish invasion, holding the line against overwhelming odds until reinforcements arrived.  The Orcs were driven off.  The Deepforge Mines were reinforced to prevent further invasions.   The Cleansing of Shadowhall, which occurred in 1380 DA, was a campaign to purge a section of the tunnels overrun by dark creatures and malevolent spirits led by a powerful Astral Horror. The Sentinels’ disciplined approach and use of enchanted weapons led to a decisive victory.  

Preparing for the Age of Horrors

  The Stoneward Sentinels also assisted the kingdom's engineers to reinforce the gates and fortifications, beginning in 832 DA, in anticipation of the Great and Powerful Astral Horrors attacking.  This included adding layers of defensive stonework, creating choke points, and setting up traps.  The Sentinels collaborated with scholars and engineers to develop new defensive strategies and technologies, including improvements in weaponry, armor, and fortification techniques.   During the Age of Horrors, the Sentinels increased patrols in the vast network of tunnels and underground passages. They established checkpoints, lookout posts, and trap systems throughout the tunnel network.  They also maintained a rigorous schedule of training and drills to ensure combat readiness. This included both individual skill development and unit cohesion exercises.  The Sentinels were tasked with guarding key resources, including food supplies, water sources, and forges. They also protected the kingdom’s storerooms and granaries.  The Reserves Division of the Sentinels maintained a network of messengers and signal systems to ensure effective communication across the kingdom, including emergency alerts and coordination of defenses.  

Specific Events During the Age of Horrors

  In 1065 DA, a major earthquake caused a massive tunnel collapse in one of the primary mining tunnels.  The Sentinels immediately mobilized to rescue trapped miners, secure unstable sections, and coordinate with engineers to clear debris and reinforce the tunnel structure.  While there were casualties, the Sentinels' quick response minimized loss of life and restored access to valuable mining resources.   After many attacks from Astral Horrors, a comprehensive project to upgrade the kingdom’s fortifications was initiated in 1090 DA. The Sentinels provided security and labor, working alongside architects and builders to implement advanced defensive measures, including new trap systems and fortified gatehouses.  The improvements significantly enhanced the kingdom's defensive capabilities, making it even more resilient against potential invasions.   In 1120 DA, a strange and mysterious illness spread through the lower tunnels, causing widespread panic.  The Sentinels, primarily the Reserves Division, established quarantine zones, enforced strict sanitation protocols, and protected healers as they worked to contain and cure the illness.  The swift and disciplined actions of the Sentinels prevented the plague from reaching the central areas, though some remote settlements suffered heavy losses such as Shadowhall  An Astral Rift opened up in a remote tunnel near Shadowhall in 1150 DA.  Astral Horrors began to pour into the kingdom.  The Sentinels led a desperate defense, holding the line against the invaders while clerics worked to close the rift.  The Sentinels suffered significant casualties, but their bravery and sacrifice prevented the Horrors from reaching populated areas, eventually allowing the rift to be sealed.   In 1275 DA, a new vein of precious minerals was discovered deep within the kingdom’s mines.  The Sentinels provided security for the excavation teams and protected the site from potential threats, both internal and external.  The discovery boosted the kingdom’s resources and morale, ensuring economic stability during the isolation period.   The Sentinels prevented civil unrest during a leadership crisis in 1300 DA, when the unexpected death of a prominent leader led to internal power struggles that threatened the stability of the kingdom.  The Stoneward Sentinels maintained order, mediated disputes, and ensured the smooth transition of power.  The crisis was eventually resolved peacefully.   In 1350 DA, the kingdom’s protective wards began to weaken, necessitating a renewal ritual.  The Sentinels guarded the ritual site, protecting the clerics as they performed the complex and vulnerable renewal process.  The wards were successfully renewed, restoring the kingdom’s magical defenses and ensuring continued protection from external threats.   A Wild Magic Storms surged through the kingdom in 1385 DA, causing unpredictable and dangerous magical phenomena.  The Sentinels organized evacuations, protected vulnerable areas, and assisted in neutralizing volatile magical effects.  While the storm caused considerable damage, the Sentinels' efforts mitigated its impact and saved many lives.

Historical loyalties

The Stoneward Sentinels are loyal to the Kingdom of Wyvernview and its ruling monarch. Their primary allegiance is to the dwarven king, who is seen as the embodiment of the kingdom's strength and resilience. This loyalty extends to the kingdom itself, its people, and its traditions, as well as to the defense of Wyvernview's resources and heritage.

Special Forces
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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Aug 19, 2024 21:28 by Marjorie Ariel

I like that you considered the enviornment when coming up with their tactics. I'm also impressed that you calculated the costs of maintaining the force!