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The Shadowlord's Reckoning

Many people in Moyenne believe that the Astral Horrors and Magic are connected. This is why the arcane has fallen out of favor and even has been banned in some locations. People are suspicious of any form of magic that does not come from a divine source. When the Astral Horrors first began to arrive and attack locations in Moyenne, mages were often found stabbed and bled out. This brought about the belief that the mages had summoned them somehow, like they might elemental spirits and the like.   One example of this legend, is the story of Dorian Stormweaver. Dorian Stormweaver was a renowned archmage in the Age of High Magic, celebrated for his profound knowledge and unmatched magical prowess. He was particularly noted for his dedication to unraveling the mysteries of the prophecy of Emera, which foretells the invasion of Astral Horrors upon Everall within a millennium. For decades, Dorian was immersed in studying the Astral Horrors. His relentless pursuit of knowledge had taken him deep into ancient tomes, forgotten scrolls, and mystical artifacts. He is known for his breakthrough on the origin of these malevolent beings—the Astral Sea, an ethereal realm accessible only through advanced magic such as Astral Projection or Planar Travel.  
In the face of prophecy, we must act not out of fear, but with wisdom and courage. The future of Everall depends on it. ~ Dorian Stormweaver
  He attempted to convince the other mages and scholars of his findings, but they refused to listen. They argued there was too little evidence of his claims or that he is interpreting ancient texts with a modern perspective trying to make things fit together that weren't connected. He managed to convince the dwarven kingdom of his claims, but they demanded tangible proof from an expedition into the Astral Sea before committing their full resources to the defense effort.   He confided in Elara Windrider about his need to travel to the Astral Sea, and she advised him to reveal his intentions to trusted allies to gain their support, forgive past mistakes or betrayals to ensure full cooperation, and be wary of those who may ridicule his quest, as their doubts could lead to unforeseen dangers. Once more, he attempted to convince his allies of his intentions to travel to the Astral Sea and bring back proof of the Astral Horrors. He failed to convince them to join him, but they agree to support his expedition by providing resources, information, and protective magical wards.   With this new information, resources, and magical wards, he prepared to use the spell Plane Shift to transport himself to the Astral Sea. Upon completing the Plane Shift ritual, Dorian Stormweaver was transported into the Astral Sea. He found himself in a boundless, ethereal expanse filled with swirling colors and drifting cosmic debris. There was no traditional gravity; he floated and navigated by will and intention. Time seemed distorted, and his senses heightened, with distant shapes and lights becoming more defined as he focuses.   His investigation led him to a series of molten-colored pools, each associated with ominous visions and encounters with Astral Horrors.  
A vision unfolded in front of me and I witnessed a truly horrific scene:   A silver-colored pool of molten color appears before me. At it's edge sits a massive being composed of what appears to be stardust, it's long tongue lapping at the pool. The creature has large, canine-like teeth, and as it interacts with the pool, wails of horror, fear, and anguish start to emerge from it. The wails grow louder and more intense, causing the pool to expand rapidly. The creature seems to revel in the chaos, continuing to play with the pool as it grows. Eventually, the pool becomes large enough for the creature to fit inside. It leaps into the pool, and the screaming and wailing intensify to a deafening crescendo. The vision ends with the pool pulsating violently, leaving me with a profound sense of dread and a clearer understanding of the terror the Astral Horrors can unleash.   The vision seemed to imply that these pools might be linked to the creatures' feeding and their ominous plans.   ~ Dorian Stormweaver from Echoes of the Astral Sea: Chronicles of a Mage's Descent
  Undeterred, Dorian continued his search in the Astral Sea, encountering pools of dark energy that drew menacing creatures towards him. During his second encounter, he noticed strange ethereal beings made of pure energy or abstract shapes, reacting to his presence with bursts of energy and color changes in the landscape. As these beings converged, their energy resonated with his, suggesting they were either intrigued or agitated.   The beings began to lap at the residual magic around him, causing Dorian to feel weaker. In response, he cast Cone of Cold to repel them, releasing a wave of freezing air and ice. The creatures hissed and howled in reaction. One retaliated with a barrage of psychic attacks, overwhelming Dorian with distressing visions of failure, eternal entrapment in the Astral Sea, and more horrific creatures. These attacks weakened his resolve and tested his determination.   As more creatures appeared, drawn to the magical essence around him, Dorian’s resolve faltered under the psychic assault and increasing hostility. Desperately searching for an escape, he scanned the surreal landscape for a potential rift or portal. His mental and physical state deteriorated as the creatures grew larger and more menacing, their presence amplifying his sense of doom.   Amidst the chaos, Dorian spotted a faint, flickering light obscured by chaotic energy. Following it, he discovered a hidden passageway partially veiled by an illusion. Despite the growing aggression of the creatures, he moved towards this potential exit with urgency. As he attempted to flee through the passageway, one of the creatures clawed at him, inflicting intense pain and slowing his progress. Despite this, he pressed on, determined to reach safety.   Emerging from the passageway back into the Astral Sea, Dorian gasped for breath. The creatures did not follow, but their howls echoed ominously, creating a haunting atmosphere. He realized he remained in the vast expanse of the Astral Sea and needed to stay vigilant.   The wound he sustained began to seep a black misty smoke, pulsating with dark energy. This malevolent force distorted the surrounding area, and Dorian felt a chilling numbness spreading through his body. Weakened and in tremendous pain, his resolve wavered, making it increasingly difficult to focus on his quest. Despite the dire circumstances, he knew he had to stabilize himself and continue his investigation to uncover the truth about the Astral Horrors.   In a desperate bid to escape, Dorian used Dimension Door to avoid the chaotic energies and found himself in a new area. Here, he saw another silver pool and, upon investigation, encountered figures similar to those he had seen before.  
These figures, drawn to my magical energy, spoke in cryptic phrases: "Magic opens the way, to feed the void, Fear’s embrace is our reward, Strength renewed."   This cryptic message suggested that their goal was to use magic to open pathways to other realms, where they could feed on fear and chaos to gain strength.   The figures continued: "To realms unknown, first come the Small ones, until the pool grows, then come the Large ones, to sow Chaos and breed Fear, then come the Named Ones, where Darkness Reigns, to send all to the void beyond to remain."   The vision and these phrases hinted at a process where smaller entities pave the way for larger ones, who then bring about widespread chaos and despair, leading to the ultimate goal of sending all into the void.   As the creatures launched psychic attacks on me, I struggled to defend myself while trying to understand their motives.   They taunted me with: "Embrace the Dread! The taste of Fear is sweet...No Escape for you, mage. None shall herald your world's Fate; we Feast these."   The creatures fed off my fear, growing stronger as my resolve weakened. They intended to use this energy to further their plans, preventing any warning from reaching the material plane.   ~Dorian Stormweaver from Echoes of the Astral Sea: Chronicles of a Mage's Descent
  In a final, desperate move, Dorian leaped into a silver pool, hoping it would transport him away from the horrors. The pool’s swirling energy transported him back to the material plane, but he returned with a grievous wound that continued to seep dark energy. This wound caused corruption to spread among those he touched, further isolating him.   Despite showing his wound and the visions of the Astral Sea to his colleagues, they remained skeptical, dismissing his claims. With no support and worsening paranoia, Dorian prepared to face the threat alone. He recorded his experience in the Astral Sea in his book Echoes of the Astral Sea: Chronicles of a Mage's Descent. However, his corruption intensified, leading to paranoia and fear, and he ultimately became unable to effectively combat or contain the threat.   When a massive portal opened above the city, releasing countless Astral Horrors, Dorian’s paralysis and fear rendered him unable to defend against the invasion. The city fell into chaos as the creatures, drawn to the negative emotions of its inhabitants, decimated the population. The survivors struggled in vain against the onslaught.   Dorian was never seen again. Some believe he perished amid the destruction, while others speculate that he survived and now controls the Horrors from the shadows, directing their actions as part of a dark and ongoing plan. The true fate of Dorian Stormweaver remains shrouded in mystery, leaving behind a legacy of terror and unanswered questions.

Historical Basis

Dorian Stormweaver did in fact travel to the Astral Sea, as is recorded in his book, Echoes of the Astral Sea: Chronicles of a Mage's Descent.  However, no one believed him until the Horrors began to attack.  The things he discovered during his journey became the basis of Astral Horror Defense methods employed at The Great Library several hundred years later, where a copy of his book can still be found in the archives. 


The myth of Dorian Stormweaver is known throughout the region of Moyenne, but its details are often distorted. Some believe he became a hero who fought against unimaginable evils, while others fear he is a dark figure who brought ruin upon the world. The truth of his fate and the extent of his influence remain shrouded in mystery, with many stories depicting him as either a tragic figure or a malevolent force.

Variations & Mutation

Over the years, the myth of Dorian Stormweaver has evolved into a complex and contradictory legend. Initially, he was seen as a valiant mage who ventured into the Astral Sea to protect his world from impending darkness. Stories depicted him as a brave hero who faced overwhelming odds and fought to prevent the invasion of terrible creatures.   As time passed, and details became distorted, the myth began to shift. Some accounts portrayed him as a tragic figure who was betrayed by his own magic, corrupted by the very horrors he sought to combat. These versions painted him as a noble yet doomed individual who sacrificed himself in a desperate bid to save his world.   In darker retellings, Dorian is depicted as the Shadowlord, a malevolent entity who summoned the Astral Horrors and spread corruption across the land. According to these stories, he became a harbinger of chaos, reveling in the suffering he unleashed and manipulating the horrors for his own nefarious purposes.

Cultural Reception


  In Tinkergarde Kingdom, a kingdom deeply wary of magic and its potential to unleash chaos due to the Age of Horrors, the myth of Dorian Stormweaver is perceived with a mix of fear and disdain. To the people of Tinkergarde, the legend of Dorian Stormweaver serves as a grim reminder of the dangers inherent in magic.   The legend portrays Dorian as the Shadowlord, a sinister figure who intentionally summoned the Astral Horrors to bring about widespread devastation. This version of the myth emphasizes his role as a malevolent sorcerer whose actions led to the catastrophic spread of corruption, serving as a stark warning about the dangers of unchecked magic.   For the people of Tinkergarde, Dorian Stormweaver’s story reinforces their belief that magic is inherently dangerous and should be avoided. The myth is used to justify their skepticism towards magical practices, portraying Dorian’s downfall as a direct consequence of his deep involvement with arcane forces. This narrative aligns with their cultural and historical context, reflecting their past experiences with wild magic and its destructive impact.   The myth serves as a powerful symbol for Tinkergarde, illustrating why magic is considered a threat to stability and order. It supports the kingdom's stance on limiting magical influence and underscores their preference for technological advancements as safer alternatives. Overall, Dorian Stormweaver’s legend in Tinkergarde is a cautionary tale against the use of magic, reinforcing the kingdom's commitment to technological over magical solutions.  


  In Wyvernview Kingdom, home to the dwarves, the myth of Dorian Stormweaver is interpreted differently from other regions. While they do not view him as the Shadowlord or a figure of ultimate evil, they also do not consider him a hero. Instead, they perceive him as a tragic and flawed individual whose ambitions and interactions with magic led to unintended consequences.   The dwarves believe that Dorian’s actions, while significant, were driven by personal ambition and a genuine desire to uncover the mysteries of the Astral Sea rather than a malevolent intent. They see his downfall as a result of his overreaching curiosity and the corrupting influence of the Astral Horrors, rather than deliberate malevolence. In their view, Dorian's story serves as a cautionary tale about the perils of meddling with forces beyond one's control and the importance of wisdom and restraint in the pursuit of knowledge.   The dwarves respect his intellectual curiosity but caution against the dangers of unchecked ambition and the seductive lure of forbidden knowledge. Dorian’s legacy in Wyvernview is thus seen as a complex mix of respect for his scholarly pursuits and recognition of the hazards associated with his magical explorations. His tale is a reminder of the fine line between great discovery and perilous folly, embodying the dwarven values of prudence and balance.

In Literature

This myth is not portrayed in any art or other written works but is instead passed down through oral tradition and storytelling among the people of Region - Moyenne. Elders and bards recount the tale in gatherings and communal events, using it as a moral lesson to emphasize the virtues of caution and responsibility when dealing with powerful forces. The story is shared in hushed tones, often during reflective moments or discussions about the dangers of ambition and the pursuit of forbidden knowledge.   In addition to oral storytelling, the myth influences local customs and traditions. Rituals and ceremonies may include subtle references to Dorian’s tale, serving as symbolic reminders of the need for balance and the potential consequences of overreaching. These practices help maintain the cultural memory of Dorian's legacy while reinforcing the values that the myth embodies.

Date of First Recording
Date of Setting
50 AHM - 5 AHM
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