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The Great Library

The Great Library is Emera's main temple in the Region - Moyenne. It is also home to Emera's Truth Seekers.   The Great Library contains a vast repository of knowledge and information that has been preserved from the Age of High Magic through the Age of Horrors to the current day. Therefore, it is one of the oldest known landmarks within Moyenne and it's history is well documented.  It is a walled fortress that sits on a series of cliffs within the Wyvernview Mountains. It was originally built early into the Age of High Magic.  It was sealed in 1000 DA as a result of numerous Astral Horror Attacks.  It reopened in 1427 DA and has since re-established itself as a resource of knowledge and information.  New trade routes have begun with the Wyvernview Kingdom and Tinkergarde Kingdom.  Recently, an expedition of Seekers were sent out to collect information on the region of Moyenne after the many centuries of isolation.

Purpose / Function

The Great Library's primary purpose is to preserve knowledge. The library acts as a guardian of human history, preserving texts, oral traditions, and artifacts that might otherwise be lost to time. This includes ancient myths, cultural stories, and historical documents. It also seeks to safeguard the collective heritage of all cultures, ensuring that future generations can learn about and appreciate the diversity and richness of civilization. Because of this, The Great Library is an educational resource for both learning and innovation across the region of Moyenne.   Upon finding out about the arrival of the Astral Horrors through Emera's Oracle in the year 50 of the Age of High Magic, the Library changed part of their purpose. The library became a repository to ensure that critical knowledge and cultural heritage was not irretrievably lost. Therefore, they broadened their collections to include practical works such as recipes, health advice, farming techniques, and technological know-how.   Once the world came out of hiding from their Astral Protection Wards, the Library's purpose was again modified. Now, the Library seeks to find out what happened during the Age of Horrors to the various communities across Moyenne. They are doing this in a few different ways. One is sending out Seekers to acquire tales, cultural artifacts, and histories from the people of the land. Another is by collecting the stories of various adventuring groups. Once a year, the Library invites adventuring groups to bring their journals and share their stories with historians. The Great Library pays well for these stories, because adventurers’ tales contain the history and describe the present Moyenne. How much the group receives depends on the Renown status of the adventuring group. Fledgling adventurers earn a modest sum, while great heroes of legend can earn a king’s ransom. 


The Great Library is constantly being expanded so that it may house it's collection of knowledge. Originally, the library simply sat on the one of clifftops of the Wyvernview Mountains, but it has been expanded to a series of clifftop levels as well as into the mountains themselves.


The original clifftop walled fortress features imposing stone walls, intricately carved with ancient runes and symbols of protection. These walls have been magically reinforced to withstand both time and elements. The Grand Entrance Gate features enormous double doors, engraved with scenes of historical and mythical significance. These doors open only to those who pass a magical test of intent. The fortress has several turrets and battlements, providing panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. These vantage points now serve as reading nooks and observatories.   When the library was expanded to the nearby clifftops elegant, arched sky bridges made of shimmering, magically hardened crystal were created. These bridges are adorned with glowing runes that light up at night, guiding visitors safely across. Some pathways between clifftops are enchanted to float in mid-air, with steps that appear as one approaches and disappear once passed, providing a sense of wonder and seamless movement. This additional clifftops hold the Reading Rooms and Study Areas. These reading rooms have high ceilings with tall, arched windows that let in natural light and offer breathtaking views of the mountains. The windows are enchanted to filter light and protect the delicate manuscripts. Bookshelves float in mid-air, moving gracefully to bring requested books to readers. These shelves are made of dark wood with golden inlays, giving a sense of timeless elegance. Some sections feature hanging gardens with plants that thrive indoors, providing a tranquil and inspiring environment for study. Enchanted fountains and streams run through the library, creating soothing sounds that enhance concentration and relaxation.   The Main Hall has an the atrium that boasts a high, vaulted ceiling with a stained glass dome that depicts a celestial map. The floor is a mosaic of ancient symbols and magical sigils. The atrium then extends into the mountain itself, with vast cavernous halls carved into the rock. These halls are illuminated by floating orbs of light and lined with towering bookshelves.   Deep within the mountain are secret chambers and vaults, accessible only by those with the proper credentials. These chambers hold the most restricted and valuable texts. The restricted areas have numerous safeguards such as magical barriers that only permit entry to authorized individuals. These barriers are set with complex enchantments, detecting unauthorized attempts to bypass them. There are also Stone guardian statues of Giant Owls, guard these areas. They come to life when an intruder is detected, serving as both a deterrent and a defense mechanism. In the most restricted area, deep within the mountain catacombs is a Sphinx guardian.   One of the speciality areas that exist within The Great Library a Spellbook Wing, which is dedicated to spellbooks and has enchanted chandeliers that provide perfect reading light and scribe tables that assist with transcription. There is also a Map Room with a large, enchanted globe at its center which shows what the region of Moyenne looked like before the Age of Horrors changed the landscape. The walls are lined with scrolls and maps. Another special wing is the Hall of Legends that showcases legendary artifacts, texts, and relics from the Age of High Magic.


The original walled fortress offers thick, tall stone walls, in addition to the turrets and battlements on top of the walls for mundane defense.   The entire library is covered by powerful protection wards that prevent damage from natural disasters, magical attacks, and time itself. All books and artifacts are enchanted with anti-theft spells, ensuring they cannot be removed from the library without proper authorization. Large, stone golems patrol the library, assisting visitors and enforcing rules. These constructs are intelligent, able to answer questions, and direct people to desired sections. Ethereal spirits of ancient scholars hover around, offering guidance and wisdom to those in need. They also serve as a secondary line of defense against intruders. There are also portals that connect various sections of the library. These portals are keyed to specific permissions, allowing only authorized personnel to access certain areas.   Other layers of defense include the Sphinx guardian, deep within the catacombs, that guards the most restricted area and and the Stone Guardian statues within the other restricted areas.


The journey to the library is fraught with peril, but the promise of unparalleled knowledge, rare artifacts, and the chance to be part of a historic resurgence make it a risk worth taking for many brave souls.  Some of those who visit the library are Scholars, Historians, Adventurers, Clerics and Divine Practitioners, Merchants, and Diplomats.    Scholars and Historians are eager to access the vast archives of the library, especially those concerning the Age of High Magic, the cataclysm, and the subsequent period of isolation. They seek to uncover lost knowledge, study ancient texts, and compare historical records to fill gaps in the broader understanding of the region's history. Adventurers and treasure seekers are drawn to stories of hidden artifacts, ancient spells, and rare magical items rumored to be stored within the library. They brave the altered lands to discover items of great power or historical significance that could be used or sold for a fortune.  Clerics and other religious figures come to study the divine wards, rituals, and artifacts that have kept the library safe. They seek to learn and perhaps replicate these protections for their own communities.  Some merchants are willing to risk the dangerous journey to establish trade relations with the library. They bring goods such as rare minerals, rare books and artifacts, and unique crafts to trade for the library's scribed copies of preserved texts, potions, and knowledge.  Representatives from various kingdoms, gnome enclaves, and dwarven holds visit the library to strengthen alliances, negotiate trade agreements, and foster cooperation in the face of common threats.   People are often eager to see the ancient texts that offer insights into lost civilizations, forgotten magics, and historical events.  Clerics and religious scholars seek out the divine artifacts used to protect the library, hoping to learn from and possibly replicate their protective properties.  Historians are keen to access detailed records of the library’s history, particularly the period of isolation and how the community managed to thrive during those times.  And everyone enjoys marveling over the ancient High Magic additions to the Library grounds that still function today, such as the Sky Bridges, the Map Room, the Hall of Legends, the Hanging Garden, and the Reading Rooms.   Visitors stay at The Respite of Scholars, the only inn within The Great Library.  The Respite of Scholars is a sturdy, stone-built inn located within the fortified perimeter of the library. Originally a barracks for guards, it has been repurposed to accommodate visitors. The inn is known for its warm and welcoming atmosphere, a stark contrast to the perilous journey most have endured to reach the library.  The inn offers simple but comfortable rooms with sturdy wooden furniture, feather-stuffed mattresses, and thick woolen blankets to ward off the mountain chill.  The inn’s kitchen serves hearty, nourishing meals made from local produce and preserved foods. Stews, roasted meats, fresh bread, and a variety of herbal teas are common fare.  A spacious common room with a large fireplace provides a place for visitors to relax, share stories, and exchange information. The walls are adorned with tapestries depicting the history of the library and its allies.  A small reading room annexed to the inn contains copies of popular texts, maps, and recent findings from the library, allowing guests to peruse materials in a more informal setting.  Given the dangers of the region, the inn is well-guarded. Trained guards and protective wards ensure the safety of all guests during their stay.  The inn is a bustling hub of activity and conversation. Scholars can often be found debating over ancient texts, adventurers share tales of their exploits, and traders negotiate deals over mugs of ale. The air is filled with a mix of languages and the hum of intellectual curiosity and excitement.
Founding Date
893 AHM
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