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Arlathin Class

The Arlathin Class is a 34-gun frigate built for the Kingdom of Vitera.  


After the Kingdom of Vitera acquired its indepenance, the need for a capable warship for both dealing with pirates and protecting their coastal waters became quite important. To deal with this challenge, Vitera commissioned a number of ship classes, one of the most recognizable is the Arlathin Class Frigate. A 34 gun frigate designed to operate as a flotilla command ship and a fast hunter. Realizing that in the case of war against Laaningard, Vitera would never win a naval war, the Arlathin was not designed around countering Man-O-Wars, but instead providing a solid all-rounder frigate that if needed could participate in a battle line.   The ship was named after Arlathin, a city in Vitera.  


The Arlathin-Class has four decks. The top deck, the gun deck which has the guns, powder and armory. The quarter deck which has the cooking, crew quarters, officer quarters and other utility rooms. And a hold which has the brig, storage and support armory along with various utility tables for the carpenters and other maintanance.   There is a small captains cabin which can only be accessed from under the Quarterdeck. The captains cabin also possesses a rather strong set of locks and the ability to snap controls of the wheel. This design was implemented in order to rob a potential mutiny of control. Otherwise the Captains Cabin is very basic, with little to no effort put into architecture.


The ship is a full rigged ship with three masts and square sails.

Weapons & Armament

The Arlathin Class posses 34 medium sized cannons. With 4 Forward Chasers. 2 Rear Chasers. And 28 line guns, 14 on either side across a single deck.

Armor and defense

The Arlathin-Class Frigate has a reinforced oak broadside giving it mediocre defense against hostile ships. Arlathin-Class ships have defenses which have proven simple to make and trustworthy, though not particularly strong.   HP: 1,560

Hangars & docked vessels

The ship posses 4 rowboats as escape vehicles, boarding craft and support craft.
Owning Organization
35,000 GP, 30,000 Gold (Used
Complement / Crew
150 Sailors
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
25 Tonnes|50 Marines


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