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Clara Stella-class

The Clara Stella-class is a powerful war frigate of the Solaris Imperium. A 44-gun warship, the Clara Stella is one of the primary workhorses of the Solaris Imperiums Classis's. Additionally equipped with mortars and swivel guns, the Clara Stella class was designed to be a multi-purpose workhorse capable of handling nearly any situation with ease. Another aspect of the Clara Stella-class was their ability to operate independantly over long periods of time, a staple of the line of warships.

Weapons & Armament

The Clara Stella-class warship is a 44-gun frigate of war. Its primary weapon is the single weapons deck with 20 guns on either side. Unlike many other large frigates of its type, the Clara Stella only had 2 chasers in front and 2 in back.   However what it lost in chasers it makes up for in secondary armarments. Which includes 2 80mm bombard mortars at the top of the ships forecastle. The mortars can fire up and over onto the soft upper deck of ships or down onto land-based fortifications.   Another secondary weapons system is a series of 8 swivel guns, 4 on either side, installed on the top deck. These guns can be used to great effect during battles to target rigging, officers or the masts. The swivel guns can also be utilized for ariel defense.

Armor and defense

The Clara Stella-class is also heavily armored. Using Andicorian oak in its construction, each vessel was designed to withstand a great deal of punishment. While not necessarilly worthy of fighting in a line, occassionally Clara Stella-class vessels were used in a line.   HP: 2,050
60,000 Gold
44 ft
204 ft
1,570 Tonnes
Complement / Crew
350 Officers and Enlisted/70 Marines
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
80 Tons/20 Passengers


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