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Empress Venicia II

The Empress Venicia II is a main line war frigate built by the Empire of Laaningard. Upon near completion, the Empire of Laaningard cut funding the navy and the order for the Empress Venicia II was cancelled. The ship was sold to Vampire Ithiria Deritan at a discount, who was looking to increase the naval standing of her host.  

Decks Layout


Top Deck

The top deck of the ship is protected by rails, the decking is heavy oak and painted with a light green.
The raised deck on the rear of the ship, the Quarterdeck provides an excellent overlook of the entire length of the ship from the Helm. Theres two weapons mounts for ballistas pointing rear as well.
Captains Cabin
The Captains Cabin of the Empress Venicia II is much larger and more extravgant than normal, mainly due to the fact the ship was originally commissioned by an Admiral as a personal flagship. The Captains Cabin is large, with an oak table, bed and small library located inside the cabin. Two doors connect to other rooms within the cabin, including a small bunk and dining room, and a bathroom. The Captains Cabin has its door exit right onto the Top Deck and the Cabin provides the support for the Quarterdeck.
A small wooden defensive structure at the front of the ship. The forecastle provides some cover for firing the four chaser weapons and a platform to look out from.
Crows Nest
At the top of the center mast is a small reinforced wooden nest designed for 1-3 people to stay up there on observational duties.  

Weapons Deck

The weapons deck is directly under the top deck, with multiple ports allowing Ballistas or Cannons to be placed to unleash their weaponry against a target.
Weapons Pad
The large area in the center of the deck housing the rows of weapons ports. The Weapons Pad takes up the majority of the Weapons Deck.
At the rear of the Weapons Deck right under the captains cabin is the Armory. Housing the ships weapons, arms and any combat equipment. The Armory also houses the stockpiles of ammunition for the primary weapons.
Officers Quarters
Next to the armory is the Officers Quarters. A rather nice and improved set of quarters for 20 or so officers.
At the front of the weapons deck is a small enclosed latrine that ejects feces down a pipe, through the hold and into the ocean.  

Crew Deck

The crew deck is the largest of the decks at a solid mid-point, along with the highest ceiling of any of the decks at a comfortable 8 feet. The Crew Deck is the ships living space for the crew.
Sick Bay
The sick bay is located on the rear of the crew deck. Capable of holding a solid 20 occupants comfortably, with the potential of holding 100 max at overloaded capacity.
Mess Hall
A large mess hall is located on the crew deck, including a pantry and a kitchen. The Mess Hall is fully able to feed quarter of the crew at a time. The kitchen is relatively primitive.
Crew Quarters
While not necessarily one room, theres a total of 3 seperated off large bunk rooms designed to house the crew in rather tight conditions. While its possible to hold everyone within the Quarters section, its sometimes better for the crew to find more comfortable places to sleep such as the Hold to keep it from getting too crowded. A set of latrines and storage rooms are included in the Crew Quarters.  

The Hold

Underneath the waterline is the Hold. The belly of the ship that houses cargo, prisoners and other random supplies most of the time people forget about. The hold also has a recreational/observation deck.
A set of cages and locked rooms at the front of the ship meant to keep prisoners, slaves the others. Keeping it at maximum capacity puts the people there in horrid filth. The optimum capacity is 25 and the maximum is 50.
Cargo Hold
A large empty room meant to store the ships cargo.
Study Room
A medium sized side room meant to be a study or library. It could also be converted into a magic spellcasting room, alchemy lab or another sensitive room should the need arise.
Observation Room
A medium sized side room. The obervation room is better known as the recreational room as its a place where the crew can go to relax. A series of portholes that peer down into the ocean. Reinforced with magically hardened glass, the portholes windows are actually stronger than the hull of the ship.

Weapons & Armament

The Empress Venicia II is a 30-Port Frigate, equipped with 15 weapons ports on either side of a single weaponsdeck. An additional 4 chaser ports in the forecastle and 2 on the quarterdeck. An additional 2 light scorpion mounts on either side of the ship on the top deck give the crew a slight anti-personel edge.   The weapons ports were designed to house light or heavy ballistas, however could be armed with catapults as well.

Armor and defense

The Empress Venicia II is made out of Ledorian Oak. Extremely hard and durable, the oak provides decent protection against incoming projectiles. However the deckwood is made of cedar, which protects against insects, but is slightly weaker and more vulnerable to top shots.

Hangars & docked vessels

The Empress Ledorian II has a total of 2 oar boats each capable of holding 40 men at maximum capacity. They are designed to be used as an emergency escape craft, landing craft and boarding assistance craft.
Owning Organization
140'4" (Gundeck)
690 Tons Burthen
Complement / Crew
200/40 Sailors/Marines
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
70 Tons Cargo - 40 Passengers


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