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Deritan-Corshuret Host


Main Host Family (Vampiric)

Matriarch: Ithiria

Main Host Non Vampiric

Hinna- Half Sister (dhampir)- On Loan
Vilna- Half Sister (Dhampir)- On Loan
Shilbek- Human Mage - Captain of the Empress Vinicia II

Triels Spawn



The Deritan-Corshuret Host Currently has plans for two Navy Groups. The Forming Military Fleet and the Merchant Fleet.   Navy Fleet
DCMS Harbringer- 64 Gun Constellation Class Ship of the Line- Flagship
DCMS Empress Vinicia II - 36 Gun Frigate


In Less than a year of Founding the Deritan-Corshuret Navy has Taken out two Pirates to start making a name for themselves. as well as 2 Viteran Brigs, taken under combat as a noble Laanigard family.


The Deritan-Corshuret Host military currently Consists of the Ship of the Line DCMS Harbringer, and the DCMS Empress Vinicia II a Laanigard Mainline War Frigate.


Punishment for a crime can include one or more of the following, based on the nature of the crime, who or what the crime is committed against, and the criminal record of the convicted:
• Death (usually by being drained of blood)
• Exile (for a number of years or summers)
• Flogging (a set number of strokes)
• Hard labor (for a period of days, months, or years depending on the seriousness of the crime)
• Imprisonment(for a period of days or months depending on the seriousness of the crime)
• Fine (payable to the city; inability to pay the fine leads to imprisonment and/or hard labor)
• Damages (payable to the injured party or victim’s kin; inability to pay damages leads to imprisonment and/or hard labor)
• Edict (forbidding the convicted from doing something; violation of an edict can result in imprisonment, hard labor, and/or a fine)
  I. Crimes against Lords, Officials, and Nobles
Assaulting or impersonating a Lord: death
Assaulting or impersonating an official or noble: flogging, imprisonment up to a tenday, and fine up to 500 gp
Blackmailing an official: flogging and exile up to 10 years
Bribery or attempted bribery of an official: exile up to 20 years and fine up to double the bribe amount
Murder of a Lord, official, or noble: death
Using magic to influence a Lord without consent: imprisonment up to a year, and fine or damages up to 1,000 gp
Using magic to influence an official without consent: fine or damages up to 1,000 gp and edict

II. Crimes against the Cities
Arson: death or hard labor up to 1 year, with fines and/or damages covering the cost of repairs plus 2,000 gp
Brandishing weapons without due cause: imprisonment up to a tenday and/or fine up to 10 gp
Espionage: death or permanent exile
Fencing stolen goods: fine equal to the value of the stolen goods and edict
Forgery of an official document: flogging and exile for 10 summers
Hampering justice: fine up to 200 gp and hard labor up to a tenday
Littering: fine up to 2 gp and edict
Poisoning a city well: death
Theft: flogging followed by imprisonment up to a tenday, hard labor up to 1 year, or fine equal to the value of the stolen goods
Treason: death
Vandalism: imprisonment up to a tenday plus fine and/or damages covering the cost of repairs plus up to 100 gp
Using magic to influence an official without consent: fine or damages up to 1,000 gp and edict

III. Crimes against Citizens (Vampires feeding do NOT count as long as left alive)
Assaulting a citizen: imprisonment up to a tenday, flogging, and damages up to 1,000 gp
Blackmailing or intimidating a citizen: fine or damages up to 500 gp and edict
Burglary: imprisonment up to 3 months and damages equal to the value of the stolen goods plus 500 gp
Damaging property or livestock: damages covering the cost of repairs or replacement plus up to 500 gp
Disturbing the peace: fine up to 25 gp and edict
Murdering a citizen without justification: death or hard labor up to 10 years, and damages up to 1,000 gp paid to the victim’s kin
Murdering a citizen with justification: Hard labor up to 3 years or damages up to 1,000 gp paid to the victim’s kin
Robbery: hard labor up to 1 month and damages equal to the value of the stolen goods plus 500 gp
Slavery: LEGAL but owner is held responsible for slaves actions if laws broken
Using magic to influence a citizen without consent: fine or damages up to 1,000 gp and edict

Haec rosa spinas habet (This rose has thorns)

Family Leader
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Necoras Inlet
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Organization Vehicles
Notable Members


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