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Deritan Host


The Deritan Vampire Host is structured similarly as a noble family and their territories. With the primary Deritan Family controlling the home of Castle Deritan and all related assets of the Host. While other subordinate groups, including other Vampire Families who serve the Deritans, come in second.   Harkuv Deritan is the Patriarch of the Host and as such, has complete autocratic and unquestioned control.


The Deritan Host is surprisingly less violent than most other Vampire Hosts encountered within the Continents, however that shouldn't be taken as the Deritans are pacifists. The Deritan Vampire host has a long reputation of piracy and bloodshed against their neighbors, and feuds with other families, were quite common during the early days of the Deritans.   The Deritan Host often deals well with other neighboring Vampire Hosts, preferring paths of peace with their neighbors.


Castle Deritan is the primary hold for the Deritan Host. Being not only the main housing for the family, but also the center for consolidation of resources, troops and ship.s  


  The Core of the Deritan Army is a well trained shock force of 50 Dhampyr Soldiers, many of which the children or grandchildren of Harkuv Deritan. The Dhampyr Warriors are mostly equipped with plate and various melee and ranged weapons, the most common being Pole-Arms, Bastard Swords and Crossbows.   The Deritan Host also fields an army of 200 Warrior Thralls, many of which were selectively bred among the thralls who serve the Deritan Host. The Warrior Thralls are slightly lesser in quality of arms compared to their Dhampyr counterparts, mainly protected by half-plate and scale mail with pole-arms and bows.   Almost all the Vampires of the Deritan Host are trained in fighting and war, with express interest in the sons and daughters of Harkuv who are often trained as officers to direct Thralls and Dhampyrs in battle.   In times of great battle, where large numbers are required, Harkuv and many of the heads of the Deritan Host are powerful necromancers, who can call upon the thousands of skeletons in nearby cemetaries to heed their call and join the battles as simple footsoldiers.  


  Additionally to the ground forces, Castle Deritan possess a port and three vessels as well which fall under the Deritan Host.  
Black Duchess
- A Laaningard War Gallery captured many years prior, the Black Duchess could be manned by a crew of over 200. With six complete decks, a large cargo hold and an extremely comfortable captains cabin, the Black Duchess was originally considered to be used for trade, however it was eventually used for piracy.  
Imperial Rose
- A Large Three-Masted Barque built in Elyrim. The Imperial Rose was captured after Harkuv Deritan seized it during a battle with the Elyrimian Navy. The Imperial Rose was taken back to port and docked where it remains. Equipped with six balistas and two non-functional cannons at the bow, the Imperial Rose was intimidating.  
Thrastos' Revenge
- The Small Ship Thrastos' Revenge was originally a large flagship seized by the Son of Harkuv Deritan 'Lord Thrastos Deritan' during his reign of Piracy. The vessel was sent back to his father shortly before Thrastos was cornered by Paladins of Sarenrae and killed. The flagship was too large to be properly utilized by Harkuv, as such, it was stripped and torn apart. The pieces were refitted to make a small quick sloop which was called Thrastos' Revenge. The sloop only had two decks and a single mast, designed to have a minimal crew of 1 and hold a maximum of 30. The Captains Cabin of the Thrastos' Revenge was outfitted excplicitly for Harkuv Deritan, though the vessel would not be used by him. For defense, the vessel was armed with a balista placed on a rotating platform in the center of the deck.

Never Conquered, Always Feared

Alternative Names
Deritan Clan
Family Leader
Subsidiary Organizations
Organization Vehicles
Notable Members
Related Species



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