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Empire of Laaningard


The Empire of Laaningard is ruled by a series of Dukes and Counts, which report directly to the Emperor of Laaningard.  


There are four main Duchies. Olicaster - Which consists of Olicaster, Zaxginia, Entoridge, Laaningard Mage Tower and Fort Kluphis. Anechester - Which consists of Anechester, Illebridge, Pletol and Prifdon. Eleyridge - Which consists of Eleyridge, Preyphia, Gredon, Wrona, Sliton, Pin Ylepgan - Which consists of Ylepgan, Ancever, Frihson, Osaburn, and Oquginia   There is also the county of Copool which consister of Copool and Ria.   The Fort of Alocester is under the full control of the Laaningardian Military.   The four dukes and the count of Copool report directly to the Emperor of Laaningard, whose capital is the city of Olicaster, which serves as the hub of the Empire.


Laaningard culture is based heavily around death and national supremacy. With this permeating much of the national identity.  


  One aspect that perfectly encapsulates Laaningard is their obsession with the color black. All styles utilize black as the primary color with white being a secondary. Most artwork is heavy on Black and White as the colors, and armor, weapons, architecture and everyday items are usually painted black. The only time someone might see some color in Laaningard is upon gazing at the Laaningardian Standard, which is a Black Flag with a Yellow Cross and Highlights.  

National Supremacy

  Laaningardian culture embraces a Laaningardian centric belief, while its not as significant as the Solaris Imperium, its still quite permeated. Looking down on non-Laaningardians as inferior or uncivilized is common.   Many years of dominating their neighbors such as Stargrasp and Vitera has also helped in pushing a very Laaningardian-entric belief system among the population.  

Connection to Vampirism and the Undead

  During the early years of the Laaningardian Empire, the Empire was ruled by Vampires. While this has since not been the case for many thousands of years, the country has retained a heavy obsession with death and the undead. With necromancers being very common, and several large vampire hosts calling the Empire home.   However outright acceptance of these things have largely dissipated, and open vampirism is both illegal and shunned, as is necromancy.

Public Agenda

Its no secret that the Empire of Laaningard has maintained very broad ambitions throughout most of its existance. Conquering Vitera, the Stargrasp, Banma and Aeruta. However a series of blows, a crusade from Elyrim which liberated Aeruta, a war with the Daevirn Reich which brought Banma under its control, failed invasions of the Hellens, and successful uprisings from both the Stargrasp and Vitera, have left the Laaningard Empire spiritually broken.   However with its heavily populated and rich core with a deep industrial base, Laaningard is still very much an active participant in politics, and consistently look for opportunities to expand their influence and reclaim the glory of the past Empire.   Laaningard has maintained warm relations with Elyrim, the Hellens and other powers mainly due to their dedication to wiping out the worship of Sol. As such, many Crusades and opponents of Sol Worship find their ranks stocked with soldiers from Laaningard.


Early History

  The Laaningardian Empire was first formed around 2000 of the First Era as Vampires subjugated the local human tribes of the Ledorian Peninsula. For nearly a thousand years the subjugated tribes would be slowly moved into a single contiguous Empire as the various Vampire Lords began centralizing.   Finally, the entire Peninsula was unified under a single Vampire Lord who began invasions and wars with the human kingdoms surrounding it.  

End of Vampire Rule

  By 4500 .1E, the Vampires had launched an invasion against the Continent of Edis, the invasion was a horrible failure. After arriving, supply issues for the Thralls and failure to secure proper holds, meant the forces were vulnerable to counterattack. And a counterattack was inevitable.   The Crusader Sarashia, had concluded a six year long campaign against the Cult of Sol, pushing them back beyond the Gates of Belrod. The Vampire Invasion meant that another threat was looming. Without hesitation, Sarashia had organized a new crusade and attacked the struggling Vampire Hosts, defeating them.   Within one year, the entire army was defeated, Sarashia led her Crusaders across the ocean and invaded the Peninsula, defeating the already depleted Vampires with ease.   Before the second year was out, 1500 years of Vampire dominance on Ledorian was undone, coming to a crashing end. The surviving Vampire Hosts were swiftly hunted down, or retreated into the Black Hills.   Originally Sarashia planned an invasion to break the spell of the Black Hills and cleanse the land, however after her ascension to Godhood, the Crusaders returned home to Astrohelm, where they would form the Holy Kingdom of Elyrim to serve as a beacon of light.  

Establishment of the Empire of Laaningard

  The power vacuum left by the defeat of the vampires, ascension of Godhood by Sarashia, and the leaving of the Crusaders, was open for a very brief period of time. The entire peninsula being centralized under the control of a single throne in Oliscaster and the first Laaningardian Dynasty was born.   It was during this early period that the worship of the God Lehua first came about. Its unclear who started it, but it quickly gained traction and became the dominant national religion. Some early individuals worshipped Sarashia, however the worship of Sarashia was stamped out, as was the worship of any other Gods and Goddesses other than Lehua.  

Second Era

  Throughout the Second Era, the Empire of Laaningard saw massive success. Striking early on at their neighbors, the Viterans and Stargrasp being the early victims. Turning them into provinces that supplied the Empire with impressive amounts of gold, trade and men for their armies.   In an attempt to curb Laaningardian Expansion, several large scale campaigns were orchestrated by the Elyrimians and the Hellens, all of which failed. Even when the Endari and High Elves attempted a full scale invasion, all they succeeded at was scoring several minor victories before being removed from Laaningardian Controlled Territory Completely.   Continued campaigns saw Laaningard expand into the Banma Region, and vassalizing the Republic of Aeruta. By the end of it, Laaningard was a juggernaught of power and exited the Second Era as the third most powerful Nation behind the Solaris Imperium and Elyrim.  

Third Era

  Where most nations were gaining power on the tick to the Third Era, Laaningard was struggling. Several years in a war for the throne spent much of the military and economic power of the Empire, with almost two thirds of the Imperial Navy being sunk.   Seeing weakness, the oppressed people of the Banma sent a letter to the Daevirn Reich, which was looking to expand its overseas holdings, and made a pledge to submit to the Reich in exchange for the Reich freeing from the Laaningardian Empire.   And so the Daevirn Reich invaded the Laaningardians, with a superior navy and a fresh army, the Reich annhilated the Laaningardian Army with ease and marched into the Capital City of Oliscaster. The Kaiser forced the Laaningardian Emperor to surrender the Banma to the Reich.   Several months later, the Republic of Aeruta declared its independance. With no navy and no land route to Aeruta, Laaningard was forced to agree.  

Final Blows

  With a proper land route and a heavy military restoration program, Laaningard was able to keep control over Stargrasp and Vitera through sheer force of arms. However with Laaningards grip severely weakened, movements demanding indepenance began to take traction.   While it would eventually take a few hundred years, two independant movements emerged. A religious movement in Stargrasp, and a self-proclaimed 'King' in Vitera. Eventually it erupted into full scale war.   After a 20 year long war to keep control over Vitera and Stargrasp, the old Emperor died, and Emperor Cair Vinsith took control of the throne. Realizing the increased unrest among his population, and the fact that neither Vitera nor Stargrasp contributed much of anything anymore, Emperor Cair Vinsith recalled his forces back across the Alostin Plateau, and for the first time in thousands of years, Laaningard was now isolated to the Ledorian Peninsula.  

Emperor Cair Vinsith

  After Emperor of Laaningard, Emperor Cair Vinsith, recalled his armies, prosperity soon returned to Laaningard. Consolidating his control over his nobles, Cair Vinsith was remarkably adept at maneuvering the intricasies of the Empire.   Within a few years, stability had returned and under the guide of Cair Vinsith, Laaningard began rearming its army and rebuilding its navy. Much to the Chagrin of the other powers.   By 500 .3E, Emperor Cair Vinsith reigns from his palace in Oliscaster.

Demography and Population

The Empire of Laaningard is predominantly a Ledorian Human. With pale skin, black or chestnut hair and usually dark eyes. During the early eras of expansion, smaller elven populations were assimilated into the Empire. Interbreeding has led Ledorian Elves to have the same black hair and dark eyes as their human brethren, and while uncommon, Ledorian Elves do exist and are treated as equals among the Laaningardian Empire.   With the loss of its client states, the Empire lacks many non-Ledorian Humans or other species. With halflings, half-orcs and Dwarves being extreme minorities.  
As of 500 .3E, the population of Laaningard sat at around 287,000, with most of the people living in rural homesteads and farms. Urbanized population of the Empire had a much higher standard of living.


The Empire of Laaningard has always historically maintained a disproportionately large military force.   As of 500 .3E the Empire of Laaningard fielded an army of 15,000 soldiers with an additional 30,000 in reserve.   For the navy, Laaningard has maintained a rather erratic naval force. With a strong naval tradition, however loosing most of their navy in several events. By 500 .3E, Laaningard possessed a navy of some 300 warships in total.

Technological Level

The Empire of Laaningard is by all accounts one of the most advanced nations among the great powers, with multiple massive universities and a strong scientific community, Laaningard is on par with Elyrim and its other rivals.


The predominant religion within the Empire is the worship of the God Lehua. A supposed Wolf-God, the God Lehua has never made many large appearences, and seems remarkably absent from most historical accounts aside from Laaningardian ones, this has led to a widespread belief among non-Laaningardian scholars that the God Lehua doesn't even exist.   Whatever the external scholarly community believes, criticizing Lehua or questioning his existance is a capital offense in Laaningard, punishable by burned alive at the stake.   The Church of Lehua holds considerable power over much of the nobility and the inner workings of the Empire.

In Lehua We Shall Build Our Kingdom

Founding Date
2000 .2E
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Black Empire, Dominion of Death, Blackshirts (Insult)
Ruling Organization
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
The Empire of Laaningard has its own currency, the Laaningard Crown, each crown being worth 1 traditional silver.
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Organization Vehicles
Notable Members
Related Species


Laaningard and Elyrim maintain a cold peace. Both agreeing to support each other against Sol and Demonic Incursions, but with Elyrim and Laaningard maintaining a common back and forth of trade embargoes, naval skirmishes and dynastic feuds.


Despite the peace, many Laaningardian privateers frequently raid and terrorize the Viteran mercantile fleet in an attempt to choke out the Viteran economy and cut them off from their allies.


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