Abyssal Maw

Written by Crafty_Dm

One of the most dangerous creatures encountered within the deep swampy regions of Evermyst Abyssal Maws looks just like tree roots twisted in the muddy waters at one's feet as you trudge through the mires when in fact they are tentacles. When the Abyssal Maw senses an animal or creature near these tentacles lash out and try to grapple its prey and drag it towards its prey closer to its large gaping maw of razor-sharp teeth. Abyssal Maws can swallow crocodiles and water buffalo whole with their mouths reaching widths of up to 15-20 feet in width. most Abyssal Maws typically are smaller but still can easily bite in half a typical human should its tentacles drag its victim towards the Abyss that is is mouth or maw. This creature is one of the clear dangers of traversing Evermyst's Swamps.   Abyssal Maws use their natural ability to blend into the swamp and wait for sensations in the water or the touch of their Tentacles that look like Tree roots or buried portions of swamp vegetation. Once within its reach, this tentacle will reach out ad attack targets attempting to grapple them and drag them towards its massive May the before open will look like a large rotten tree stump. When it opened there is a massive maw with several rows of razor teeth that can swallow People, LArge beasts, and animals. An Abyssal Maw has 6-8 Tentacles to attack with and its massive mouth.   Abyssal Maws have natural regenerative abilities and can recover some of its damage taken or grow back a new tentacle in a matter of a few days.

Basic Information


An Abyssal Maw has 6 to 8 Tentacles that can reach 15-20' feet in length It has a massive Mouth or Maw that resembles a large rotten stum with most of its massive body buried deep in the mud below its mouth.

Genetics and Reproduction

Not much is known about how Abyssal Maws reproduce but it is rumored that a severed tentacle will then burrow into the mud and eventually grow into and reproduce into another Abyssal Maw.

Growth Rate & Stages

Young (0-5 years), Young Adult (5-15 years), Adult (16-50 Years), Old (50-150 Years), Ancient (151-300 Years)

Ecology and Habitats

Abyssal Maws live in Dark Swamps, Mires, Bogs sunken overgrown woodland lakes often where mist and the shade hide their true image and unsuspecting creatures can be captured and eaten.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Abyssal Maws Eat anything that moves into their territory Crocodiles, Alligators, Huge Rats, Large birds, pack animals, and of course humanoids just to name a few. Abyssal maws can go up to one month without eating.

Biological Cycle

Abyssal Maws don't really hibernate unless their regional location becomes frozen. Should this occur they will be less aggressive and slower to act but still may sense the presence of a creature. Abyssal maws will regurgitate any Bones, Metal or undigestible materials every 2-4 months after eating said items these will often fly into the air and land in the waters and mud about its location 50-100 feet away. Because of this, there could be potential warning signs around an abyssal maw in the area. Abyssal Maws Move very slowly. This is only to adjust to the cycle of their Habitat they can only move 50 to 100' in a given day to get to a better location for potential prey or to avoid detection by animals who use senses or memory to avoid it.


Abyssal Maws are solitary, they wait till one or more targets are within reach and use the element of surprise before attacking they restrain their targets and drag them to their mouth to eat. Should a Target prove challenging to bring down it will try to tear it apart, drown it, or beat it to submission before eating it.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Abyssal Maws are Solitary

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Abyssal Maws prefer remote Swampy locations in water along game trails or pinch points its potential prey may be force to traverse.

Average Intelligence

Below Average Monsterous

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Abyssal Maws can sense life and distances in the water or mud out to a distance of 100' feet away from its location. this through disturbances in the water or mud. It does not have eyes like most creatures but smelling and tasting sensory glands that resemble the grooves in tree bark and several blow holes that resemble the knot holes or broken-off branches on a stump.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Scavengers will often be at the parameters of an Abyssal Maws location waiting for it to regurgitate a potential meal or wounding one that escapes its grasp. Insects will be prolific within its area as the potential for small scraps is highly possible and the insects are too small to be a meal for it or pose a threat.
Challenge Level (1-20)
Young 2, Young Adult 4, 
Adult 8, Old 12, Ancient 14
Number Encountered
Movement Types
Crawl Minimal
50-300 years
Average Height
3-5' tall at the stump
Average Weight
600-1000 Pounds
Average Length
Body submerged under stump can get to 30' Mouth Width 5-20' Feet wide when open. The reach of its tentacles 15-20' feet
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Body and Tentacles take on the colors and hues of vegetation and trees in its region often resembling Moss-covered Rotting trees or damp slime-coated tree roots.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by Bing AI image Creator


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