Pudu Species in Evermyst | World Anvil


Written by Crafty_Dm

Pudu is a diminutive-sized deer that can be found on all the continents of Evermyst these deer never get much larger than the Knee to waist-high of the average man. Within the Various Forests and Woodlands of Evermyst, these deer live and often migrate to warmer regions during the colder months. They can often be encountered in large herds. Because of this and their diminutive size, they often fall prey to such animals as Wolves, Lions, and Bears, along with Humanoid Hunters for their meat and hides. Pudu meat is often a staple of meat for smaller or more secluded towns and villages. The small Pudu Deer are said to breed almost as easily as Rabbits or squirrels. Although Pudu seems timid they are relatively fast runners and can leap easily 6-7 feet if spooked they have an uncanny speed through brush and overgrowth and often choose to run and scatter as a means of survival for their breed.

Basic Information


Small in stature with four legs, and short Nub like antlers

Genetics and Reproduction

Pudu mate during the spring season a single male may mate with as many as a dozen females within a herd. The gestation of the young lasts 6-7 months when the female will give birth to 1 possibly 2 fauns.

Growth Rate & Stages

Faun (0-2 months), Young (2-7 Months), Adult Female (6 Months to 10 years) Adult Male (8 Months to 10 Years)

Ecology and Habitats

Dense woodland, Low lying scrub and Thickets, Grassland

Dietary Needs and Habits

The pudus are herbivorous, consuming vines, leaves from low trees, shrubs, succulent sprouts, herbs, ferns, blossoms, buds, tree bark, and fallen fruit. They can survive without drinking water for long periods due to the high water content of the succulent foliage in their diets.

Biological Cycle

Pudu Migrate away from freezing temperatures in search of plentiful food they have commonly used Migration trails.


The Pudu is elusive and prefers to stay in the undergrowth. Most active in the morning, late afternoon, and evening. Their home range generally extends over a 10-12 mile area.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Pudu will organize into loose social groups the mothers and young usually stick together all year round in a herd with the males being more independent most of the year except during spring and mating season. Signs of danger though it's every pudu for themselves with young trying to follow the mother. Pudu knows to regather through high-pitched calls and to locations by scent.


Pudu are too skittish to be domesticated.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Meat is excellent as jerky, steak, stew, and rations. Their hides make excellent lightweight leather for tanning.

Facial characteristics

Large black eyes, and a dark brown to black nose. Females do not have antlers males have short antlers more like nubs they do not fork.

Average Intelligence

Average Animal Intelligence

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A Pudu has Excellent Hearing and Smell sensory glands attributed to their ability to be elusive and communicate with another Pudu through high pitch calls and territorial and trail marking.
Pudu Deer
Pudu Deer by Craftydm
Challenge Level (1-20)
Number Encountered
Movement Types
10 years
Average Height
13-17 Inches at the shoulder
Average Weight
23-28 pounds
Average Length
33-35 inches
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Reddish brown to ruddy brown in color with light spotting on its hind quarters and a cream colored belly and underside of the tail.

Cover image: by Night Cafe AI


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