The Seraphim Shields

Born from the Aftermath of the Scorching and The Scorch War The Seraphim Shields have served as Sworn Guardians and Protectors of the Drelarian Dynasty keeping Vigilance over the Scorched Barrens on the continent of Elabor. The Seraphim Shields is a Knightly Order sworn to protect the lands of Elabor from Demonic and Evil Abominations that still seem to emerge from time to time out of the Scorched Barrens.   Their Order is dedicated to Preventing Further Corruption of the lands of Elabor by Demonic or Undead Forces. The Seraphim Shields Honor good if not Angelic Virtues and almost all are partially Trained serving the Order as Paladins or Clerics. The Seraphim Shields Devote their Life to this Cause and the goddess Aella the Goddess of Healing and Light.   The Knightly Order was formed in 2107 during the Scorch War and after the Scorching ended in 2094 Crusader Priests and Paladins of Aella Established camps at the ruined Burned out Tower and Hamlet of Xavier Breedlove one of the co-conspirator mages under the command of Maevras Black. The Crusaders set up an outpost Hospital for troops fighting the Scorch War to be a point of vigilance over the Sorched Barrens.   These Crusaders later Earned the name the Seraphim Shields by Cleansing the Nearby Lands of Chaotic Forces Corrupted by a disease called the Warping that changed many inhabitants and creatures into Chaotic thralls of the Demonic Commanders coming from the Scorched Barrens. Legend says that in battle their Shields would Glow with a Cleansing Angelic Light as they rode or marched into battle filling allied soldiers with courage and confidence and forces of corruption would cower or cover their eyes from this Angelic Light.   Within two years the Searphim Shields had Built a Motte and Baily upon the site of Xavier Breedlove's Ruined tower and before the end of the Scorch War, this Motte and Baily had become what is now known as Whitestorm Keep and is their Primary residence for their order. By the End of the Scorch War, the Seraphim Shields proved themselves and their Knightly order to be a Valuable asset to the People of the Continent of Elabor and an Influential organization within the Drelarian Dynasty.  
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  The Seraphim Shields is one of the Oldest and Most Devout Kightly Orders in Evermys they have been in existence for almost 900 years. This order of Knights stands as a force of light and good against the Corruption of the land and its people.


The Seraphim Shield Rank Structure is listed below lowest to highest, Rank Titles for Clerics and Paladins within the order have different Names.  


  1. Acolyte
  2. Adept
  3. Curate
  4. Perfect
  5. Patriarch


  1. Shield
  2. Warder
  3. Protector
  4. Guardian
  5. Justicar


Members of the Seraphim Shields take several Vows the first of these is to absolve themselves of material things except those that are needed to Uphold their Oaths this means Most wealth, land titles, and personal possessions. Clerics and Paladins can have personal weapons, armor, priestly trappings, books, simple gear or equipment, and a Riding Animal with enough coin to live a modest lifestyle. Any other attained wealth, loot, and rewards become the property of the Seraphim Shields order as communal property or are shared with the people they serve and protect.   Members of the Seraphim Shields swear an Oath of Celibacy as they are to be one with Aella's Spirit so they do not succumb to corruption through Temptations of the Flesh. If a Member of the Order has been found to have Married or Desires Marriage, or has been found to have performed Sexual acts they must leave the order or will be removed from the order. Confession to have don so still leaves your reputation intact while Discovery does not within the order.   The Seraphim Shields take an oath to defend the defenseless against corruption and forces of the Demonic Underworld. They swear an Oath of Vigilance and carry out the orders of their superiors within the order.   Members of the Seraphim Shields must report suspected Evil and Corruption to their Superiors if they feel they cannot overcome it themselves.

Public Agenda

Serve the Order, Protect the Innocent, Stand vigil against Evil and Corruption.

Granted Divine Powers

Devine Powers of magic are given to those who are loyal to the Goddess Aella and the Seraphim Shields. Their Powers of Light and healing are legendary.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Members of the Seraphim Shields serve as advisors and even security details for many of the High Council of Mages of the Drelarian Dynasty but, they Answer to the Justicars or Patriarchs of the Seraphim Shields first before the Mage high Counselors they serve. These Advisors and Security details of the Seraphim Shields are to be vigilant for corruption and Demonic Influences to avoid a potential repeat incident like the Scorch War.

"Ut Aella Lux Purgat Corruptionem" or "May Aella's Light Purge Corruption"

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Founding Date
Military, Knightly Order
The Shields
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
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Cover image: by Bing AI image Creator


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