Vale Warthog

If one spends considerable time in the deep woods of Evermyst In particular the southern continents of Avalar and Elabor one might encounter Vale Warthogs. In small numbers of less than 2-3 they will be elusive, but in large groups Referred to as "sounds" they will be very defensive and the males will express Territorial aggression. Vale Warthogs are known for their Distinctive Black and Brown Stripe patterns on their fur that help them blend into the Woodland and dry underbrush. Vale Warthogs Typically don't get much bigger than a large dog but some have been rumored to get as large as a Mule Particularly the Elder Males. Vale Warthogs have often hunted for their hides and as a food source preferable younger Warthogs make the best food as their meat tends to get rather tough after 3-4 years of age. Vale Warthogs have been known to live for several Decades and even a few have been cultured as pets or riding animals by Woodland Elves and Goblins.

Basic Information


These medium-sized members of the pig family look pretty close to the characteristic image of a “pig.” Their skin is dark colored, and they are stoutly built. They have large heads equipped with defensive tusks. The tusks are elongated upper teeth, and are similar to elephant tusks (though much smaller). A short mane runs down the neck and the middle of the back, and a tuft of hair adorns the tip of the tail.

Genetics and Reproduction

Males, called “boars,” will battle for the right to breed with females. They use their large tusks to push and ram each other’s heads. The winning male will perform something of a dance to impress the females, which are called “sows.”
Five to six months after breeding, the sow will give birth to an average of 2 or 3 piglets. She will let them explore outside of the burrow once they are 10 days old, and will wean them at 3 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Baby (0-11 Months), Young (1-3 years), Adult (4-12 Years), Old (13-20 Years)

Ecology and Habitats

The Vale warthog’s favorite habitats are grassland, savanna, and woodlands. They utilize the abandoned burrows of other animals as their dens. 
The Vale Warthogs use these dens as an escape from predators, a place to sleep, and a safe place for their young. The burrow also provides a safe haven from both drastically hot and cold temperatures.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Vale Warthogs are omnivores. This means that they will eat both plants and animals when given the opportunity. They are not particularly picky eaters, and this helps them survive in an increasingly changing world. Some common food items include eggs, carrion, fruit, berries, roots, grasses, insects, and mushrooms.


Warthogs will Typically Run From Danger but the Dominatn Will Protect the "Sound". Mother Warthogs are very protective of their children and these creatures are no different! Mama pig will corral her piglets into the burrow first, and then back in last. This leaves her large tusks as a defense if a predator comes sniffing.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Males are mainly solitary most of the time staying on the boundaries of the "Sound", but females are quite social. Females and their piglets will congregate in groups of up to 40 individuals. They are very vocal, and communicate with one another using grunts, snorts, squeals, and more. Groups find safety by alerting one another to potential danger, they will even groom and sleep together.


Vale Warthogs have never been domesticated in Evermyst, these creatures are wild and unpredictable.  Their tusks are long, and their teeth are sharp, which means that they can easily injure you or your guests.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Commonly found on the continents of Arimar, Elabor, and Avalar, with some at the southern End of Norelhiem.

Average Intelligence

Average Animal Level Intelligence.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sniffing out Predators – While they do not have exemplary eyesight, these pigs make up for it with their sense of smell. They use their super-powered snout to sniff out food and detect predators.
Vale Warthog 1
Vale Warthog Trio by Craftydm
Challenge Level (1-20)
Number Encountered
Movement Types
15 years some as long as 20 years
Average Height
3' Feet to 5' Feet at the shoulders
Average Weight
100-165 pounds For Females   130-330 pounds For Males
Average Length
4' Feet to 7' Feet
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Tints of a Vale Warthogs Fur Are typically Light and Dark Brown with Charcoal to black stripes on its back.

Cover image: by Bing AI image Creator


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