Vurgoyle Species in Evermyst | World Anvil


Written by Crafty_Dm

Vurgoyle is a variation breed of gargoyle they are far tougher and usually almost twice the size of typical Gargoyles. Their skin is extremely tough and takes on many of the properties of the Crystal or Gem is known as Onyx. Black in color and highly resistant to Fire and Lightning much like the Magical qualities of Onyx itself. It not sure if this is true or legend but some believe Vurgoyles to have the ability to absorb magic and even reflect it back at those who cast it against them. Vurgoyles are extremely rare. There has been some documentation that certain wizards have been able to bind or make pacts with these creatures to act as guardians to their towers, castles, or libraries.   Vurgoyle have unique powers due to their stone and magical nature Vurgoyle are less susceptible to Fire, and nonmagical weapon attacks they only take half the damage from these and are totally immune to lightning damage. Vurgoyles can do two types of special attacks they can flap furiously with their wings that may cause opponents to stumble to the ground from a buffeting of the wind. They can also call upon a thunderous landing sending out crackling electrical bolts in a 15' radius around them possibly doing Lightning damage to targets within the affected area. Once they use this Thunderous landing they must roll a 5-6 on a D6 to be able to use it again. This ability comes from sitting atop high rocky or stone points and during storms and getting struck by lightning.

Basic Information


Vurgoyles Resemble the Anatomy of Large Gargoyles with Wings, Two Legs, Two Arms with Claws, and Horned heads. Their skin is Charcoal to Dark shiny black.

Biological Traits

Vurgoyle rarely lives more than 30 years. Biologically it's Difficult to tell a male from a female except when viewing an actual mating or Courtship fight.

Genetics and Reproduction

Vurgoyle Mate as the opportunity arises a Male will battle a female if the female submits then mating will result in a child. Gestation is typically 8 Months then the Female will give birth to 1-4 Dark eggs Those eggs Typically hatch within 2 Months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Hatchling (0-6 Months), Young (7 Months to 2 Years), Adult (3-30 Years)

Ecology and Habitats

Vurgoyle prefers Rocky and Mountainous Regions or Dark Cave networks. That is not to say that Vurgoyle are not found in other regions as they are often reared by mages to serve as guardians.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Vurgoyle Enjoy Blood and Soft innards of almost anything over its flesh. Vurgoyle can go long periods without feeding even up to 2-3 months but this tends to make them more aggressive and ravenous.

Biological Cycle

When Vurgoyle Die at any stage they Crumble into shards of Onyx Stone This stone can sometimes be valuable.


A Vurgoyle is very Patient and loves the element of surprise. They can stand crouched and still for hours even days without moving anything but their eyes. They will often do this to catch their prey unaware and will sit either looking like a stone carved statue or curled with their wings about them looking like a large stone and attack at the most opportune moment.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Vurgoyle tends to be Solitary or in small groups never more than 6-8 in a group.


Vurgoyle cannot be domesticated but Pacts are often made with them or they are magically summoned or enchanted into servitude.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

When A vurgoyle dies it shatters into several stone shards of Pure Onyx roll 1d30 each shard will have a value of 1-100 gold each.

Facial characteristics

Sharp fangs deep facial lines and bright glowing Orange or Red eyes and a pair of Horns that can get up to 12 Inches in length.

Average Intelligence

Average Sub-Human Intelligence

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Vurgoyles have Excellent Night vision and can see 100' feet in the dark.
Challenge Level (1-20)
Number Encountered
Movement Types
Fly, Walk
30 years
Average Height
7-8 Feet at the shoulders
Average Weight
300-350 pounds
Average Length
Wingspan 12' feet
Average Physique
Stone cut But Muscular.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Body tint is a Cloudy Charcoal Black to a Deep Black shine of Onyx.

Cover image: by Night Cafe AI


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