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Holy City of Drengar

The Holy city of Drengar is the founding city of the empire and seat of the emperor. This city almost exclusively worships Bahamut and is considered to be the highest concentration of Bahamut's followers. The city has prospered for the past 600 years under the Drangar bloodline and has expanded into the powerhouse it is today thanks to the command of the Exalts.   Architecturally, the city is made with very unconventional methods, Rayne Drangar had forged a majority of the larger buildings with his god given strength and carved out the Castle out of a single block of Quartz and Howlite, then reinforced the outer areas with a holy rune enchantment that magically strengthened the white castle. the remainder of the smaller buildings were carved out of the island itself.


80~% Human, 15~% Other, 5~% Elf


The Exalt delivers divine judgement and final say over Drangarian matters of extreme importance, otherwise, he delegates to his 6 vassals to control the city, and they in turn run the majority of the city and the day to day.


The two bridges can detract from the main land slightly with large mechanical implements known as pistons, another gift from Bahamut was the knowledge of these pistons given to Exalt Rayne Drangar when the city was finally established.

Industry & Trade

The city has relatively low production, as most product is imported due to the nature of the city, instead, this city is known for it's luxury and tourism within the empire. it is also a religious capital, and as such gains large amounts of wealth from followers of bahamut.


The city, due to it's nature and only 2 enterances imports and exports via those two major highways, thankfully due to Bahamut's Divine intervention, there is an infinite supply of fresh water freely flowing from the castle throughout the city and running off into Bahamut's eye.
Founding Date
12 ATF
Alternative Name(s)
The Holy City, City of White
Large city
61,000~ approx.
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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