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Ank’Harel translates to “Jewel of Hope” in the northern dialect of the Marquesian language. The city was established as an oasis trading post. A rare source of underground fresh water made this one of the few habitable locations in the vast desert.   As more travelers arrived to take part in building this metropolis, unpaved roads were upgraded to stone streets, and walls were bolstered with towers and parapets. Ank’Harel flourished, becoming a cultural melting pot of people from across the continent and some from farther away.  


Worship of all Prime Deities is welcomed in Ank’Harel. Worship of the Betrayer Gods, when such activity is discovered, is punished on a case-by-case basis depending on the nature of the reverence. Someone in possession of forbidden iconography is typically sentenced to a few weeks of imprisonment, but someone who conducts rites dedicated to a Betrayer God is treated more severely.


J’mon Sa Ord, a lawful neutral ancient brass dragon, helped found the city over 400 years ago and has ruled it ever since. Depending on which supposition one subscribes to, J’mon is either an archfey of the Feywild, a demigod in disguise, or multiple individuals pretending to be a single entity. J’mon is rarely seen in public, and it is extremely difficult to gain an audience with them. Because of the dragon’s reclusive nature, an elderly female human named Gemeshega is Ank’Harel’s Grandmaven, or acting chancellor.


The laws of Ank’Harel are based on the Code of Ord. Theft, exploitation, and murder are the worst crimes, punishments for which range from life in prison to permanent exile from the city. Laws are enforced by the Hands of Ord, the city guard. Offenses for which culpability is in question or that involve particularly heinous crimes are ruled on by the judges in the Cerulean Palace and, in some cases, by J’mon Sa Ord.   The Hand of Ord acts as the guardian of the city of Ank’Harel and nearby townships and villages. They wear an ornate and tastefully-designed panoply of deep blue with armor of a reddish brown metal (presumably of a high copper-content alloy), carrying scimitars at their sides and, often, spears and shields as well. Their helmets cover most of their faces, giving them an intimidating presence.


Alluvium District

The Alluvium District is the northernmost neighborhood of Ank’Harel. Named for the rich clay mined in the cliffs that border the district, this area is a mixture of dense residential sections, sites of clay strip mining, and spacious plazas used for oral performances and artisan markets.   Alluvium Gardens
  The arboretum known as the Alluvium Gardens is famous for the meticulous, geometric layout of its hedges and planters, mimicking the tile art of the district’s ceramic masters. After a long day of hauling clay, miners often retreat to the shade of the gardens to unwind and chat with friends. At the center of the gardens is a grove of fig, apricot, and pomegranate trees, and visitors to the gardens are welcome to help themselves to any ripe fruit they can reach. The gardens also contain kurrak, a hard-to-cultivate fruit native to the jungles of Marquet that has a tough, spiny shell and soft, sweet flesh like that of a mango.   Opalite Forum
Entertainment Square
  Eight pillars of iridescent glass, created from discarded sand and debris from the clay mines, ring the outside of this wide stone courtyard in the heart of the Alluvium District. The Opalite Forum is a central gathering place for district residents, often used to host festivals and holy celebrations.   The forum is also a place where storytellers from across Exandria tell their tales. During the day, children gather around the elderly chroniclers, who relate the legends of Exandria’s founding and stories of the Calamity in the oral tradition of their forebears. At night, the forum is overtaken by crowds of burgeoning writers, reading their latest works aloud and, on occasion, engaging in friendly duels of poeticism and wit.   Sa’irah Mines
Clay Strip Mines
  The angular ridges of the Sa’irah strip mines loom over the rest of the Alluvium District, and the cacophony of hammering and drilling fills the nearby streets almost constantly during the workday. Most of the clay harvested here is used for the construction and repair of buildings. Some of it is worked by artisans who have perfected the art of blending and firing the clay, creating vibrantly colored mosaic tiles and other ceramic works.   The quarry is run by a gruff, middle-aged miner named Zala Keencutter, a neutral tiefling thug. Though he puts up an abrasive façade, Zala has a shy and empathetic soul, and he wants dearly to work up the courage to read his prose writings at the Opalite Forum some evening.    

Cerulean Palace

The purple and blue spires of the Cerulean Palace reflect the sun’s light off their edges like a sun-dappled waterfall. Most citizens are familiar only with the palace’s ornate exterior, covered with glittering designs of lapis lazuli and turquoise with brass accents. The inside of the palace, where only those with official business are typically allowed, contains chambers used for deliberation, debate, and judgment regarding legal matters. Beneath the palace lies a labyrinthine dungeon called the Oblag, also known as the Scarlet Oubliette.   At the center of the palace complex is the Chamber of Judgment. Intricate tilework covers the outer surface of the chamber. The inside is dimly illuminated by sunlight that shines through the translucent panes of bluish crystal that make up the roof. On a raised stone dais sits an intricately carved bronze throne studded with sapphires—the Seat of J’mon Sa Ord, said to be a duplicate of the one the leader uses in their personal quarters at the top of the palace’s highest tower. In the Chamber of Judgment, perpetrators of the most terrible crimes are brought to justice. J’mon Sa Ord descends to occupy the seat while presiding over these hearings and then personally delivers the verdict.  

The Circlet Walk

The Circlet Walk is primarily a residential district, though taverns and other places of commerce can be found here as well. The district is so packed with buildings that it’s customary for people to travel through the district by hopping from rooftop to rooftop rather than navigating the narrow roads.   Lyrean Linen
Front for the Black Market
  At first glance, Lyrean Linen looks like any other cloth-dyeing establishment, with long sheets of fabric hanging off every rafter and vats of colored liquid arrayed across the front of the shop. Asking for cloth dyed “whitestone green” gives a customer access to the store’s other wares: a dangerous narcotic called suude and other forbidden concoctions sold on the black market.   The shop is run by Bas and Kovra Lyrean, twin sisters who are neutral evil, half-elf bandits. Originally alchemists by trade, they use their knowledge to brew magic potions deemed by the Hands of Ord to be too dangerous for public consumption.   Step Aside
Inn and Tavern
  This cozy establishment is a local favorite, known for its delicious food and a cheery atmosphere that invites folks to “step aside” from their daily troubles and rest a while. Desert flowers flourish in planters that decorate the tavern’s windowsills and bar, and the upstairs rooms are redolent with the scents of garlic rice and fried meats wafting up from the kitchen. On the most sweltering days, the tavern offers its signature dessert: haluh, a dish from the southwestern Marquesian coast consisting of shaved ice and sweet milk topped with jackfruit or kurrak, coconut strips, and sweet purple yam.   The place is run by two former mercenaries: Irawan, a lawful good, elf veteran, and his husband Calinao, a neutral good, elf druid. Unbeknownst to many, Irawan and Calinao were among the original Scarbearers who came to Ank’Harel during the city’s nascent years and defiantly showed to J’mon Sa Ord the scars they earned during their defense of the realm. The couple has long since retired from mercenary life, but they serve the people of the city in other ways. If the phrase “Pardon my steps as I pass through” is whispered to either Irawan or Calinao, they’ll lead the individual to a safe house beneath the tavern, where the beneficiary is welcome to stay until other arrangements can be made.  

Guided District

The Guided District contains several houses of worship, with each of the Prime Deities represented. The district’s architecture is more ornamental than in other areas of the city; many temples are adorned with intricate mosaics and crowned by minarets with gilded spires.   The few vagabonds to be found in Ank’Harel frequent the alleys in this district, where many temples send representatives to feed and clothe the downtrodden. The Hands of Ord also maintain a notable presence here.   Blessing Well
Holy Site
  At the heart of the Guided District is a concave stone courtyard known as the Blessing Well. A line of alabaster tiles spirals down to the center of the plaza, ending at the well itself, whose deep blue bricks are speckled with silver in a representation of the night sky.   The Blessing Well is not dedicated to a deity and instead is a public space for anyone in Ank’Harel who seeks spiritual guidance. On many occasions, an individual has been lowered into the well, away from the bright lights and bustle of the city, to calm their thoughts and commune with the divine; they emerge hours later, eyes gleaming with renewed purpose as they savor the divine vision they experienced while in the well’s depths.   The water of the well is separate from that in the city canals and is used only in holy ceremonies. Drinking the well’s water bestows a terrible divine curse upon the drinker that even the most potent mortal magic can’t undo.   Crossings of Eventide
  Over two hundred feet high, the Crossings of Eventide are a series of tombs carved into the cliffs that border the Guided District. Reliefs depicting the most important deeds of the tombs’ occupants adorn the spaces between the stone slabs that seal the graves. At sunset, crystal braziers that hang throughout the necropolis catch the fading light, painting the nearby cliffside in vibrant hues of pink, orange, and purple.   At the base of the cliff rests a small temple dedicated to the Matron of Death. In Ank’Harel, and in much of Marquet at large, the god of death and fate is perceived differently from how she is regarded in the lands of Wildemount, Tal’Dorei, and Issylra. Bereft of her moniker “the Raven Queen”, here the god is associated with twilight, inevitability, and the passage of time, and she presides over the transition between life and death. Some Marquesian sects refer to her as the “Duskmaven”, portraying her as a keen-eyed vulture with a golden funerary mask and feathers whose colors range from sunset hues to midnight black.   Temple of the Mentor
Temple to Ioun and Headquarters of the Cobalt Soul
  A ceramic mosaic of three open eyes framed in cobalt blue crowns the entrance to the Temple of the Mentor. Dedicated to Ioun, the temple is more a library than a hall of worship, and it doubles as the base of operations for the Marquesian branch of the Library of the Cobalt Soul. Shelves line the walls of the temple’s sanctuary, all filled near to capacity with meticulously catalogued tomes, scrolls, and periodicals that are available for public inspection.   Staircases lead up from the sanctuary to the residents’ apartments and the scriptorium, and up farther to the quarters of the Cobalt Soul’s higher-ranking members. Stairs lead down from the sanctuary to a locked door opened with a key held only by select individuals and the Cobalt Soul’s high curator. Behind this door is the Cobalt Soul’s vast subterranean archive, containing all sorts of esoteric knowledge that is purposely kept away from the public. The entire expanse is lit by continual flame spells.   At the high curator’s behest, a sardonic monk named Iwo Zalarre, a chaotic good half-orc monastic operative, oversees all visitors to the public archives and registers all requests for access to the private archive. Though just as dedicated to Ioun’s service as any other member of the Cobalt Soul, Iwo is eager to get out of the temple and take part in a challenging mission.     Tower of Memory
Headquarters of the Sentinels of Memory   Situated on the far western side of the Guided District, the octagonal Tower of Memory juts out of the ground at a slightly crooked angle. The building was slated for demolition when the founder of the Sentinels of Memory, Watcher Trast, purchased it to use as a home for his small but zealous group of followers. The Sentinels have since spent little time repairing the structure, so cracks still show between the ivory bricks, and the wooden floorboards creak with every step.   Watcher Byron, a lawful evil, gnome veteran, oversees most of the sentinels’ operations for Watcher Trast and rarely leaves the Tower of Memory. Gentle of voice but volatile of temper, Byron has grown increasingly impatient with his faction’s political strategy and has begun to plot more aggressive ways of hampering the Allegiance of Allsight’s excavation of Cael Morrow. Though he would never admit it, Byron secretly longs to see the wonders of Cael Morrow for himself.  

The Ridge

Sitting atop one of the city’s three plateaus, the Ridge is Ank’Harel’s industrial district. Its streets are crowded with smithies, foundries, shipyards, and warehouses.   Alsfarin Union Shipyard
Skyship Conglomerate   The foremost producer of skyships in Exandria, the Alsfarin Union, has its base of operations in Ank’Harel. Its shipyard, thundering with the peal of hammers and glowing with arcane energy when work is under way, is off limits to anyone except employees. The Alsfarin Union protects its supply of brumestone—the enchanted crystal that magically holds skyships aloft—with an iron fist.   Since all skyships in operation across Exandria must come to the shipyard once a year for maintenance and repair, the area near the shipyard has become a hodgepodge of cultures from around the world. Curious folks can purchase iconic headwear from Whitestone in Tal’Dorei at the Lord Percy Haberdashery—a name not endorsed by Lord Percival de Rolo III of Whitestone—then patronize a cart selling pastries from Port Damali in Wildemount and indulge in a mug of ale brewed in Vasselheim in distant Issylra, all in the same city block.   Sunfire Forge
Smithy   Built partially into the side of the mountain that borders the north side of the district, the Sunfire Forge is the premier blacksmith and weapons manufacturer in Ank’Harel. Its name comes from the forge’s unique power source: liquid sunlight, harvested from the iridescent crystals lining its roof. The consistent heat of this concentrated form of energy allows for the creation of fine metalwork that incorporates fragile components such as arcane minerals and gem dust. Two glowing streams of sunfire cascade down the sides of the forge’s pitched roof before coming to rest in stone reservoirs, where the liquid is stored before being funneled into the forge.   The Sunfire Forge is under the control of Rohaya Tak, a neutral good half-elf commoner, who inherited the business from her mother two decades ago. An innovative metalworker, Rohaya combines her smithcraft with shrewd business intuition. In addition to crafting blades and tools, Rohaya uses the forge to produce cannons for use on sailing ships and skyships, modeled after the bronze cannons of her family’s homeland in southern Marquet.  

River District

Its atmosphere permeated by the smell of wet earth, the River District is where most of the city’s farming is done. Strips of irrigated cropland are intermingled with newer hydroponic farms, and in place of roads, canals connect the subdivisions of the district. Most folks traverse the canals of the River District in skiffs and lightweight canoes.   Life Dome
Nexus of the Canals   This glass dome crowns the source of water in Ank’Harel: the oasis around which the city was built. All the canals in the River District originate from the Life Dome, and the structure is a center of celebration and a monument to the city’s history. At night, the inside of the dome is magically lit by drifting orbs of blue and green luminescence, painting the nearby area in a display of colored light.   The Life Dome also serves an important agricultural purpose. Because the water that fills Ank’Harel’s oasis flows not from a natural source but from underground caverns created by the acts of the gods, the water level frequently fluctuates. The water can surge forth or slow to a trickle, threatening to bring about floods or dry spells, respectively. To counteract this problem, the Life Dome instantly transmutes any water that exceeds the accepted level into vapor and stores it in the seams of the dome. When the water level drops, the stored vapor is transmuted back into liquid and fed into the irrigation canals.   The Allegiance of Allsight scholar Carliale Kroogan, a neutral good, gnome scholarly excavator, is currently the chief supervisor for the Life Dome. Lonely and a bit of a chatterbox, Carliale is always ready to chat about arcane theory with any individual who comes his way.   Old Man Kruuk’s
Bakery and Fence for Stolen Goods   Old Man Kruuk, a neutral, half-orc bandit captain, is a mediocre baker; his pitas are tough and chewy, and the caramel of his baklava is bitter and burned. Kruuk’s talent lies in his true vocation as a fence for stolen goods. After an individual gains his trust, he drops his bumbling baker facade and reveals himself to be an excellent businessperson, able to sweet-talk even the most uncompromising thieves into a favorable deal.   The scope of Old Man Kruuk’s operation far exceeds what anyone might suspect—or even what he should be capable of as a single individual. Some rumormongers suggest that Kruuk is a high-ranking member of the Veil, but no one has verified this supposition.   Steam Gardens
Arboretum and Bathhouse   The most luxurious of Ank’Harel’s arboretums, the Steam Gardens are popular because they include a bathhouse and spa. Water from the canals is fed into the gardens’ magically fueled hot springs, which bubble as they release massaging jets of water.   An hour’s visit at the most exclusive spa costs 5 gp. Characters who spend 8 hours eating, luxuriating, and relaxing in the spa awaken the next morning with 1d10 temporary hit points that last for the next 24 hours, in addition to the usual benefits of finishing a long rest.  

Sand-Herald District

The center of military activity and law enforcement in Ank’Harel, the Sand-Herald District houses the headquarters of the Hands of Ord. The organization’s stronghold is a major feature of the district, dwarfed only by the Cerulean Palace.   The residences in the Sand-Herald District are occupied mostly by wealthy folk: powerful merchants, decorated mercenaries who have earned riches by winning tournaments in the Bowl of Judgment, and local celebrities of song and stage. The district is also the site of Ank’Harel’s skyport.   Bowl of Judgment
Combat Tournament Arena   On the north side of the Sand-Herald District, an immense circular depression has been carved into the ground. The Bowl of Judgment is where warriors are made into legends. Sporting tournaments are held here on a regular basis, highlighted by a yearly event known as the Grand Tournament. At each competition, spectators wager on who will be the winner of the upcoming match. Anyone who can pay the entry fee of 20 gp can sign up to compete. Although most bouts end with one participant yielding or falling unconscious, death is always a possible outcome in the Bowl of Judgment.   Sheed Caltor, a chaotic neutral, orc noble, is the suave ringmaster of the Bowl. Sheed is mostly concerned with his image, his income, and his status among the upper crust of Ank’Harel.   Indala Skyport
Skyship Port   Skyship travel is undertaken primarily by those who want to avoid the time and danger of an ocean voyage or a long trek through the desert—and who can afford the cost of such transportation. The Indala Skyport dates to the earliest days of skyship travel. Its central terminal is world-famous for its elaborate stained-glass ceiling, which depicts a mosaic of the surface of Exandria with glowing dots moving across it, representing each skyship the Alsfarin Union currently has in flight.   Outbound flights from the Indala Skyport connect to other major skyports in Exandria, including Vasselheim in Issylra, Port Damali in Wildemount, and Emon and Whitestone in Tal'Dorei.   Ord Bastion
Headquarters of the Hands of Ord   In contrast to the heavily embellished architecture of the Cerulean Palace, the towering walls of Ord Bastion are built from sturdy mud bricks, undecorated except for simple, angular carvings that adorn the tops of the building’s watchtowers.   Ord Bastion serves principally as the barracks and training center for the members of the Hands of Ord, but since membership in the Hands is a life-long commitment, many members have brought their families to live in the bastion, creating a small community bound together by love and loyalty.  

Sigil District

The Sigil District is one of the smaller districts in Ank’Harel but also one of the busiest. People from across the city commute here every day to study at the district’s various centers of learning. From basic skills and trades to the most esoteric arcane ideals, various intellectual pursuits are represented in the Sigil District.    The Allegiance of Allsight is a pervasive presence in this district; many of the faction’s members and affiliates are on the faculties and staffs of these schools. Institutions of learning constructed in Ank’Harel’s infancy abut structures of more modern architecture, and buildings representing cultures from across Exandria are a counterpoint to the grand, Marquesian-style domes of the Crystal Chateau. At the heart of the district is the excavation that leads to Cael Morrow, the mysterious sunken city.   Crystal Chateau
Elite University and Headquarters of the Allegiance of Allsight   An immense structure of smoky quartz and white marble, the Crystal Chateau is a major landmark in the Sigil District. A small stream winds through the gardens around the building before flowing under an opening into the main hall, where the bubbling sound of its water is said to help inspire the highest of thoughts. A white iron fence closes off the premises to all except members of the Allegiance of Allsight.   The Crystal Chateau serves double duty as a university for the teaching of spellcraft and arcane theory and as the center for the Allegiance’s operations. Though not all members of the Allegiance are students or professors at the university, every would-be pupil must first become a member of the faction. Tuition is free, since the Chateau’s expenses are subsidized by the city in the expectation that the university’s graduates will use their gifts to protect Ank’Harel and enhance its prestige across the world.   Jor Raashid, a lawful neutral, halfling scholarly agent, is the gatekeeper for the Crystal Chateau. Suspicious and condescending, Jor sternly prohibits nonmembers from entering the Chateau.   Maw of Cael Morrow
Excavation Site Entrance   What was once a public square has been converted into an excavation site, from where the Allegiance of Allsight conducts its exploration into the ruins of Cael Morrow. The “maw” is a 150-foot-diameter, roped-off hole, admission into which is prohibited to all except for holders of Allegiance of Allsight badges. A ten-foot-wide path spirals down along the edge of the maw, descending hundreds of feet into Cael Morrow.   Protection. A contingent of five lawful neutral Scarbearer veterans patrols the rim of the maw, on the lookout for unauthorized visitors. They are led by a loyal, lawful good, orc scholarly excavator named Hakzorne. He permits only people who display Allegiance badges to enter the maw; Hakzorne gives only one warning before ordering the mercenaries to attack.   Omnival Library
Public Library   Tan stone columns and pointed archways form the circumference of this enormous tower on the northeast side of the Sigil District. Inside, texts from across Exandria fill shelves that line the wall space between the floor and the library’s vaulted gold ceiling. Staircases and magical lifts provide access to the highest shelves, and on the floor sits a mixture of weathered wooden desks and colorful cushions.   Any individual is welcome to borrow from the library, though access to the most esoteric and delicate materials requires the approval of an Allegiance of Allsight headmaster. Recent additions to the library include copies of notes from the latest Cael Morrow expeditions.   The Omnival Library is managed by Bookkeeper Khime, a neutral good, orc mage. He’s convinced that shadowy forces are constantly trying to undermine Ank’Harel, and this penchant for conspiracy theories makes him incredibly observant. He’s an excellent source of information about happenings in the city, despite his wild conclusions.   Teres Schoolhouse
University   The larger and less stringent of the city’s two universities, Teres Schoolhouse offers a curriculum that features practical applications of magic as well as a wide range of trade skills. Its physical presence, though not as imposing as that of the Crystal Chateau, occupies a large portion of the Sigil District, made up of both older buildings of weathered brick and newer structures built from stone quarried from northern Marquet.   Academic schedules at Teres Schoolhouse are typically divided into two semesters, each five months long. The institution also puts on single-session educational seminars that anyone in the city is welcome to attend. As with the Crystal Chateau, tuition at Teres Schoolhouse is free for all residents of Ank’Harel.  

Suncut Bazaar

Crimson banners, hanging flags of all colors, and cloth drapery that provides shade over the crowded streets herald the entrance to the Suncut Bazaar, the center of commerce in Ank’Harel. Awnings stretch above open-air food stalls that offer treats ranging from fresh fruit to sweet semolina cakes to warm meat carved directly off a roasting spit. Most of the densely packed stone buildings are stores that sell artisan goods and shops that buy and sell magic items and nonmagical trinkets. In the center of the district lies the palatial Luck’s Run casino.   Bone Garden
Purveyor of Oddities and Exceptionalities   The clatter of fish-bone wind chimes announces one’s entrance into the Bone Garden: a combination pawn shop, antique store, and repository of strange and misplaced items. The shop, which stands near the main entrance of the bazaar, has become a running joke among the residents of Ank’Harel. Fruitless searches for a missing key or a lost earring often end with the lighthearted comment “It’ll probably end up among the Bones within the week.”   The Bone Garden is run by Rerosha, a chaotic good, human acolyte who’s a nonverbal young woman with a brazen attitude toward life. She uses facial expressions, gestures, and a sassy gray parrot named Akil to communicate.   First Eclipse
Tavern and Headquarters of the Consortium of the Vermilion Dream   In sharp contrast to the glimmering Luck’s Run casino across the street, First Eclipse is notable for its maroon stone walls and ash-black door. Inside, old ale barrels have been turned into tables, and the back wall is covered with painted lids from ales, wine, and liquor casks from across Exandria.   One of these cask lids bears a symbol not associated with any known brewer: a red crescent moon. Servers, if asked about it, are told to explain that this lid represents the “house ale”. In truth, knocking three times on the cask lid reveals a secret door that leads to a hidden storeroom. Members of the Consortium of the Vermilion Dream use this room as a base of operations. (The Consortium changes its headquarters frequently to avoid detection.)   The secret room is little more than a cellar with a long table in it, with a few locked cabinets containing fist-sized chunks of ruidium. It is used only for private mission briefings and rare gatherings of all five of the faction’s masters.   First Eclipse is owned and operated by Satzrak Runestrider, a neutral evil, blue dragonborn occult extollant. He is a loyal member of the faction, and he longs to keep the Consortium headquartered at his place permanently; the group has already used the tavern for three months longer than originally planned, so his hopes are up.   Luck’s Run
World-Renowned Casino   The Luck’s Run casino stands three stories tall and is made of speckled red porphyry and topped with metallic domes in the palatial Marquesian style. After dark, faint purplish light escapes from the slit-like windows of the casino, and the sounds of laughter and music carry into the nearby streets.   Inside the casino, tables draped in crimson cloth fills the floor space, each location crowded with patrons trying their hand at one of the games of chance. Employees dressed in uniforms of dark gray and gold push through the throng while carrying trays of food, drinks, and coin between tables.   The casino is owned and run by Adima Shemsilver, a chaotic neutral, halfling noble who walks with the confidence of someone twice his height. Adima secretly uses half of the casino’s earnings to fund the Veil, as his family has done for generations.   Three of the most popular games at Luck’s Run are described below.   Avandra’s Favor. This dice game has a 25 gp minimum bet. Each participant rolls 2d6 and wins back twice their bet on a roll of 7 or 12. A participant who doesn’t win can roll another d6 and add it to their total by wagering an additional 25 gp. A participant can do this as many times as they want, until they “bust” by accumulating a total higher than 12.   Gambit of Ord. This card game requires a 50 gp initial bet, which goes into a pot in the center of the table. Each participant draws a card, then a second, and then a third. After each draw, each participant has a chance to raise the bet, stand pat, or fold. The participants reveal their hands after the third card is drawn. Whoever has the highest-ranking hand takes the pot.   To simulate the play of this game, have each participant roll dice in secret. At the first draw, all participants roll a d8. The second draw is a d6 roll, and the third is a d4 roll. Then, all reveal their dice, and whoever has the highest total wins.   Quon a Drensal. Also known as “Run of Luck,” this game is a contest of lizard racing. Each player can bet 10 gp or more on a single racer in a field of three, and anyone who backs the winner gets back double the amount wagered. Those who bet on the second-place lizard get back half their wager.   To simulate the play of this game, roll 3d4 for each lizard. The winning lizard is the one with the highest total (ties are possible).   Mystic Pursuits
Arcane Shop   Colorful tapestries frame the entrance to this establishment. Beyond the threshold, silk curtains cover the walls, and magical baubles cover low wooden tables illuminated by scented candles. A soothsayer sits in the back of the room, her deep blue hood pulled down over her eyes and a deck of cards spread out before her—offering an invitation to peer into one’s future, if one so dares.   The “soothsayer” is a charlatan named Amkezne, a chaotic neutral, tiefling mage. She is a Crystal Chateau dropout who makes a living defrauding wide-eyed tourists with her mystical displays and fake enchanted trinkets. Customers who see through her act but treat her with respect can purchase any spell component worth 1,000 gp or less from Amkezne. She also has a collection of fine jewelry for sale, including five gold bracelets (25 gp each), three gem-studded gold rings (250 gp each), and two jewel-encrusted necklaces and tiaras (750 gp each). An invisible stalker watches over this collection and attacks anyone who tries to steal from it.

Guilds and Factions

Numerous political, academic, and criminal factions are active in Ank’Harel. Driven by ambitions both apparent and unseen, these organizations and their rivalries shape the city’s social and political landscape, and they offer opportunities for adventurers to rub shoulders with powerful individuals and thereby enhance their reputations.   Three of the groups have a strong interest in the Apotheon and what he represents: the Allegiance of Allsight, the Consortium of the Vermilion Dream, and the Library of the Cobalt Soul.  

Allegiance of Allsight

“To peer into the past is to illuminate the future.”   Headquarters. The Crystal Chateau, a university in the Sigil District, is the Allegiance’s headquarters.   Leader. The Allegiance is led by two headmasters: the dour James Cryon, an elf, who is also the head of the Crystal Chateau’s program for the arcane arts; and the kindly Gryz Alakritos, a oblin, whose infectious enthusiasm makes him the more popular of the pair.   Allies. The Allegiance and the Library of the Cobalt Soul are staunch allies.   Opponents. The Allegiance opposes the Consortium of the Vermilion Dream and the Sentinels of Memory.   The Allegiance of Allsight is an academic collective known across Marquet. Its original members came to Ank’Harel from across the continent to rebuild the robust academic tradition that defined the elves and orcs of ancient Cael Morrow.   The Allegiance of Allsight is embodied in two of Ank’Harel’s academic institutions: Teres Schoolhouse, the city’s largest center of education, and the Crystal Chateau, an elite school of arcane principles and the center of the Allegiance’s operations. Students from anywhere in Ank’Harel are welcome at Teres Schoolhouse, but the Crystal Chateau’s programs are extremely competitive, and all pupils there are required to join the Allegiance of Allsight.   In recent years, the faction’s leadership has been focused on uncovering the secrets of Cael Morrow, the sunken ruins beneath the city. For decades previously, the headmasters of the Allegiance petitioned J’mon Sa Ord for permission to unseal the long-lost ruins, and finally, the city’s mysterious leader relented. The opening of an entrance to the ruins infuriated the Sentinels of Memory, a minor faction whose members fanatically believe the sunken city is best left forgotten, lest some unknown terror left over from the Calamity be disturbed.  

Consortium of the Vermilion Dream

“Seek the stories others fear to know.”   Headquarters. Consortium members meet in First Eclipse, a tavern in the Suncut Bazaar, and hold private conversations in a secret storeroom there.   Leader. The Consortium is led by a council of five masters. They are Aradrine the Owl, a goliath; Dendarron the Sun Bear, a halfling; Larthul the Wolf, a human; Khelkur the Gull, a neutral evil dwarf; and Vrill the Moth, an elf.   Allies. The Consortium maintains a tenuous alliance with the Sentinels of Memory.   Opponents. The Consortium opposes the Allegiance of Allsight and the Library of the Cobalt Soul.   This group of occult mystics has assembled a membership of like-minded souls from across Exandria. The Consortium of the Vermilion Dream focuses on studying the magic described in folklore that has been dismissed as fanciful by more “proper” institutions. The group takes its name from its foremost object of fascination: Ruidus, the ruddy moon of Exandria that is fabled to bestow ill fortune and suffering upon those who are born, enter into contracts, or begin new ventures under its baleful light.   The Consortium was founded by five influential individuals, all renowned in occult circles from across Exandria, who sought to gain wealth and prestige from their studies. The Consortium is still young, and thus all five of its founders still live. Older academic institutions such as the Allegiance of Allsight and the Library of the Cobalt Soul express concern and sometimes disdain toward the upstart Consortium and its aggressive, profit-driven attitude toward scholarship.   Due to the expensive nature of its research, the Consortium is in constant need of funding. It leans heavily on its members for such support, selling the services of its magically skilled devotees to government officials, wealthy diplomats, and other persons of means. A large portion of its income goes to support the Sentinels of Memory, the Consortium’s tentative ally against the Allegiance of Allsight.  

Library of the Cobalt Soul

“Reason. Knowledge. Truth.”   Leader. At 29 years old, Jamil A’alithiya, a human, is the youngest monastic high curator in the history of the Cobalt Soul. He is often underestimated by his contemporaries and uses that fact to his advantage.   Allies. The Cobalt Soul maintains alliances with the Allegiance of Allsight and the Hands of Ord.   Opponents. The Cobalt Soul opposes the Consortium of the Vermilion Dream.   The Library of the Cobalt Soul was founded in the heart of Wildemount centuries ago, before any of the nations that currently wage war over that land were born. Its archivists have stood strong against conflict, propaganda, and upheaval during all this time in their dogged hunt for the truth. Their mission has spread across Exandria, with advocates in various locales defying local governments in the pursuit of truth.   The Cobalt Soul founded the Temple of the Mentor in Ank’Harel nearly 150 years ago. The archivists here focus on rooting out evil in the city’s civilian factions—principally the Consortium of the Vermilion Dream, whose members reportedly wield magic weapons made of some strange, red mineral the likes of which no Cobalt Soul archivist has ever seen.   The faction is wary of the Allegiance of Allsight’s fascination with Cael Morrow, but as fellow academic institutions, the Allegiance of Allsight and the Cobalt Soul work together most of the time, sharing resources from their libraries.   Headquarters. The Marquesian branch of the Library of the Cobalt Soul is based at the Temple of the Mentor—a temple of Ioun the Knowing Mentor—in the Guided District.  

Hands of Ord

“By the code of Ord, we stand vigilant.”   Headquarters. The city guard is based in Ord Bastion in the Sand-Herald District.   Leader. Ironhand Sem, a minotaur, commands the Hands of Ord and oversees all military operations in Ank’Harel.   Allies. The Hands of Ord and the Library of the Cobalt Soul are staunch allies.   Opponents. The Hands of Ord aim to root out and destroy the Veil (see below).   Established four hundred years ago by J’mon Sa Ord, the Hands of Ord are a peacekeeping order of desert warriors who have long watched over Ank’Harel and kept the city safe and stable.   The order is governed by the code of Ord, which is the backbone of the city’s legal system. Members of the Hands dedicate their lives to the city and the code, and many come from a long, respected bloodline of previous Hands. Well-appointed barracks in the Sand-Herald District provide members of the Hands with a comfortable home; places of worship; and sources of food, armor, and weapons.   Despite their best efforts, the Hands of Ord have failed to thwart the Veil, the crime syndicate that pervades Ank’Harel society.  


“We do not break.”   Headquarters. The Bowl of Judgment, an arena in the Sand-Herald District used for combat tournaments, is the Scarbearers’ headquarters.   Leader. Once a mercenary in his own right, Quartermaster Croog Lynn, a goliath gladiator, has now taken to running the guild in his later years.   Allies. None.   Opponents. None.   The Scarbearers are the most famous mercenary company in Ank’Harel. Named for the scars their founders displayed to J’mon Sa Ord as proof of their service to the realm, the Scarbearers occupy an honorable position in Marquesian society. They often take high-profile jobs, such as serving as bodyguards for diplomats and protecting caravans and expeditions into the desert. The members promote themselves as a guild that respects honor and guidelines, but they often come across as brash, thuggish fighters who are out for a paycheck.   In addition to their mercenary exploits, the Scarbearers also supervise the tournaments that take place in the Bowl of Judgment.  

Sentinels of Memory

“Let the past die in peace.”   Headquarters. The Tower of Memory in the Guided District is the meeting place for the Sentinels of Memory.   Leader. Watcher Trast, an elf priest and a former cleric of Ioun, founded the Sentinels of Memory and maintains command over the faction to this day.   Allies. The Sentinels are allied with the Consortium of the Vermilion Dream.   Opponents. The Sentinels oppose the Allegiance of Allsight.   The Sentinels of Memory are a group of fanatics who believe the sunken city beneath Ank’Harel isn’t some grand ancient wonder—it’s a prison that must be kept sealed at all costs. Citing the lack of recorded history about Cael Morrow as proof that powerful forces wanted to expunge the city from memory, the Sentinels of Memory are willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that no one speaks of that ill-fated city ever again.   Since they oppose the excavation of Cael Morrow, the Sentinels of Memory are constantly at odds with the Allegiance of Allsight. Though their efforts to date have mostly been political, some of their members have been connected to violent acts intended to thwart the excavation efforts.   Recently, the Consortium of the Vermilion Dream has been supplying the Sentinels of Memory with funds and agents to support the Sentinels’ conflict against the Allegiance of Allsight. The Sentinels are grateful for the aid but treat the Consortium with caution, suspecting the faction has ulterior motives.  

The Veil

“Welcome to the other side.”   Headquarters. None.   Leader. Twenty-year-old Ilena Hapayhari, a human assassin and ruthless pirate from the western coast of Marquet, recently disposed of the Veil’s old leadership. She now rules the Veil from the shadows, though only high-ranking members are privy to this knowledge.   Allies. None.   Opponents. The Veil opposes the Hands of Ord.   A secret network of spies, thieves, and assassins, the Veil is the largest crime syndicate in Ank’Harel. It is the chaotic counterpoint to the order of the Hands of Ord.   Not much is publicly known about the Veil; the identities and personal details of its members are kept secret even among the group, and those who let such secrets slip are often found murdered before they can be apprehended. The Veil has no permanent headquarters in the city, constantly changing bases to cover its trail.  

Alsfarin Union

"With an Alsfarin skyship, even you can touch the clouds."   Headquarters. The Alsfarin Union Shipyard in the Ridge district   Leader. Ahmad Alsfarin, a human man in his late sixties   The Alsfarin Union is the sole producer of skyships in Exandria. It retains complete right to the maintenance of all skyships in the world, and only rarely does it sell skyships to foreign businesses. The guild also holds tight control over the sourcing and distribution of brumestone, a mineral that enables levitation, and keeps the enchantments required to produce and maintain it a closely guarded secret.  

Armorers Guild

"Keeping everyone alive whether they like it or not."   Headquarters. The Metal House guildhall and smithy in the Ridge district   Leaders. A group of five master armorsmiths runs the Armorers Guild: Kamyar Nassour, a 29-year-old human male originally from Jrusar; Mahdi Kasebi, a wood elf who studied masters in Syngorn and Port Zoon to round out his skilset; Atena Rouhani, a middle-aged half-orc who specializes in ceremonial armor design; and Saman and Shalah Golzar, twin half-elves born in distant Bassuras whose familiarity with rough-and-tumble street fighting has proved invaluable for shoring up weaknesses.   Allies. The Armorers Guild has a strong reputation among the guilds and unions of the Ridge. It works especially closely with the Scarbearers and is their primary resource for armor acquisition and repair.   Opponents. The guild has a long-standing rivalry with the Iron Skin Union, a small guild of armorers best known for outfitting the Hand of Ord—a much-coveted position of favor.   Founded in the early days of Ank'Harel, the Armorers Guild is the primary source of armor production and repair within the city. Less a guild in the northern continental sense and more a unifying collective, the Armorers Guild regulates the quality and prices of member smiths' products and works with government officials to protect its members' rights and status. Apprenticeships can be purchased for 10 gp, on the condition that a member smith is willing to take the student on. Journeymen from across the Ridge may work under the supervision of any of the guild's master smiths, while those from other city-states and continents must first prove their skill to one of the leading masters. Master armorsmiths from across Exandria are welcome to join the guild and set up shop on the Ridge immediately.  

Iron Skin Union

"Armor so light and sturdy it feels like a second skin."   Headquarters. Sadiq Armory, a smithy in the Ridge district   Leader. Jamileh Sadiq, a middle-aged uniya, inherited the armory and the union from her father, Ghazal, fifteen years ago.   Allies. The Iron Skin Union is proud to have been the official armorers of the Hand of Ord for the last two hundred years.   Opponents. Many aspiring armorsmiths apply to apprentice at the union but are turned away until they reach journeyman or master status. Most go on to join the Armorers Guild instead, and while they may go on to become incredible craftsmen, there is a large community of smiths who resent the Iron Skin Union for their exclusivity.   As the official armor supplier for the Hand of Ord, the Iron Skin Union holds a unique position within Ank'Harel's community of artisans. They are both admired for their signature lightweight yet sturdy craftsmanship and resented for their high standards for entry.  

Bladesmiths Guild

"For every home a soldier. For every knight a sword."   Headquarters. Rumedam Swordsmiths, a large smithy located on the northeastern end of the Ridge, serves double duty as the guild's base of operations.   Leader. Azita Hayati, a female katari in her late thirties, runs both Rumedam Swordsmiths and the Bladesmiths Guild.   Allies. Bladesmiths from the guild arm the Hand of Ord, the Scarbearers, and adventurers alike, and have a mutually supportive relationship with the Armorers Guild.   Opponents. The Bladesmiths Guild has been trying to recruit the Taks, the family that runs the Sunfire Forge, since the smithy's creation, in part due to its members jealousy of the Sunfire Forge's incredible quality. However, the Taks guard the secret to their liquid sunlight closely, making them one of the few independent competitors to the guild within Ank'Harel.   The Bladesmiths Guild is a unifying organization that provides materials, tools, maintenance, and political protection for the swordsmiths of the Ridge.  

Ceremonial Armorers Collective

"The greatest weapon is the one you never have to use."   Headquarters. Stand on Ceremony Guild Hall   Leader. Q'il Sehat, a 63-year-old nonbinary human   The Ceremonial Armorers Collective is a small guild of ten smithies that specialize in decorative blades, armor, and shields. Although their work is a source of mockery among other guilds, the artisans of the collective pride themselves on creating works of art that make their wearers look beautiful, inspire soldiers and civilians to new heights, and will never harm a living creature.


Ank’Harel lies in the center of a vast desert, nestled among clay-rich mountains. Three of these peaks have been leveled off at different elevations to form the Ridge, the Guided District, and the Cerulean Palace. Canals filled with fresh water circulate through the River District, branching outward from the nexus of the oasis.  
Founding Date
c. 400 P.D.
Alternative Name(s)
The Jewel of Hope
293,500 (predominantly humans, orcs, and elves)
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