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The Dawn City

Vasselheim is the capital of human civilization on the continent of Issylra. It is predominantly a religious city with several districts, each dedicated to a patron deity. Vasselheim is sometimes called the Dawn City, the Cradle of Faith, or the Cradle of Creation, as it is considered the origin of civilization and various religions.  


The people of Vasselheim are generally rugged and stern. Many wear patchwork furs and have unkempt hair. The pious lifestyles and brutal environment of the Northwest make for hard living. Vasselheim has many guards, collectively called "the Bastion", that consist of volunteers from the various religions. The Bastions primarily operate within their respective districts but also serve as the militia if the city were to be attacked.   Arcane Magic is largely frowned upon in Vasselheim. Mages aren't trusted, due to the fallout after the Age of Arcanum, so any public display of semi-powerful magic that isn't divine in nature will draw attention and require an explanation by the keepers of order. Small fines and minor jail time may ensue.   The city's government is a theocracy. Each district of the city—and more importantly, the gods they represent—have equal status. As one Bastion put it, "Vasselheim is a divided and united city, as one." Each district is self-governed by the highest lord of its priesthood, whom they call the "Dawn Marshal". In matters concerning the city as a whole, the Dawn Marshals meet in council to debate and decide on the matter (i.e. when the representatives of the various priesthoods met in the Platinum Sanctuary when Vecna threatened Vasselheim).  

Notable Individuals

Aside from the Dawn Marshals, several individuals hold particular power or influence within the city.  

Highbearer Vord the Silvertouched

Lawful good, male high elf   A very old elf who has aged very gracefully, Highbearer Vord serves as the spiritual leader of the Order of Bahamut in Vasselheim. He has seen many powers threaten Vasselheim in his lifetime, and as such he has full confidence in the city's ability to withstand any attack. When the Chroma Conclave invaded Tal'Dorei, he refused to involve his temple or his city in its rebuttal, believing they could never truly pose a threat to Vasselheim. Their defeat, and Vasselheim's continued safety even after Vecna's subsequent assault, has only reinforced this commitment.  

Earthbreaker Groon

Neutral good, male human   Earthbreaker Groon is a monk, the Dawn Marshal of the Braving Grounds District, and the highest religious leader of the church of Kord in Vasselheim. His place of worship is the Trial Forge, a temple to Kord that also serves as a meditation and physical training center. In addition to his reputation as a powerful warrior, Groon is respected throughout the city for his vast wisdom, which often comes alongside knowledge granted by Kord through deep meditation.  

Holy Curator Curtis Uleas

Lawful neutral, male human   Originally hailing from Zadash, Curtis serves as the Holy Curator of the temple of the Lawbearer in Vasselheim. He is well-known for his conservative views, most notably demonstrated in his objection to Allura Vysoren's offer to transport a strike team to Thar Amphala during the Whispered One's assault.  

Pike Trickfoot

Chaotic neutral, female gnome   A member of the famous adventuring party Vox Machina, a war cleric, and a Chosen of Sarenrae, Pike is responsible for much of the restoration of the temple of the Everlight in Vasselheim. Pike presents a curious dichotomy of great gentleness in conversation and gleeful violence in battle that confuses many outsiders. Though she currently lives in Westruun with her husband, Scanlan Trickfoot, and her best friend, Grog Strongjaw, Pike returns to Vasselheim annually on pilgrimage and is often consulted by the temple's clergy for advice.  

The Maidens of the Raven Queen

Lawful neutral, female humans   These nameless twins speak on behalf of the Raven Queen in the Raven's Crest. Together, they are considered the de facto Dawn Marshal of the Dusk Meadow.

Industry & Trade

Vasselheim proudly exports enchanted potions, and Mertin Cyndrial claims that most potions one would see throughout the world in some way, shape, or form originated in Vasselheim.   The city has a large mining operation for cobalt in the mountain. Many of the stores tend to sell supplies for miners and workers that operate in the mountain.


Vasselheim is the oldest known bastion of civilization in the world. Most human (and perhaps pre-elf and pre-dwarf) civilization stemmed from this city, which is believed to be tens of thousands of years old. The oldest temples to the main deities of good and neutrality have been uncovered within the city, and as such it is considered the holiest place in the modern world. It has therefore been through many wars and conflicts. Those that live within it do so because they feel that they can fight against this, and they call it a privilege to exist in this harsh landscape as devotion to their respective deities. Because it is such a holy place, the arcane is considered profane in public and very carefully controlled otherwise.   The city of Vasselheim is the only city to have survived every catastrophe that has destroyed Exandria, from the elemental chaos of its Founding to the wars between gods during the Calamity. As the oldest civilization and center of religion in the world, Vasselheim is functionally the spiritual center of the world.  

The Battle of Vasselheim

When Vecna ascended to godhood, he made Vasselheim his primary target. His "miracle" to prove his divinity and recruit more worshipers would be to destroy the spiritual center of the Prime Deities and literally place his own city, Thar Amphala, on top of the rubble. The council of Vasselheim sent word across Exandria, requesting aid. J'mon Sa Ord eagerly offered aid from Ank'Harel, bringing all the Hands of Ord to Vasselheim, and Tal'Dorei pledged their support as well. However, King Bertrand Dwendal refused to mobilize against Vecna until the threat was confirmed to have reached Wildemount and the borders of the Dwendalian Empire.   Vecna had reanimated a deceased Earth Titan and placed Thar Amphala atop it. While Vox Machina stealthily made their way up through the Crypts of Thomara inside the titan, the allied forces fought against Vecna's forces. An arcane barrier guarded Thar Amphala from exterior assault, so Vox Machina's mission to banish Vecna with the Tome of Isolation became imperative.   As Vox Machina battled the Whispered One atop the ruined Tower of Entropis, the Earth Titan had reached the outskirts of Vasselheim and had begun smashing the Braving Grounds district. When Vecna was banished beyond the Divine Gate, the Earth Titan ceased to be reanimated. It fell to its knees and remained motionless where it had been standing: at the base of the Heaven's Stair.   With the defeat of Vecna, the city rejoiced and Vox Machina were hailed as the saviors of Vasselheim, if not all of Exandria.


Located in the region of Othanzia, the city itself is built around a massive mountain called the Heaven's Stair approximately 20–30 miles inland from the Ozmit Sea. Vasselheim has many walls, varying in age and composition, armed with dragon-headed ballistae. The streets are unpaved and made mostly of packed mud. The only conventional way to enter the city is by foot, as the journey to Vasselheim is considered a religious pilgrimage. In the case of an emergency, a haphazard airship platform has been constructed on top of a mill.  

Silver Talon's Reach

The Silver Talon's Reach is a district dedicated to the worship of Bahamut. The priesthood for this district are the Scalebearers.
  • Heaven's Stair: A giant mountain that bisects the northern portion of Vasselheim . It looks over the entirety of the city.
  • The Platinum Sanctuary: The oldest known temple to Bahamut in the world. The Horn of Orcus that Vox Machina recovered from K'Varn is interred here.

The Braving Grounds

The Braving Grounds District is dedicated to the worship of Kord. Its priesthood is the warriors of the Dawn Fist. The Glasswalk Road leads into the Braving Grounds. It runs north from the city into the Vesper Timberlands.
  • The Crucible: An arena fighting pit where Grog challenged the previously reigning champion, known as Kern "the Hammer".
  • Statue of Kord: Atop the Trial Forge, a gargantuan statue of Kord loomed over the entire district. The statue depicted a musclebound titan of a figure standing heroically with a giant beard, bracers on his arms, and one knee raised.
  • The Trial Forge: The local sacred temple to the patron god, Kord. It also served as a meditation and physical training center.
  • The Temple of Renewal: A recently discovered ancient temple of Sarenrae within the Braving Grounds. It had been buried under the fallen tower of Syrac. Pike Trickfoot led this temple's restoration efforts after arriving at Vasselheim and before returning to Emon. Though Sarenrae's following and priesthood in the city are much smaller than those of other districts, Pike is still afforded the same respect as any other Dawn Marshal.

The Quadroads

The Quadroads District is dedicated to the veneration of Erathis. Its priesthood is known as the Holy Paramours.
  • The Crown of Erathis: The temple to Erathis in the Quadroads, overseen by a priesthood known as the "Holy Paramours"
  • The Slayer's Take: A local hunting guild
  • Forscythia's Shop: The home of the hag Forscythia.

The Abundant Terrace

The Abundant Terrace is dedicated to the worship of Melora, goddess of the wilderness and the sea. The priesthood for this district are the Gladekeepers.
  • The Birthheart: the main temple to Melora, which is an ascending series of tiered and irrigated gardens

The Dusk Meadow

Duskmeadow District is dedicated to the worship of the goddess of death, the Raven Queen. Its priesthood is the leaderless order of dark-veiled maidens of the Raven Queen known as the Trust of Winter.
  • Raven's Crest: The Gothic cathedral dedicated to the worship of the Raven Queen
  • The Amaranthine Oubliette: The prison of Vasselheim
  • The Catacombs: An underground structure in which the dead of Vasselheim are interred
  • The Velvet Cabaret: A place of leisure for wealthy guests

Notable Locations

  • The Cobalt Vault: This archive of the Cobalt Soul is one of Exandria's leading libraries, ranking with that in Rexxentrum on the continent of Wildemount. The High Curator of Vasselheim shares dual and equal leadership over the entire structure of the Cobalt Soul with the High Curator of Rexxentrum, Yudala Fon.
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