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Nestled between an arc of mountains and the River Inferno, this strange patch of wilderness on the island Foren has sparked countless rumors. Although it may be difficult to tell from inside, Mutalos forms a perfect circle thirty miles in diameter, with a strange black obelisk precisely at its center. The wildfolk of Foren avoid this region at all costs, for every morning at dawn Mutalos' environment suddenly changes. In a matter of moments, snow turns to sand and sand turns to swamp as Mutalos shifts from any one habitat to another. Attempts to discern a logic or pattern to the changes have all failed.   As the region can become an icy tundra, unsuspecting explorers may find themselves in the middle of a sea when the sun rises. Indeed, many small expeditionary teams have been lost to Mutalos' shifting landscapes and the beasts that roam therein. One such team, led by the illustrious Professor Gulgrim Shalebrow, left Syrinlya over two months ago and has not returned.


Each day at dawn, the environment of Mutalos changes to one of the following habitats: arctic, desert, forest, grassland, hill, mountain, ocean, or swamp. Each habitat forms exactly the same way each time, although the same cannot be said for the creatures within. No matter what habitat takes hold, two landmarks remain consistent: the large black obelisk at the center and the ancient, half-buried temple to the northeast.

Fauna & Flora

When the environment of Mutalos changes, so do its inhabitants. At dawn, a mountainous region filled with kobolds, goats, and ogres might become a swamp inhabited by lizardfolk, rats, and yuan-ti. It is unknown where exactly these creatures come from and where they go when the reasons change. The most popular theory at present is that they are created and destroyed by this strange magic.   It is also unknown if the same creatures reappear with thet same habitats or if the creatures are always new to Mutlaos. The origin of the region's chanages likely holds the answers to these questions.   Occasionally, a creature that appears in Mutalos leaves the borders of the region. When this occurs, the creature becomes untethered from the magic that brought it to Foren and remains in Eiselcross even after Mutalos' environment changes. Many creatures from other habitats don't tlast for long in the arctic wastes, but a fewe are smart or strong enough to survive.   A recent expedition led by Professor Gulgrim Shalebrow uncovered a singular exception to this rule of creation and destruction: a colony of Mousefolk, known as Squeakers, live continuously in Mutalos' grasslands. For them, one day leads into the next as continously as it does across Exandria. Apparently, the Squeakers have no idea that the region ever changes—or, by extension, that time passes between the days they experience. Depending on the pattern in which the terraforming magic occurs, entire weeks may pass without the Squeakers knowing it.
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