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Tomb of the Worm

Three decades ago, a clan of wildfolk on Gelier found the exposed body of Quajath the Undermaw poking through the wall of an icy cave. These accessible sections of the worm peek through the cave’s ceiling and walls, and are still attached to the worm. The wildfolk who discovered this place consumed the Undermaw’s exposed meat and found that it regrew. They now live in the cave, enjoying the easy, renewable source of food, and are now fully under the sway of the Undermaw. They invite others to join them, calling themselves wormkin.   The people living in the Tomb of the Worm work together in harmony. Galgonos (chaotic neutral, male, human cult fanatic with the wormkin template described below) is the leader of the settlement, and he organizes parties of wormkin that search Gelier and the rest of Eiselcross for more wildfolk to join their ranks. Outsiders often find the settlement charming because of how well the villagers get along, though a character who succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check can tell that the wormkin are more dangerous than they appear. The villagers offer the Undermaw’s meat to visitors and force-feed it to those who refuse but would make worthy additions to the Undermaw’s army.   The wormkin have two goals: grow their numbers and free Quajath from the ice. What Quajath plans to have its followers do once it leaves the ice is known only to the Undermaw.  

Wormkin Template

Humanoids that consume the Undermaw’s flesh ten or fewer days after it has been removed from Quajath must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become wormkin 1d6 hours later. Wormkin can be identified by the black veins that cover their appendages and neck. Characters who become wormkin might become NPCs at the DM’s discretion. A greater restoration spell or similar magic removes all the wormkin features from a creature, restoring it to its original state. Wormkin gain the following features:   Alignment. The creature’s alignment becomes chaotic neutral.   Connected to Quajath. No matter where the creature is, Quajath can read the creature’s every thought and memory and speak with the creature telepathically. Quajath can also access the creature’s senses and perceive what the creature perceives. As a bonus action, Quajath can take direct control of the creature, choosing the actions, bonus action, reactions, and movement the creature takes until Quajath ends this control as a bonus action.   Magic Resistance. The creature has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.   Regeneration. If the creature has at least 1 hit point, it regains 5 hit points at the start of its turn.


83% humans, 17% halflings


Quajath commands the settlement’s inhabitants telepathically, though a cult fanatic named Galgonos serves as the Tomb of the Worm’s leader for day-to-day operations.


All adult inhabitants in the Tomb of the Worm are capable combatants.

Industry & Trade

The Tomb of the Worm has no commerce, though Quajath’s meat is offered freely to travelers.

Guilds and Factions

The wildfolk that live here serve only Quajath, but they are friendly toward explorers from the Kryn Dynasty.
Location under

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