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Thick with humid air stinking of stale water and mildewed wood, the marshland of the Othemoor is considered by most outsiders to be an unpleasant place filled with nasty creatures and sinister trees. As unwelcoming as the landscape might be, the minerals of the bog mud are known to have restorative properties, and a number of extremely rare plants and roots that only grow in the Othemoor have become popular in modern medicine, as well as meals within affluent social circles. The marsh is large and ancient, and has swallowed many secrets over the millennia, some of which have been known to rise to the top of the muck unexpectedly.  

Herbs of the Othemoor

The rich, primal nature of the Othemoor marsh nurtures a number of rare and highly sought-after grasses and herbs. Herbalists, alchemists, and spice traders often visit Othe to bolster their stores. Below are a number of the herbal goods often found for sale within Othe:  
  • Theki Root. This thick marsh root tastes bitter but is thought to aid digestive health. When you use an action to consume a dose, you gain advantage on saving throws against the effects of poisonous or toxic substances for 8 hours. Cost: 3 gp per dose.
  • Muroosa Balm. This paste made from the muroosa bush is known to help prevent sunburn, but it is also a fire retardant. After spending 1 minute applying a quarter pint of muroosa balm to your skin, you gain resistance against fire damage for 1 hour. Cost: 1 gp per dose for sunburn, 100 gp for a full application against fire.
  • Olisuba Leaf. These dried leaves of the Olisuba tree, when steeped to make a tea, can help a body recover from strenuous activity. If you drink a dose of Olisuba tea during a long rest, your exhaustion level is reduced by 2 instead of 1 at the end of that long rest. Cost: 50 gp per dose.
  • Willowshade Oil. A dark blue oil can be extracted from the rare fruit of the willowshade plant. A creature can use its action to apply the oil to another creature that has been petrified for less than 1 minute, causing the petrified condition on that creature to end at the start of what would be that creature’s next turn. Cost: 30 gp per dose.
Wetland / Swamp
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