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Rifenmist Jungle

Where the Verdant Expanse is a massive landscape of fey-touched forest, the shadowed groves and glittering paths belying the threatening nature of the wood, the Rifenmist Jungle stands as an endless tangled mass of unchecked natural chaos. Many elves call this lush landscape their home, particularly those of the nomadic Orroyen Tribes. There is no doubt that this jungle is as magical and mysterious as Tal'Dorei's temperate forests, for the jungle's greenery is home to countless mystical spirits, ferocious monsters, and arcane mysteries. The vine-strangled floors of the jungle are clustered with swollen trunks, spine-laden ferns, and carnivorous plant life that waits for the unknowing wanderer to make an incorrect step.   The sweltering heat of the sun-baked peninsula grows even more oppressive beneath the jungle's humid canopy. Clusters of venemous insects buzz through the mist-shrouded trees, alongside large lizards and wild beasts in search of carrion. Sunken valleys lead to pockets of marshland or quicksand pit traps, while others are wrought with a dire, spreading fungus. Those who have lived all their lives in this environment know its dangers well and have hundreds of years of precautions to take against them. On the other hand, those who venture into the jungle from northern Tal'Dorei rarely return, and those who do warn others never to make the same mistake.   The farther south one travels into Rifenmist, the denser the jungle grows, and no northern explorer has completed even a rudimentary map of this humid land. Though some elves and humans of northern Tal'Dorei have attempted to colonize the jungles for their vast resources, they have been quickly rebuffed by the Orroyen elves of the jungle. Their message is clear: no cities are to be built south of the jungle's edge—and if the northern joungles are cleared or burned, the trees' vengeance will be swift and just.  The Tal'Dorei Council reacted quickly, too—the elves of the jungle are to be heeded. The few settlers who have joined the Free Folk of the Mornset Countryside are deeply superstitious about the southern jungles, and rarely travel there except to respectfully parley with their Orroyen allies.   Even the Iron Authority, which has been at war with the trees of the jungle for decades, has not managed to destroy their foe. The Orroyen nomads fear the conquerors of the Beynsfal Plateus and the massive armies with which their authoritarian leaders supply them. Their raidsebb and flow as imperial leaders rise and fall. Each new era begins with a bold and cruel warlord rallying their people against their age-old enemy. War is waged, and countless innocents and Authority soldiers perish in a senseless fight. And then resources run low, morale dips, and the legions return to the Beynsfal Plateau to lick their wounds.   Legend holds that the jungle will never die so long as even one of the Orroyen lives within it. So far, history has only proven the jungle's enduring strength.  
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