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Shattered Teeth

"If Domunas is the smile of Exandria, then let's shatter her teeth."

Should one wish to brave the perilous waters far south of Wildemount, past the dangerous, perpetual fog bank called the Fool’s Curtain, they might discover themselves adrift among a cluster of forty-three islands known as the Shattered Teeth.   Long ago, in the days of the Founding and the Age of Arcanum, the continent of Domunas was known as the smile of Exandria. It was home to a mountain called Ygora, whose peak was removed to create a flying city known as Avalir. Avalir traveled the planet, following the arcane ley lines that gave life to the world and collecting aether as it visited one city after another for trade. Once every seven years, Avalir returned to her sister city, Cathmoíra, which remained earthbound on the plateau where Ygora's peak once stood, and deposited much of its gathered aether into the mountain while it enjoyed a month of Replenishment. When Asmodeus broke free of his extraplanar prison following Vespin Chloras' ritual, he intended to release a pair of powerful Primordials from their prison beneath Mount Ygora, but for reasons long since lost to time, his plan failed. Instead, Cathmoíra and her massive stores of aether exploded, shattering the continent and spewing ash across Exandria. All that remained of Domunas was a scattered archipelago that eventually became known as the Shattered Teeth.   Varying in size from small, mile-wide reef-toppers to large islands like Ruukva that hold entire cities, this archipelago is largely governed by two contentious societies. The Ossended Host is a culture of fishing folk dedicated to isolationism and enlightenment through the worship of dreams and nightmares. The Wanderman Assembly, a centuries-old trade company from the Menagerie Coast that formed after its members were stranded across the Shattered Teeth by a hurricane, is a capitalistic society that barely conceals its ruthlessness under the banner of honor and brotherhood. Tension between these societies has led to bloodshed in recent years, with each group convinced that the other is bent on the destruction of its way of life.
Alternative Name(s)
Dvona's Necklace
Included Organizations

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Author's Notes

While the governments, map, and architectural styles of the Shattered Teeth are true to the canon lore of Critical Role, the DM has greatly expanded on these tidbits to create a unique world with multiple sources of inspiriation. In this section of the gazetteer, you can expect to find inspiration from the Legend of the Five Rings roleplaying game, Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, The Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica, Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft, and many other fascinating pieces of media. Go check them out!

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